(individual work; 12 pts total)
This assignment asks you to implement and evaluate two popular algorithms for the imputation of missing values using two provided datasets. You will evaluate and compare their runtime and the quality of the imputed values by comparing them with the corresponding values in the “complete” dataset.
There are three datasets: the original dataset without missing values and two derived datasets where the missing values were introduced at two different amounts:
dataset_complete.csv file is the complete dataset. It includes 10 features and 8795 objects.
dataset_missing01.csv and dataset_missing10.csv files include the same dataset with 1% and 10% of missing values, respectively.
You will impute missing values in each of the latter two datasets and compare these imputed values to the corresponding true/correct values that are available in the dataset_complete.csv file to evaluate and compare different imputation algorithms. The three files are in the comma separated value (CSV) format. The first line defines the names of features and the remaining lines include the values of the corresponding 8795 objects. The features are numeric and continuous with values in [0, 1] interval.
Algorithms for missing data imputation
You will implement two algorithms for the imputation of missing values and apply each of them on the corresponding two datasets that have missing values: dataset_missing005.csv and dataset_missing25.csv.
Algorithm 1. Mean imputation
Missing value for a specific feature and object is imputed with the mean value computed using the complete values of this feature.
F1 F2 F3
0.40256 0.14970 ?
0.41139 0.30140 ?
0.24752 0.32148 0.11169
0.24609 ? 0.13986
? 0.58306 0.08910
Object 1 Object 2 Object 3 Object 4
Object 5
To impute the missing value for feature F3 from object 1, we compute the mean of all complete values of F3: mean = (0.11169 + 0.13986 + 0.0891) / 3 = 0.11355.
F1 F2 F3
0.40256 0.14970 0.11355
0.41139 0.30140 ?
0.24752 0.32148 0.11169
0.24609 ? 0.13986
? 0.58306 0.08910
Object 1 Object 2 Object 3 Object 4
Object 5
The imputed values must not be used to compute the means. Consequently, all missing values for a given feature are imputed with the same mean value.
F1 F2 F3
0.40256 0.14970 0.11355
0.41139 0.30140 0.11355
0.24752 0.32148 0.11169
0.24609 ? 0.13986
? 0.58306 0.08910
Object 1 Object 2
Object 3 Object 4
Object 5
Algorithm 2. Hot deck imputation
Missing values for features that have missing values in a given object are imputed with the values for the same features copied from another, the most similar object. First, similarity of a given object that has missing values with every other object in the dataset is computed using the Manhattan distance. The object with the smallest distance is assumed to be the most similar and its values are used for the imputation. If that object is missing some of the values that should be imputed then the second most similar object is used to impute the remaining missing values, and so on. In other words, you should use the first complete value that you find by screening objects by their increasing values of the distance.
Given two objects x 𝑥, 𝑥 , … 𝑥 , … , 𝑥 and y 𝑦, 𝑦 , … , 𝑦 , … , 𝑦 , the Manhattan distance is calculated as 𝑑 x, y ∑ |𝑥 𝑦| where 𝑛 is the total number of features, 𝑥 and 𝑦 are values of feature i for objects x and y, respectively, and 𝑥 𝑦 1 if either 𝑥 or 𝑦 are missing values. The latter penalizes the use of objects that have missing values.
F1 F2 F3
0.40256 0.14970 ?
0.41139 0.30140 ?
0.24752 0.32148 0.11169
0.24609 ? 0.13986
? 0.58306 0.08910
Object 1 Object 2 Object 3 Object 4
Object 5
To impute missing value for feature F3 from object 1, we compute distances to every other object 𝑑 𝑜𝑏𝑗1, 𝑜𝑏𝑗2 |0.40256 0.41139| |0.14970 0.30140| 1 1.16053
𝑑 𝑜𝑏𝑗1, 𝑜𝑏𝑗3 |0.40256 0.24752| |0.14970 0.32148| 1 1.32682
𝑑 𝑜𝑏𝑗1, 𝑜𝑏𝑗4 |0.40256 0.24609| 1 1 2.1565
𝑑 𝑜𝑏𝑗1, 𝑜𝑏𝑗5 1 |0.14970 0.58306| 1 2.4336
Since object 2, which is the most similar to object 1, has a missing value for the feature F3, the second nearest, object 3, is used and the missing value is imputed as follows
F1 F2 F3
0.40256 0.14970 0.11169
0.41139 0.30140 ?
0.24752 0.32148 0.11169
0.24609 ? 0.13986
? 0.58306 0.08910
Object 1 Object 2 Object 3 Object 4
Object 5
The imputed values must not be used to compute the distances. In other words, all missing values for each feature are imputed based on the distances that use the dataset before the imputation. This ensures that the errors inherent in the imputed values are not propagated to compute the imputation.
Calculation of the imputation error
You will use the two datasets that were imputed with the two algorithms to calculate the corresponding four imputation errors. You will evaluate quality of these imputations based on the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between the imputed values and the corresponding complete values that are available in the dataset_complete.csv file. This dataset should be used only to calculate MAE values, not to perform the imputations. The MAE values should be used to judge and compare the quality of each imputation.
