CMSC216 – (Solution)

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1 Overview
In this project you use dynamic memory allocation techniques to implement a calendar application. You also write your own tests and a Makefile.
The objectives are to practice dynamic memory allocation, function pointers, linked lists, and developing tests.
IMPORTANT: Implement this project individually. Do not work with others.
2 Grading Criteria
Your project grade will be determined as follows:
Results of public tests 20 pts
Results of release tests 32 pts
Results of secret tests 25 pts
Student tests 10 pts
Code Style 8 pts
Makefile 5 pts
IMPORTANT: Your makefile must use the standard flags to compile your code. If you don’t, you will lose most of the points of this project.
4 Project Files
This project description is in the 216public project descriptions directory. Copy the folder project4 from the 216public projects directory to your 216 directory. The files in the distribution, other than .submit, are:
1. calendar.h: Defines a Calendar struct, symbolic constants, and prototypes for the functions you must implement. Do not modify this file.
2. event.h: Defines an Event struct. Do not modify this file.
3. .h and .c files associated with the memory checker tool.
4. Makefile: Define your project’s Makefile here. Don’t change the name; it must start with capital M.
5. public01.c, public02.c, public03.c, public04.c, public05.c, public06.c: The public tests for this project.
6. student tests.c: Write your student tests in this file.
5 Specifications
5.1 Makefile
Your Makefile should build all the programs using separate compilation (i.e., source files are turned into object files, which are then linked together in a separate step). It must also avoid unnecessary compilation (hint: use the touch command to check your makefile).
It must have at least the following targets:
1. all: build all executables
2. public01, public02, public03, public04, public05, public06: each builds a public test
3. student_tests: build the executable of student tests
4. student_tests.o:
5. calendar.o:
6. my_memory_checker_216.o:
7. clean: delete all object files and executables
You can add additional targets. Indeed, you will have to in order to achieve separate compilation.
IMPORTANT: Build all object files using the following gcc options:
-ansi -Wall -g -O0 -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic-errors -fstack-protector-all -Wextra
IMPORTANT: Use only explicit rules in your Makefile. Do not use implicit rules. The Makefile examples in the (week06) lecture slides Make.pdf rely on explicit rules.
5.2 Calendar Overview
The calendar application allows events to be scheduled on specific days. A calendar is defined by the following structs:
typedef struct event { char *name; int start_time, duration_minutes; void *info; struct event *next;
} Event;
typedef struct calendar { char *name; Event **events; int days, total_events; int (*comp_func) (const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2); void (*free_info_func) (void *ptr);
} Calendar;
An Event struct represents an event. The fields of the Event struct maintain a pointer to the event’s name, the start time (military time), the duration in minutes, a pointer to information about the event, and a pointer to another Event struct. The last field is used to place the Event struct in a linked list.
The Calendar struct keeps track of events by using an array of linked lists of Event structs. Field name points to the calendar’s name. Field events points to an array, each entry of which points to a linked list of events scheduled for a particular day. The array has an entry for every day of the calender. Field days indicates the number of days in the calendar. Field total events indicates the number of events in the calendar.
Field comp func points to a comparison function (similar to compareTo in Java) for events. The events for each day are kept in increasing sorted order according to this function. Different comparison functions enable different sorting criteria: for example, events sorted by duration or by name.
Field free info func points to a function used to free the information pointed to by the info field of an event. This allows the information associated with an event to have arbitrary structure, for example, a struct, a string, an array, anything. When an event is removed, this function is called to free the memory that stores the event’s information.
The events in a calendar are uniquely identified by their names. An attempt to add an event fails if the event’s name equals the name of an event already in the calendar.
5.3 Calendar Functions
Write all your functions in a file called calendar.c. The functions rely on the macros SUCCESS and FAILURE defined in calendar.h. If a function returns FAILURE, then it does not modify the calendar. Assume that if a char pointer in-parameter is not NULL, then it points to a nul-terminated string.
1. int init_calendar(const char *name, int days, int (*comp_func) (const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2), void (*free_info_func) (void *ptr), Calendar ** calendar)
This function initializes a Calendar struct based on the parameters. The function allocates memory for the following items:
a. Calendar struct
b. Chunk of memory (pointed to by the name field) to hold a copy of parameter name’s string.
c. Chunk of memory (pointed to by the events field) to hold an array of pointers to Event structs. The length of the array is given by parameter days.
The out-parameter calendar provides access to the new Calendar struct. The total number of events (field total events) is set to zero.
The function returns FAILURE if calendar and/or name are NULL, if the number of days is less than 1, or if any memory allocation fails. Otherwise the function returns SUCCESS.
2. int print_calendar(Calendar *calendar, FILE *output_stream, int print_all)
This function prints, to the designated output stream, the calendar’s name, days, and total number of events if print all is true; otherwise this information is not printed. Information about each event (name, start time, and duration) is printed regardless of the value of print all. See public tests output for format information. Notice that the heading ”**** Events ****” is always printed.
