CMSC312 – Assignment #1 – Programming Rubric (Solution)

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Question #1: 15 pts
● Can the work be reproduced? (Does the program compile?) (10%)
● Does the program produce the intended result? (“I am Process A”, “I am Process B”, “I am Process C” & “Goodbye”) (10%)
● Program code uses shared memory (All A, B and C processes)? (15%)
● Program uses shared memory detach and remove calls appropriately? (‘shmdt’ and ‘shmctl’ function calls) (15%)
● Programs adhere to the programming specification? (Separate processes w/ shared memory) (50%)
○ Process A waits for B & C to complete before detaching/removing shared memory.
○ Process B waits for Process A signal before printing to shared memory.
○ Process C waits for Process B signal before printing to shared memory.
○ See assignment programming specifications sheet. (Provided by Dr. Ghosh)
Question #2: 6 pts
● Can the work be reproduced? (Does the program compile?) (20%)
● Programs produce the intended result? (“I am Process A”, “I am Process B”, “I am Process C” & “Goodbye”) (20%)
● Program code uses shared memory for both implementations? (20%)
● Programs use shared memory detach and remove calls appropriately? (20%)
● Programs adhere to the programming specification? (Two implementations: 1) child processes forked from parent and nested fork processes) (20%)
○ See assignment programming specifications sheet. (Provided by Dr. Ghosh)
Question #3: 9 pts
● Question 3a answered correctly? (33.3%)
● Question 3b answered correctly? (33.3%)
● Question 3c answered correctly? (33.3%)
Question #4: 10 pts
● Can the work be reproduced? (Does the program compile?) (10%)
● Does the program produce the intended result? (median value) (20%)
● Program code incorporates a sorting and median selection algorithm? (20%)
○ Sorting Algorithm : 10%
○ Median Selection Algorithm : 10%
● Program adheres to the programming specification? (Uses RPC protocol) (50%)
○ See assignment programming specifications sheet. (Provided by Dr. Ghosh)
Question #5: 10 pts
● Can the work be reproduced? (Does the program compile?) (10%)
● Does the program produce the intended result? (Ascending/Descending sorted array) (20%)
○ Ascending Output : 10%
○ Descending Output : 10%
● Program code sorts in ascending/descending order within the server? (20%)
○ Parsing ascend/descend command in the client : 6.66%
○ Include server modification to determine which direction to sort : 6.66%
○ Ascending/Descending sorting algorithms (server) : 6.66%
● Program adhere to the programming specification? (Uses RPC protocol) (50%)
○ See assignment programming specifications sheet. (Provided by Dr. Ghosh)
Grading Procedure
● Each question starts off with a score of 100%. For each of the questions within the assignment, the criterion failed is deducted from the question’s total percentage.
○ e.g., Question #1:
■ Can the work be reproduced? (Does the program compile?) (10%)
● Yes
■ Does the program produce the intended result? (“I am Process A”, “I am Process B”, “I am Process C” & “Goodbye”) (10%)
● No
■ Program code uses shared memory (All A, B and C processes)? (15%)
● Yes
■ Program uses shared memory detach and remove calls appropriately? (‘shmdt’ and ‘shmctl’ function calls) (15%)
● No
■ Programs adhere to the programming specification? (Separate processes w/ shared memory) (50%)
● Yes
Total Question Percentage : 100%
Unmet Criterion Percentage : 10% + 15% = 30%
Question Total Percentage Gained : 100% – 30% = 70%
Points Received : 15pts * 70% = 10.5pts out of 15 total
● The remaining questions continue in this fashion.
● If the assignment has been submitted late, a penalty is deducted from the total score per Dr. Ghosh’s programming specifications sheet.
● Discretion will be utilized when calculating scores so that you have the maximum number of points possible.


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