Given the imputed values x 𝑥, 𝑥 , … 𝑥 , … , 𝑥 computed from a dataset that has missing values and the corresponding complete values t 𝑡, 𝑡 , … , 𝑡 , … , 𝑡 in the complete dataset, MAE is defined as
𝑀𝐴𝐸 |𝑥 𝑡|
where 𝑁 is the total number of missing values, 𝑥 is a the imputed value in the dataset that has missing values, 𝑥 and 𝑡 are values for the same object and same feature in the two datasets, and | ∙ | denotes the absolute value.
F1 F2 F3 F4
0.40256 0.14970 0.16870 ?
0.41139 0.30140 0.47033 ?
0.24752 0.32148 0.41167 0.11169
0.24609 ? ? 0.13986
? 0.58306 0.52568 0.08910
Example Incomplete dataset
Object 1
Object 2
Object 3 Object 4
Object 5
F1 F2 F3 F4
0.40256 0.14970 0.16870 0.11355
0.41139 0.30140 0.47033 0.11355
0.24752 0.32148 0.41167 0.11169
0.24609 0.33891 0.39409 0.13986
0.32689 0.58306 0.52568 0.08910
Dataset where values were imputed using Object 1
Object 2
the mean imputation Object 3
Object 4
Object 5
F1 F2 F3 F4
0.40256 0.14970 0.16870 0
0.41139 0.30140 0.47033 0.14175
0.24752 0.32148 0.41167 0.11169
0.24609 0.21359 0.24071 0.13986
0.70541 0.58306 0.52568 0.08910
Complete dataset
Object 1
Object 2
Object 3 Object 4
Object 5
Given the above imputation, the MAE is calculated as follows.
𝑀𝐴𝐸 |0.11355 0| |0.11355 0.14175| |0.33891 0.21359|
|0.39409 0.24071| |0.32689 0.70541| 0.1598
The MAE values must be computed with precision of four digits after the decimal point.
The imputed values must be computed with precision of five digits after the decimal point.
Measurement of the runtime
You will measure and report the runtime for each of the four imputation tasks. The runtime must cover only the execution of the code that calculates imputation algorithm, including calculation of the imputed values and replacement of the missing values with the imputed values. The runtime must exclude reading the data (csv) files from disk, calculation of the MAE values, and writing the imputed data (csv) files to disk. You must quantify the runtime in milliseconds.
Your code must perform imputation, display the four values of MAE and the four values of runtime on the screen, and save the four imputed datasets in the csv format. The imputed datasets should be named as follows:
Vnumber_ missing10_imputed_mean.csv Vnumber_missing20_imputed_hd.csv
where Vnumber is your V number, e.g., V12345678_missing01_imputed_mean.csv
The MAE and runtime values should be displayed on the screen in the following format
MAE_01_mean = 0.1234
Runtime_01_mean = 124
MAE_01_hd = 0.1234
Runtime_01_hd = 124
MAE_10_mean = 0.5678
Runtime_10_mean = 56789
MAE_10_hd = 0.5678
Runtime_10_hd = 56789
You must use Java or Python 3 to implement all computations including loading the datasets from the csv files, coding the four imputation algorithms, calculation of the MAE values, printing the MAE values on the screen, and saving of the eight imputed datasets.
If you use Python 3:
– You are only allowed to use NumPy ( and pandas
– Your program will be tested on Python 3.10 with the latest (as of today) versions of numpy and pandas installed. See the details of package versions here:
– This python file must successfully run on the above python environment and produce the abovementioned outputs with the required precision. It should be run by executing the below command in the location where three input csv files are located.
For this, you need to make sure you read the input csv files from the current working directory.
If you use Java:
– Your program will be tested on Java 18 (latest version as of now).
– This java file must successfully compile and run with above version of Java and produce the above-mentioned outputs with the required precision. It should be run by executing the below commands in the location where three input csv files are located.
javac java a2
For this, you need to make sure your main class is named a2, you don’t declare a package in, and you read the input csv files from the current working directory.
1. Java or Python source code in a single .java or .py file. The file must be named or
2. Answers to the following five questions:
2.1. What are the four MAE and the four runtime values? Copy the output from the screen.
2.2. Which of the four results has the smallest error? Briefly explain why this result (i.e., make sure to consider both the corresponding algorithm and dataset) is better than the other three results.
2.3. Give the computational complexity of the mean and the hot deck algorithms as a function of the number of objects n (use the big O notation). Do the runtime values that you measured agree with the computational complexity?
2.4. Which of the four imputation tasks (i.e., make sure to consider both the corresponding algorithm and dataset) requires the longest runtime? Why is this runtime longer than the runtime of the three other tasks?
2.5. Consider a median imputation algorithm, i.e., missing value for a specific feature and object is imputed with the median value computed using the complete values of this feature. Give the computational complexity of the median imputation algorithm as a function of the number of objects n (use the big O notation). Would the median imputation be faster, slower and similar in speed when compared to the mean imputation on our datasets? Would the median imputation be faster, slower and similar in speed when compared to the hot deck imputation on our datasets? Note: you do not have to implement the median imputation algorithm to answer this question.
Achieving the lowest runtime (i.e., providing highly efficient implementation) is not necessary. The answers to the questions rely on comparing the runtime values in relative terms (when compared with each other), not as absolute values, since the absolute values depend on the efficiency of the code, choice of the programming language, and the hardware used. However, your code should complete all computations in a matter of seconds or minutes, not hours.
We will check your source code, verify if it runs correctly, validate the results on the screen and in the files, and mark the answers to the five questions.
We will deduct points if the files names and/or the outputs on the screen do not follow the abovedefined format.
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