CmpE 260 – Principles of Programming Languages (Solution)

$ 24.99


Assistants: Alper Ahmeto˘glu, Hazar C¸akır,
1 Introduction
In this project, you are going to implement an interpreter that will translate a statement in YerelHesap language written in infix notation [1] to a statement in prefix notation (also known as Polish notation) [2]. This will help us converting arithmetic statements that we use in our daily lives to statements that can be executable by the Racket interpreter. A very simple example is shown below:
(Infix notation)
3 + 4 * 7 = 31
(3 + 4) * 7 = 49
(Prefix notation)
(+ 3 (* 4 7)) = 31
(* (+ 3 4) 7) = 49
Notice that if you can convert an expression in infix notation into a prefix one, you can directly evaluate it in the Racket interpreter:
> (eval ‘(+ 3 (* 4 7)))
> (eval ‘(* (+ 3 4) 7))
2 Language definition
We will formally define our language as a context free grammar to eliminate any ambiguity regarding the possible sentences in the language (i.e., valid arithmetic expressions). Production rules are as follows:
Expression→Expression + Expression (1)
Expression→Expression * Expression (2)
Expression→(Expression) (3)
Expression→(BindingList) @ (Expression) (4)
Expression→number (5)
Expression→variable (6)
BindingList→BindingList BindingList (7)
BindingList→Assignment — (8)
Assignment→’variable := ‘variable (9)
Assignment→’variable := number (10)
where number can be any valid number in Racket (e.g., 3, 2, 3.14, 3e-4) and variable is a single letter symbol (e.g., a, b, c, …z).
There are some special rules that set expressions in this language a little different from what we commonly use. Namely, Rule 4 introduces local scoping for variables: any Assignment in BindingList is only valid in the expression right after @.
2.1 Example expressions from the language
• 3 + 4 (the result is 7)
• 5
• 3 * 4 + 7 (19)
• 3 * (4 + 7) (33)
• a + 7 (a valid expression, but your program should raise error if you try to evaluate)
• (‘a := 4 –) @ (a + 7) (11)
• a + (‘a := 4 –) @ (a + 7) (the first a is not in the scope, a valid expression, but the program will raise error if you try to evaluate)
• (‘a := 7 –) @ (a * (‘a := 4 –) @ (a + 7)) (now this is both a valid expression, and can be evaluated, the result is 77)
• 1 + 7 + 6 + 1 + 34 * ((‘x := 3 — ‘y := 6 –) @ (5 * (x + y + (‘z := ‘x –) @ (z))))
+ 5 (2060)
• ((((((6)))))) (the result is 6)
• (‘a := 1 — ‘b := 2 — ‘c := 3 — ‘d := 4 –) @ ((‘a := 95 –) @ ((‘d := 47 –)
@ ((‘d := 60 –) @ (a) + (‘b := 11 –) @ (69) + 38 + c + 85 + (‘b := 64 –) @ ((‘c
:= 89 –) @ (((‘d := 29 –) @ ((‘c := 65 –) @ (73)))) + 26) * 22 * (‘a := 65 –)
@ (c + b) * (‘a := 16 –) @ (2) * b * 7 * 98 + 73 * 96 + c + 88 + (‘c := 46 —
‘d := 58 — ‘a := 13 –) @ ((‘d := 82 –) @ ((‘d := 45 –) @ ((d + d) * 52 + (‘b
:= 30 –) @ (81))) * (‘a := 71 –) @ (((‘d := 8 –) @ (d * 25 * c * (((‘d := 12
–) @ (b))) + 32))) * 42) + 18 * (c) + (‘c := 34 — ‘a := 98 –) @ (80) + 87 +
61 + 72)) + 36 * (((b) * 61)) + (25) + 17 * (a)) (the result is 3715593921)
You are provided with a script, generate, that randomly samples valid sentences from this language. However, some sentences might not be evaluatable (if a symbol is not binded to any number).
3 Functions
You are going to implement six functions that will help you to parse and evaluate statements in this language.
3.1 (:= var value) 10 points
Given a variable symbol var and a number value value, this function will return var and value in a list. This function will be useful for parsing assignments.
> (:= ‘x 1337)
‘(x 1337) > (:= ‘y 260)
‘(y 260)
3.2 (– assignment1 assignment2 … assignmentN) 10 points
This function will translate multiple variable assignments in this language into binding part of the let function, which would in turn help for parsing local assignments and expressions. Namely, this function constructs a new list with the first element being the keyword let and the rest being the concatenated assignments.