The function returns FAILURE if calendar and/or output stream is NULL; otherwise the function returns SUCCESS.
3. int add_event(Calendar *calendar, const char *name, int start_time, int duration_minutes, void *info, int day)
This function adds the specified event to the event list associated with parameter day, ensuring that the resulting event list is in increasing sorted order according to the comparison function (field comp func). If the new event and an existing event in the event list have the same comp func value, the new event is added before the existing event. The function allocates memory for the new event and for the event’s name. The other fields of the event struct are initialized based on the parameter values.
The function returns FAILURE if calendar and/or name are NULL, start time is not between 0 and 2400 (inclusive), duration minutes is less than or equal to 0, day is less than 1 or greater than the number of calendar days, an event with the same name already exists in the calendar, there is no comparison function (comp func is NULL), or if any memory allocation fails. Otherwise the function returns SUCCESS.
4. int find_event(Calendar *calendar, const char *name, Event **event)
This function returns SUCCESS if calendar has an event with the specified name. In this case, it returns a pointer to that event via parameter event iff the parameter is not NULL (no pointer is returned if parameter event is NULL).
The function returns FAILURE if calendar and/or name are NULL, or if calendar does not have an event with the specified name.
5. int find_event_in_day(Calendar *calendar, const char *name, int day, Event **event)
This function returns SUCCESS if calendar has an event with the specified name in the specified day. In this case, it returns a pointer to that event via parameter event iff the parameter is not NULL.
The function returns FAILURE if calendar and/or name are NULL, if the day parameter is less than 1 or greater than the number of calendar days, or if the event is not found in the specified day.
6. int remove_event(Calendar *calendar, const char *name)
This function returns SUCCESS if the calendar has the specified event. In this case, it removes the event from the calendar, updates the number of events, and frees any memory allocated for the event. It calls the free info func on the event’s info field iff both of these are non-NULL.
This function returns FAILURE if calendar and/or name are NULL, or if the event is not in the calendar.
7. void *get_event_info(Calendar *calendar, const char *name)
This function returns the info pointer associated with the specified event. The function returns NULL if the event is not found. Assume the calendar and name parameters are not NULL.
8. int clear_calendar(Calendar *calendar)
This function returns SUCCESS if calendar is not NULL. In this case, it removes every event (processing the event as described in function remove event) and sets every event list to empty. The array of pointers to event lists is not removed.
The function returns FAILURE if calendar is NULL.
9. int clear_day(Calendar *calendar, int day)
This function returns FAILURE if calendar is NULL or if day is less than 1 or greater than the number of calendar days.
Otherwise it removes all the events for the specified day (processing each event as described in function remove event), sets the day’s event list to empty, and returns SUCCESS.
10. int destroy_calendar(Calendar *calendar)
This function returns FAILURE if calendar is NULL.
Otherwise it removes every event (processing the event as described in function remove event), frees all memory that was dynamically allocated for the calendar, and returns SUCCESS.
5.4 Calendar Testing
1. Define tests for your calendar implementation as described in the file student tests.c. You will be graded on the quality of these tests. The main function in student tests should run all tests, exit with the EXIT FAILURE code if any of your tests fails, and EXIT SUCCESS otherwise. The student tests.c file in the distribution performs this task; you are welcome to rewrite it as you add tests.
3. We expect at least one test for each function you need to implement.
4. We expect your tests to cover specific typical and atypical cases, for example, adding the same event twice, adding an event when comp func is NULL, and so on. You will lose credit if we do not see such tests.
5.5 Dynamic Memory Allocation
1. As with all programs that use dynamic memory allocation, you must avoid memory leaks in your code in all circumstances.
3. If a function requires multiple dynamic-memory allocations and one of them fails (malloc/calloc returns NULL), you are not responsible for freeing the memory of those allocations that were successful. For example:
mem1 = malloc(…) /* This one is successful */
mem2 = malloc(…) /* This one fails; just return FAILURE (don’t worry about mem1) */
4. Frequent testing is the best way to check whether you are using dynamic-memory allocation correctly.
5.6 Style grading
Your code is expected to conform to the following style guidelines:
2. Do not use global variables.
3. Avoid code duplication, otherwise you will lose credit.
4. Using multiple returns in a function is fine, but you should try to keep them to a minimum.
6. You should try to write code that is efficient, clear, and brief (if possible).
7. Adding auxiliary functions that support the functions you need to implement is recommended. It helps you to focus on different parts you need to implement. The more functions, the better (within reason). Just make sure you define them as static. Remember you cannot modify calendar.h.
8. As you are writing your code ask TAs for feedback regarding style.
9. Follow the C style guidelines available at:
6 Submission
As usual, run submit in the project directory to submit.


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