CIS3530 – Worksheet

$ 20.99


a. Create an instance for Emp using the following information:
Name: Harry
Address: 50 Stone Wall
Phone numbers: {519 999 8888, 647 999 2233}
BeersLiked: {Brahma, Heineken, Coors Light}

Name: Ansh
Address: 3550 Mississauga Road
Phone numbers: {647 000 1111, 416 321 4133}
BeersLiked: {Brahma}

b. What is the result of:
c. find all multivalued and functional dependencies of Emp, if any. Assume that the key is (name, PhoneNumbers, BeersLiked).

d. Decompose Emp to smaller relations such that there are no more MVDs in any of the smaller relations and all smaller relations are now in 3Nf and 4NF. Prove that the decomposition is non-loss.

Question 3: CAR_SALE( Car#, Date_sold, Salesman#, Commision%, Discount_amt)
Salesman# ->commission%

Based on the given primary key, is this relation in BCNF? Why or why not? How would you successively normalize it completely?


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