> (– ‘(x 3) ‘(y 14)) ‘(let ((x 3) (y 14)))
> (– (:= ‘x 15) (:= ‘y 92))
‘(let ((x 15) (y 92)))
> (– (:= ‘x 65) (:= ‘y 35) (:= ‘z 89))
‘(let ((x 65) (y 35) (z 89)))
3.3 (@ ParsedBinding Expr) 10 Points
Given a parsed binding list (i.e., the output of –) and an expression, this function returns a valid let statement. You should be able to evaluate the result of this function (assuming the expression is valid).
> (@ ‘(let ((x 5))) ‘(x))
‘(let ((x 5)) x)
> (@ ‘(let ((x 5) (y 4) (z 3))) ‘((* x y z)))
‘(let ((x 5) (y 4) (z 3)) (* x y z))
> (eval (@ ‘(let ((x 5) (y 4) (z 3))) ‘((* x y z))))
> (@ (– (:= ‘x 5) (:= ‘y 4) (:= ‘z 3)) ‘((* x y z)))
‘(let ((x 5) (y 4) (z 3)) (* x y z))
3.4 (split at delim delim args) 20 points
Given a list of arguments args, this function splits args by the delimiter delim and returns a list of partitions where each partition holds arguments in between two delims.
> (split at delim ‘a ‘(1 2 3 a 4 5 a 7 123))
‘((1 2 3) (4 5) (7 123))
> (split at delim ‘+ ‘(1 2 + 3 4)) ‘((1 2) (3 4))
> (split at delim ‘+ ‘(1 + (2 + 3) + 4))
‘((1) ((2 + 3)) (4))
> (split at delim ‘+ ‘(1 * (2 + 3) + 4))
‘((1 * (2 + 3)) (4))
> (split at delim ‘* ‘(1 * (2 + 3) + 4))
‘((1) ((2 + 3) + 4))
> (split at delim ‘* ‘(666 123))
‘((666 123))
3.5 (parse expr expr) 30 points
This is the main function that transforms expressions in YerelHesap to expressions in Racket. Once you implement previously defined functions, this function returns a valid Racket expression which you can evaluate to get a result.
> (parse expr ‘(1 + 3))
‘(+ 1 3)
> (parse expr ‘(1 + x)) ‘(+ 1 x)
> (parse expr ‘(3 + 4 * 7))
‘(+ 3 (* 4 7))
> (parse expr ‘(3 * 4 + 7)) ‘(+ (* 3 4) 7)
> (parse expr ‘(3 * (4 + 7))) ‘(* 3 (+ 4 7))
> (parse expr ‘(((((3 + 4))))))
‘(+ 3 4)
> (parse expr ‘(3))
> (parse expr ‘((‘x := 5 –) @ (x + 1.618)))
‘(let ((x 5)) (+ x 1.618))
> (parse expr ‘((‘x := 5 –) @ ((‘x := 6 –) @ (x * x)))) ‘(let ((x 5)) (let ((x 6)) (* x x)))
> (parse expr ‘((‘x := 5 –) @ (x * (‘x := 6 –) @ (x)))) ‘(let ((x 5)) (* x (let ((x 6)) x)))
> (parse expr ‘((‘x := 5 –) @ (y * (‘x := 6 –) @ (x))))
‘(let ((x 5)) (* y (let ((x 6)) x)))
> (parse expr ‘(1 + 7 + 6 + 1 + 34 * ((‘x := 3 — ‘y := 6 –) @ (5 * (x + y + (‘z :=
‘x –) @ (z)))) + 5))
‘(+ 1 7 6 1 (* 34 (let ((x 3) (y 6)) (* 5 (+ x y (let ((z x)) z))))) 5)
> (parse expr ‘((‘a := 1 — ‘b := 2 — ‘c := 3 — ‘d := 4 –) @ ((‘a := 95 –) @ ((‘d
:= 47 –) @ ((‘d := 60 –) @ (a) + (‘b := 11 –) @ (69) + 38 + c + 85 + (‘b := 64 –)
@ ((‘c := 89 –) @ (((‘d := 29 –) @ ((‘c := 65 –) @ (73)))) + 26) * 22 * (‘a := 65
–) @ (c + b) * (‘a := 16 –) @ (2) * b * 7 * 98 + 73 * 96 + c + 88 + (‘c := 46 -‘d := 58 — ‘a := 13 –) @ ((‘d := 82 –) @ ((‘d := 45 –) @ ((d + d) * 52 + (‘b := 30 –) @ (81))) * (‘a := 71 –) @ (((‘d := 8 –) @ (d * 25 * c * (((‘d := 12 –) @ (b))) + 32))) * 42) + 18 * (c) + (‘c := 34 — ‘a := 98 –) @ (80) + 87 + 61 + 72))
+ 36 * (((b) * 61)) + (25) + 17 * (a))))
‘(let ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4))
(let ((a 95))
(let ((d 47))
(let ((d 60)) a)
(let ((b 11)) 69)
38 c 85
(let ((b 64)) (+ (let ((c 89)) (let ((d 29)) (let ((c 65)) 73))) 26))
(let ((a 65)) (+ c b)) (let ((a 16)) 2) b 7
(* 73 96)
(let ((c 46) (d 58) (a 13))
(let ((d 82)) (let ((d 45)) (+ (* (+ d d) 52) (let ((b 30)) 81))))
(let ((a 71)) (let ((d 8)) (+ (* d 25 c (let ((d 12)) b)) 32)))
(* 18 c)
(let ((c 34) (a 98)) 80)
(* 36 (* b 61))
(* 17 a)))
(spaces, tabs, linebreaks might not be the same in your terminal)
3.6 (eval expr expr) 20 points
This function first parses an expression expr, then evalutes it and returns the result. Once you implement parse expr, the implementation of this function is trivial.
