CMSC216 – (Solution)

$ 20.99


1 Overview
In this project you write MIPS assembly code that is equivalent to provided C functions.
The objectives are to gain an understanding of how a program in a high-level language is translated to assembly and executed by hardware.
IMPORTANT: Implement this project individually. Do not work with others.
IMPORTANT: Do not use a compiler to generate MIPS code.
3 Grading Criteria
Your project grade will be determined as follows:
Results of public tests 40%
Results of secret tests 40%
Satisfying MIPS conventions 10%
Code style 10%
The only files we grade are your .s source files.
The good faith attempt information will be posted on the class web page.
3.1 Project Files
This project description can be found in the 216public project descriptions directory. Copy the folder project5 in the 216public projects directory to your 216 directory. The files in the distribution, other than .submit, are:
1. C “function” files which you have to translate to assembly: fibonacci.c, is palindrome.c, isqrt.c, reverse prefix sum.c.
2. C driver files to run the above C function files: fibonacci driver.c, is palindrome driver.c, isqrt driver.c, reverse prefix sum driver.c. 3. Assembly driver files corresponding to the C driver files: fibonacci driver.s, is palindrome driver.s, isqrt driver.s, reverse prefix sum driver.s.
4. Test scripts to run your assembly code: fibonacci test1, is palindrome test1, isqrt test1, reverse prefix sum test1.
5. Output files of the tests (these are generated from the C files):
fibonacci test1.output, is palindrome test1.output, isqrt test1.output, reverse prefix sum test1.out
4 Specifications
Below, we use f to stand for fibonacci, is palindrome, isqrt, or reverse prefix sum. Each C function file f.c contains a C function of the same base name, f. For each function f, you must submit an assembly file f.s containing an assembly function f equivalent to the C function f, which means the assembly function
• the same input-output behavior (ie, produces the same output for any input), and
• the same internal operation (ie, for each C statement there is corresponding assembly code).
For example, the C function file isqrt.c has the function isqrt(). You must create an assembly file isqrt.s that contains an assembly function isqrt equivalent to the C function. Similarly, you must create assembly files is_palindrome.s, fibonacci.s, and reverse_prefix_sum.s.
To generate the test output of C function f, compile f.c and f driver.c and run the executable. For example,
% gcc isqrt_driver.c isqrt.c
% a.out would generate the contents of file isqrt test1.output.
After you write your assembly function f in file f.s, you execute it by appending the file to the driver file f_driver.s (eg, “cat f driver.s f.s > f prog.s”) and executing file f prog.s in qtspim or in spim. Script f. test1 does exactly this. Hence, if your isqrt.s is correct, then the following should print nothing.
% isqrt_test1 | diff – isqrt_test1.output
5 Requirements
1. Your assembly function must be equivalent, in the sense defined above, to the C function. In particular, your fibonacci and reverse_prefix_sum functions must be recursive, otherwise you get no credit. (So the body of your fibonacci function must execute a jal fibonacci instruction. Similarly for your function reverse_prefix_sum.)
2. Your is palindrome.s file must also have a strlen function. Use the one from your own assembly exercise.
3. Don’t change the C code or assembly drivers. The public tests are in the drivers.
4. Your functions should not have any labels that begin with main; the drivers use such labels.
6. Do not use global variables except for string literals.
8. (Style) Your code must be thoroughly and carefully commented. Assembly language can easily become unreadable without proper documentation.
A “per-line comment”, which is a comment at the right of each line of code, is usually necessary. Your comments should be descriptive of the intent, not of the action; eg, “stash n for later use” is an ok comment, whereas “move t0 into a0” is not. See our examples.
9. (Style) A description of the variable that each register represents is useful. See our examples.
10. (Style) Use appropriate whitespace, especially between blocks of instructions that perform different tasks.
11. (Style) Reasonable and consistent indentation is required. The convention is to indent all instructions by a few spaces or one “tab”, to not indent labels, and to align per-line comments starting at the same column. Our examples are generally formatted this way.
You can have lines that exceed have 80 characters, typically because of per-line comments.
12. (MIPS conventions) Follow the MIPS conventions for accessing arguments and variables on the stack (eg, offset from frame pointer).


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