CMSC203 – Solved

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Bradley shop is a family-owned store that sells beverages. The store offers 3 types of beverages: Coffee, Alcohol, and Smoothie. The store is open from 8 in the morning to 11 pm in the afternoon. The owner of the shop likes to automate the order transactions and reports and purchase a software for testing order activities for one month. You are asked to implement this software based on the following requirements.

BevShop (The Data Manager Class)

The BevShop offers 3 types of beverages: Coffee, Alcoholic and Smoothie. Beverages can be ordered in 3 different sizes: Small, medium and large. All the beverage types have a base price. In addition there are additional charges depending on the size and specific add-ons for each type of beverage.

The BevShop has the following functionality:

• Create and process orders of different types of beverages
• Provide information on all the orders
• Total amount on a specific order
• Monthly total number of orders
• Monthly sale report

• Aggregation
• Searching an ArrayList
• Selection sort
• Enumeration
• Inheritance
• Interface
• Polymorphism
• Abstract classes
• Overriding methods

This interface is provided for you and is implemented by the Order class.

This interface is provided for you and is implemented by the BevShop class.

Enumerated Type – DAY
Enumerated Type – SIZE
Create an enumerated type called SIZE. The valid values will be SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE.
Enumerated Type – TYPE
Create an enumerated type called TYPE. The valid values will be COFFEE, SMOOTHIE, ALCOHOL

Data Element – Beverage
Create an abstract class called Beverage with:
• Instance variables for beverage name, beverage type, size, and constant attributes for the base price ($2.0) and size price (additional $1 to go a size up).
• A parametrized constructor to create a Beverage object given its name, type and size • An abstract methods called calcPrice that calculates and returns the beverage price.
• An Overridden toString method: String representation for Beverage including the name and size
• An Overridden equals method: checks equality based on name, type, size of the beverage • getters and setters and any other methods that are needed for your design.
• Use finals to represent constants.

Data Element – subclasses of Beverage
Create the following subclasses of Beverage for the 3 types of beverages:

• Contains additional instance variables of type boolean to indicate if it contains extra shot of coffee (additional cost of 50 cents) and extra syrup (additional cost of 50 cents).
• A parametrized constructor
• An Overridden toString method: String representation of Coffee beverage, including the name , size , whether it contains extra shot, extra syrup and the price of the coffee • An Overridden calcPrice method.
• An Overridden equals method: checks equality based on the Beverage class equals method and additional instance variables for this class.
• getters and setters and any other methods that are needed for your design.
• Use finals to represent constants.
• Contains additional instance variables for number of fruits and boolean variable to indicate if protein powder is added to the beverage. The cost of adding protein is $1.50 and each additional fruit costs 50 cents.
• A parametrized constructor
• An Overridden toString method: String representation of a Smoothie drink including the name , size, whether or not protein is added , number of fruits and the price
• An Overridden equals method: checks equality based on the Beverage class equals method and additional instance variables for this class.
• An Overridden calcPrice method.
• getters and setters and any other methods that are needed for your design.
• Use finals to represent constants.

• Contains additional instance variable for weather or not it is offered in the weekend. The additional cost for drinks offered in the weekend is 60 cents.
• A parametrized constructor
• An Overridden toString method: String representation of a alcohol drink including the name, size, whether or not beverage is offered in the weekend and the price.
• An Overridden equals method: checks equality based on the Beverage class equals method and additional instance variables for this class.
• An Overridden calcPrice method.
• getters and setters and any other methods that are needed for your design.
• Use finals to represent constants.

Data Element – Customer
Create a class to represent a customer.
• Instance variables for name and age
• A parametrized constructor
• A Copy constructor
• An Overridden toString method: String representation for Customer including the name and age
• getters and setters and any other methods that are needed for your design.

