Assignment 3 (100%)
Question 1 (30%)
An anagram is a string formed from another string by rearranging the latter’s symbols. For example, 1243 and 1423 are anagrams of 1234, eat and ate are anagrams of tea, and AABC is an anagram of ABCA. Write the following programs for detecting anagrams. 1.1 A program to implement a brute force algorithm. (10%)
1.2 A more efficient program based on the presorting technique. (20%)
When a program is executed, it reads in the 30000 strings in file data 4.txt, prompts for a string, finds all the anagrams of the string in the file (not including the string), displays the anagrams, and reports the total number of anagrams found. A program is required to report the running time for each search (for 1.1 search time, and for 1.2 sorting and search time separately). The running time should not include the time for reading the file.
Question 2 (70%)
Write the following programs for string search:
2.1 A program to implement a brute force algorithm. (10%)
2.2 A program to implement the Horspool’s algorithm. (20%)
2.3 A program to implement the Boyer-Moore algorithm. (30%)
The text is in file data 5.txt, which has 44049 lines of strings. A search patterns includes the 52 upper and lower case letters only. Search is case-sensitive. When a program is executed, it reads in the text, prompts for a pattern, finds all the occurrences of the pattern in the text, and reports the total number of occurrences found. Don’t remove any symbols (characters) from the text. A program is required to report the number of pattern shifts and running time for each search.
2.4 Analyze performance of your brute force and Horspool programs. (10%)
The performance parameters are the number of pattern shifts and running time. To compare two programs, choose ten search patterns of different lengths, and search them by using the programs separately. For each pattern, calculate the ratios of the performance parameters of the two programs. Then, for all the ten patterns, calculate average ratios, and compare and analyze the performance of the two programs in terms of the ratios. Very briefly write your comparison and analysis in the readme file submitted with your programs.
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