COM3037 – Computer Engineering (Solution)

$ 20.99


COM3(0)37 CG
Homework 2
Important Note: Students are expected to complete the assignments using the shader-based graphical programming approach and WebGL. Solutions that use fixed-function style or other graphics libraries (including Javascript graphics libraries) will get zero. Solutions that include code sections such as glBegin-glEnd, that do not use the “webgl” context of a vertex, fragment shader, or canvas element also graded as zero.
Tasks: We talked about some simple sample programs in the lessons and there is information about them on the slides on the lesson page. You should understand and be able to run these examples before you begin this assignment.
• Finding or designing a simple 3D geometric model (vertexs, faces/triangles/polygons, normals, etc.). Caution!! If you use the Teapot or Cube, your homework will be evaluated over 70%. This model should be able to switch to both wireframe and texture-colored versions.

1-Wireframe version 2-Colored version

• Must switch between two projections (Orthogonal and Perspective).
• The 3D model must be able to be rotated in all three axes.
• A report of at least 4 pages should be prepared describing the program you have written in detail.
o Font: Times New Roman, 12 Punto, o Paragraphs should be justified o All figures and tables should be numbered and referenced in the text.
o In the report content, which of the functions described above work in the program must be specified in a table, the codes of the working parts should be shown(add ss) and explained in the report in parts.
Grading: %60 functionality, %15 appearance, %25 report.
Hint: Arrange your file path as ../common/myjvfile.jv etc.


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