Data Element – Order
Create a class to represent an order. This class implements two interfaces: OrderInterface and Comparable.
• Instance variables for order number, order time, order day and customer and a list of beverages within this order
• A method to generate a random number within the range of 10000 and 90000
• A parametrized constructor
• A method called addNewBeverage that adds a beverage to the order. This is an overloaded method to add different beverages to the order. Refer to the interface OrderInterface provided for you,
• An Overridden toString method: Includes order number, time, day, customer name, customer age and the list of beverages (with information of the beverage).
• Override the compareTo method to compare this order with another order based on the order number. Returns 0 if this order number is same as another order’s order number, 1 if it is greater than another order’s order number, -1 if it smaller than another order’s order number.
• getters and setters and any other methods that are needed for your design. Note: The getter method for the customer returns a Deep copy of the customer.
• Refer to provided OrderInterface interface for additional methods.

Data Manager – BevShop
Create a class to represent a beverage shop. This class implements BevShopInterface provided to you.
• Instance variable for the number of Alcohol drinks ordered for the current order. The current order in process can have at most 3 alcoholic beverages.
• An instance list to keep track of orders
• The minimum age to order alcohol drink is 21
• time, order day and customer and a list of beverages Order within this order
• An Overridden toString method: The string representation of all the orders and the total monthly sale.
• Refer to provided BevShopInterface interface for additional methods.

Data Structure
• You will be using an ArrayList within your Order to hold beverages of the order and BevShop class to hold orders.
External Documentation
• Provide a UML diagram with all classes and their relationships.

• Ensure that produces the following output:

• Ensure that all the given JUnit tests .java succeed.

Deliverables / Submissions:

GitHub: Upload all input files and all implemented files into GitHub in the repo you created in Assignment 0 in a directory named CMSC203_Assignment6.

Design: UML class diagram.
Implementation: Submit a compressed file containing the follow (see below): The Java application (it must compile and run correctly); a write-up as specified below. Be sure to review the provided project rubric to understand project expectations. The write-up will include:
• UML diagram – latest version
• Any assumptions that you are making for this project
• Lessons Learned: highlights of your learning experience (see notes)

Deliverable format: The above deliverables will be packaged as follows. Two compressed files in the following formats:
Notice: Only submit the files that you implemented/Modified.
1st zip file:, a compressed file containing the following:
• Word document with a name FirstInitialLastName_Assignment6.docx should include:
o Finalized UML Class Diagram for all classes o Screen snapshot of run BevShopNoGUITest output o Screen snapshot of Junit (display test for each method)
o Screen snapshot of GitHub submission o Lessons Learned o Check List
• doc (a directory) containing your javadoc HTML files for your classes • src (a directory) containing java files you created or modified:
2nd zip file:, a compressed file containing the following Java files you created or modified only.

This folder should contain Java source files that you created or edited only

• Lessons Learned: highlight your lessons learned and learning experience from working on this project. o What have you learned? o What did you struggle with? o What will you do differently on your next project?
o Include what parts of the project you were successful at, and what parts (if any) you were not successful at.
• GitHub: In your repository (see Assignment0), upload your Word file and java file. You will want to upload these files as contents of a directory so that future uploads can be kept separate. Take and submit a screen shot of the GitHub repository.

• Proper naming conventions: All constants, except 0 and 1, should be named. Constant names should be all upper-case, variable names should begin in lower case, but subsequent words should be in title case. Variable and method names should be descriptive of the role of the variable or method. Single letter names should be avoided.

Indentation: It must be consistent throughout the program and must reflect the control structure

Grading Rubric
See attachment: CMSC203 Assignment 6 Rubric.xlsx

Assignment 6 Check List (include Yes/No or N/A for each item)
# Y/N or N/A Comments
1. Assignment files:
• FirstInitialLastName_
2. Program compiles
3. Program runs with desired outputs related to a Test Plan
4. Documentation file:
• Comprehensive Test Plan
• Screenshots for each Junit Test
• Screenshots for each Test case listed in the Test Plan
• Screenshots of your java file BevShopNoGUITest run
• Screenshots of your GitHub account with submitted Assignment# (if required)
• UML Diagram
• Lessons Learned
• Checklist is completed and included in the Documentation


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