> (eval expr ‘(1 + 3))
> (eval expr ‘(1 + x))
(You should get an error saying that x is undefined. You don’t have to implement the error output.
Just make sure that the above expression raises an error.)
> (eval expr ‘(3 + 4 * 7))
> (eval expr ‘(3 * 4 + 7))
> (eval expr ‘(3 * (4 + 7)))
> (eval expr ‘(((((3 + 4))))))
> (eval expr ‘(3))
> (eval expr ‘((‘x := 5 –) @ (x + 1.618)))
> (eval expr ‘((‘x := 5 –) @ ((‘x := 6 –) @ (x * x))))
> (eval expr ‘((‘x := 5 –) @ (x * (‘x := 6 –) @ (x))))
> (eval expr ‘((‘x := 5 –) @ (y * (‘x := 6 –) @ (x))))
> (eval expr ‘(1 + 7 + 6 + 1 + 34 * ((‘x := 3 — ‘y := 6 –) @ (5 * (x + y + (‘z :=
‘x –) @ (z)))) + 5))
> (eval expr ‘((‘a := 1 — ‘b := 2 — ‘c := 3 — ‘d := 4 –) @ ((‘a := 95 –) @ ((‘d
:= 47 –) @ ((‘d := 60 –) @ (a) + (‘b := 11 –) @ (69) + 38 + c + 85 + (‘b := 64 –)
@ ((‘c := 89 –) @ (((‘d := 29 –) @ ((‘c := 65 –) @ (73)))) + 26) * 22 * (‘a := 65
–) @ (c + b) * (‘a := 16 –) @ (2) * b * 7 * 98 + 73 * 96 + c + 88 + (‘c := 46 -‘d := 58 — ‘a := 13 –) @ ((‘d := 82 –) @ ((‘d := 45 –) @ ((d + d) * 52 + (‘b :=
30 –) @ (81))) * (‘a := 71 –) @ (((‘d := 8 –) @ (d * 25 * c * (((‘d := 12 –) @ (b))) + 32))) * 42) + 18 * (c) + (‘c := 34 — ‘a := 98 –) @ (80) + 87 + 61 + 72))
+ 36 * (((b) * 61)) + (25) + 17 * (a))))
4 Submission
You will submit two files: main.rkt, feedback.txt. Your code should be in one file named main.rkt. First four lines of your main.rkt file must have exactly the lines below since it will be used for compiling and testing your code automatically:
; name surname
; student id
; compiling: yes
; complete: yes
The third line denotes whether your code compiles correctly, and the fourth line denotes whether you completed all of the project, which must be no if you are doing a partial submission. This whole part must be lower case and include only the English alphabet. Example:
; alper ahmetoglu
; 2012400147
; compiling: yes
; complete: yes
5 Prohibited Constructs
The following language constructs are explicitly prohibited. You will not get any points if you use them:
• Any function or language element that ends with an !.
• Any of these constructs: begin, begin0, when, unless, for, for*, do, set!-values.
• Any language construct that starts with for/ or for*/.
6 Tips and Tricks
• You can use higher-order functions apply, map, foldl, foldr. You are also encouraged to use anonymous functions with the help of lambda.
• You can use Racket reference, either from DrRacket’s menu: Help, Racket Documentation, or from the following link
• A useful link for the difference between let, let*, letrec, and define: https://stackoverflow. com/questions/53637079/when-to-use-define-and-when-to-use-let-in-racket.
[1] Infix notation.
[2] Polish notation.


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