CMI – Introduction to Programming: Assignment 3 (Solution)

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Important Instructions:
• Submit your solution in a single file named loginid.3.hs on Moodle. For example, if I were to submit a solution, the file would be called spsuresh.3.hs.
• Please remember to rename your file to loginid.3.hs before submitting.
• Deviation from the instructions will result in marks being reduced.
• If your Haskell file does not compile, or if your function names differ from the ones I havespecified (ensure that you use the exact sequence of small letters and capital letters), you will receive no marks.

1. A group of n children labelled [1F.n] are playing a counting out game with parameter k, to select a leader among themselves. The game proceeds as follows:
• The children form a circle.
• Child 1 is marked as an invalid candidate.
• Ignoring the invalid children, the child who is k places (modulo the number of valid children) to the right of the last invalid child is again marked invalid.
• The process is repeated until all but one child are marked invalid.
• The last remaining child is selected as the leader
Here are the steps of the process run with 5 children and k=2:
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Define selectLeader F: Int F> Int F> Int such that selectleader n k is the label of the leader selected when the process starts with n children and parameter k.
Sample cases:
selectLeader 100 5 = 43 selectLeader 5 2 = 2 selectLeader 10 5 = 9
2. Modify the above program to define selectLeader’ F: Int F> Int F> [[Int]] which generates all the lists in order as you play the game.
Sample cases:
selectLeader’ 10 5 = [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], [ 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
[ 2,3,4,5, 7,8,9,10], [ 3,4,5, 7,8,9,10], [ 3,4,5, 7, 9,10], [ 3,4, 7, 9,10], [ 3, 7, 9,10], [ 3, 9,10],
[ 3, 9 ],
[ 9 ]]
selectLeader’ 9 4 = [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], [ 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], [ 2,3,4, 6,7,8,9],
[ 2,3,4, 7,8 ], [ 2, 4, 7,8 ], [ 4, 7,8 ],
[ 7,8 ],
[ 7 ]]
I have formatted the output for clarity. You just need to produce a list of list of integers.
3. This problem is related to rational numbers and their continued fraction representation.
RationalnumbersarerepresentedusingthedatatypeRational inHaskell. Theratiop/qisrepresented using the (%) operator defined in Data.Ratio. Acquaint yourself with the functions numerator and denominator defined in Data.Ratio. (Note: numerator rat can be positive or negative, but denominator rat is always positive.) Also try out the function fromIntegral on various test cases in ghci.
A finite continued fraction is any expression of the form
1 a0 + a2 + ··· an
where a0 is an integer and each ai is a positive integer, for i ≥ 1. This is succinctly represented as the list [a0;a1,a2,…,an]. (Note the semicolon after the first entry.) A finite continued fraction can be calculated to a rational of the form p q. On the other hand, every rational number can be expressed as a finite continued fraction. For example, the rational number can be rendered as a continued fraction using the following steps:
= 1 +
= 1 +

= 1 +
2 +
= 1 +
2 +

= 1 +
= 1 +
= 1 +
Thus one continued fraction corresponding to is [1;2,1,4,2]. A continued fraction corresponding to − is [−2;1,3,5]. The continued fraction representation is not unique. For instance, both [0;1,1,1,1] and [0;1,1,2] represent .
Define a function computeRat F: [Integer] F> Rational that takes a nonempty list of integers, such that all but the first element are positive, and returns the rational number corresponding to it.
Define a function cf F: Rational F> [Integer] that takes a rational number as input and returns a continued fraction corresponding to it.
Sample cases: (Since there are multiple answers possible for cf, the cases below are only indicative. We will check the correctness of your solution by actually computing the inverse and checking.)
cf (33%42) = [0,1,3,1,2]
cf (22%7) = [3,7]
cf (23%7) = [3,3,2]
cf (26%21) = [1,4,5]
cf (-26%21) = [-2,1,3,5]
cf (-42%31) = [-2,1,1,1,4,2]
computeRat [3,3,2] = 23%7
computeRat [3,7] = 22%7
computeRat [1,4,5] = 26%21
computeRat [-1,1,1,1,1] = (-2)%5
4. Just like finite continued fractions represent rationals, infinite continued fractions of the form
a0 + 1 a1 + a2 + ···
correspond to irrational numbers. For example, p6 can be written as¹
2 +
2 +
This is represented more succinctly as [2;2,4,2,4,…]. If we truncate this list at some finite

point, we get a finite rational approximation for p6.
Assume the following Haskell definitions:
root6 F: Double root6 = sqrt 6

¹This representation can be verified as follows: letting
y = ,
4 + y
4 + y 2 +8y−4 = 0, i.e. y2 +4y−2 = 0. It can be checked that we see that y = and hence (9+2y)y = 4+y. In other words, 2y 9 + 2y
p6 − 2 is a root of this equation. So p6 = 2 + y.
evalRat F: Rational F> Double evalRat x = fromIntegral (numerator x) / fromIntegral (denominator x)
Write a function approxRoot6 F: Double F> Rational which returns a close rational ap-

proximation for p6, i.e. it accepts an input epsilon and returns some r F: Rational such that abs (root6 – evalRat r) < epsilon.
Note: Do not use the approxRatio function from Data.Ratio.
Sample cases: (Since there are multiple answers possible, the cases below are only indicative. We will check the correctness of your solution by actually calculating if the error is less than epsilon.)
approxRoot6 0.0001 = 218 % 89 approxRoot6 0.000001 = 2158 % 881
approxRoot6 0.0000000000001 = 20721118 % 8459361
5. Given a finite list of integers l = [x1,x2,…,xn], we want to compute the maximum segment sum, mss(l), to be the maximum value in the set
{x3i + ··· + x3j |1 ⩽ i ⩽ j ⩽ n}.
Write a program mss F: [Int] F> Int that computes the maximum segment sum of a given list. Bonus marks if the running time is O(n).
Sample cases:
mss [4,10,3,12,-1,1,-1,-7,6,-13] = 2819 mss [4,6,1,4,0,4,5,-3,2,8,-5,2,2,-1,-2,0,9,2,10,2] = 2654 mss [-6,11,7,18,-13,-13,11,11,4,8,-12,-4,-3,-15,20] = 9156 mss [4,4,-4,4,-5,-4,-4,-4,-7,8,-4,2,2,-7,3,5,6,-1,2,-3] = 512
6. Given a sequence xs F: Eq a F> [a], a longest palindromic subsequence is a subsequence ys of xs such that reverse ys = ys. This is not necessarily unique, but the length of such a sequence is unique.
Define a function lps F: Eq a F> [a] F> (Int, [a]) that returns the length of the longest palindromic subsequence, as well as a subsequence of that length.
Sample cases:
lps “gultnhebrpuuowjrtpfw” = (6,”truurt”) lps “edgnqqavflgfpzubuiaq” = (7,”qaflfaq”) lps “nndrvtgiorptiateaihs” = (5,”tioit”) lps “quwzpirtwnrazkbjrzcc” = (5,”zrtrz”)


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