COMP2113 – ENGG1340 Computer Programming II Solved

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COMP2113 Programming Technologies
Module 4a: makefile
Objectives Estimated time to complete: 2 hours
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
• Understand how multiple programs could depends on each other
• Understand why separate compilation is useful and how to use it
• Understand how to use the make tool

1. Separate compilation
1.1 Multiple source files
Suppose we have the following program that reads two integers and output the corresponding GCD. The program mainly consists of 4 parts. (Note that the use of function will be covered in Module 5)
Headers // gcd_single.cpp
// This program finds the GCD of two numbers
#include <iostream> using namespace std;
Function declaration int gcd(int a, int b);
Main program int main() {
int a, b, c;
cout << “Please input two positive numbers: “; cin >> a >> b; c = gcd(a, b);
cout << “GCD is ” << c << endl;
Function definition // for simplicity, we assume both inputs to be positive int gcd(int a, int b) { while(a != b) { if(a > b){ a -= b;
} else { b -= a;
} } return a;
Sample compilation and execution:

$ g++ -pedantic-errors -std=c++11 gcd_single.cpp -o gcd_single
$ ./gcd_single
Please input two positive numbers: 18 24
GCD is 6

It is possible to separate the definition of function “gcd” from the program by define the function in a separated C++ file as shown below. This could be useful for two reasons:
– Separate features from main program for a better code organization and improve readability.
– Allow other programs to reuse the function.
// gcd.cpp
#include <iostream> #include “gcd.h” using namespace std;

// for simplicity, we assume both inputs to be positive int gcd(int a, int b) { while(a != b) { if(a > b){ a -= b;
} else { b -= a;
} } return a;

To allow others to use this function definition, we need to provide a header file that declare the existence of the function. You can see that we have included gcd.h in the code above. This header file is shown below.
// gcd.h
#ifndef GCD_H #define GCD_H

int gcd(int a, int b);


It is a common practice that a header file includes a set of include guard (the three lines starting with #ifndef, #define, and #endif) that avoids the same file being include multiple times.
The main program can then include this header file to use the function.
// gcd_main.cpp
// This program finds the GCD of two numbers
#include <iostream> #include “gcd.h” using namespace std;
int main(){ int a, b, c;
cout << “Please input two positive numbers: “; cin >> a >> b; c = gcd(a, b);
cout << “GCD is ” << c << endl;

To compile the new main program, you need to provide both the function definition file and the main program file.
$ g++ -pedantic-errors -std=c++11 gcd_main.cpp gcd.cpp -o gcd

1.2 Compilation process
The compilation process consists of 4 stages:
1) Pre-processing – process pre-processing headers (lines starting with #) to generate an expanded source code.
2) Compilation – compile expanded source code to assembly code that depends on the machine it is executed.
3) Assembly – converts assembly code into machine code, in the form of an object code file.
4) Linker – links object codes with libraries to create an executable file.

When multiple files are involved, stage 1 to 3 will be applied to each of the files, then the last stage will be applied to all files to generate a single executable.

1.3 Separate compilation
Having understood the process of compilation, we notice that the steps from pre-processing to object code generation do not require all source files to be available. Some functions used can be declared but not defined. Hence, we can compile each source file separately up to obtain the object codes. Then, we link the object codes to form the final executable. Such a compilation scheme is called separate compilation.
The separate compilation has the following advantages.

• If we modify only a few source files, only these files need to be recompiled. Then we can link the object codes to obtain the updated executable. It can save a significant amount of compilation time. E.g., compiling the whole Linux OS would take 8 hours; compiling only a few modified files and relinking would take less time.
• We can provide our class implementation in the form of an object code without the source file. Users can use our implementation by linking with their object code. Hence, we can hide the class implementation.

For example, we can generate the object code by using the option -c as shown below. (You should also add the options “-pedantic-errors -std=c++11” if you are working on the course materials). By default, a file with extension “.o” will be created.
$ g++ -c gcd.cpp
$ g++ -c gcd_main.cpp

With the object codes ready, the final step is to “link” the object codes and generate the final executable (i.e. gcd).
$ g++ gcd.o gcd_main.o -o gcd

1.4 File dependency
Large projects can easily involve tens to hundreds of source files. They will be compiled into object codes and then linked into an executable. The following diagram shows a simple scenario.

For example, if calc.cpp is modified, we can rebuild the final executable by recompiling calc.o and then linking with (the unmodified) gcd.o and lcm.o.
In general, when the situation gets more complicated, we need a tool to handle the recompilation process.
2. Using the make tool
2.1 The make tool
The Linux make is a tool that smartly recompiles and links the files when some of the source files are changed. It tries to avoid unnecessary recompilation and regenerate a file if and only if it is needed. make needs information about the dependency of the files, which is specified in a file called Makefile. Note that the filename is important and needs to be called Makefile or makefile (No extension).
A Makefile stores a collection of rules. Here is an example of a rule:
gcd.o: gcd.cpp gcd.h
g++ -c gcd.cpp

1. In the first line of the rule, it first gives the name of a file to be generated, which is called the target. In our example, we are specifying a target called “gcd.o”. The target must be followed by a colon (:).
2. After the target (and the colon), we specify a list of files that the target depends on. In our example, the target gcd.o depends on gcd.cpp and gcd.h.
g++ -c gcd.cpp
3. The second part of a rule gives the commands to generate the target from the files it depends on. Each command must start with a <tab>. Note that we cannot use spaces to replace this <tab>. There can be more than one commands used to generate the target. Those commands will be executed one after the other in order to generate the target. So in our example, when we want to generate target “gcd.o”, we will execute .

Here is a completed example of a Makefile with 3 targets.
#This file must be named Makefile
#Comments start with #
gcd.o: gcd.cpp gcd.h g++ -c gcd.cpp

gcd_main.o: gcd_main.cpp gcd.h g++ -c gcd_main.cpp
gcd: gcd.o gcd_main.o g++ gcd.o gcd_main.o -o gcd

We can then use the make tool to generate a target. For example, make gcd will generate target gcd.
$ make gcd g++ -c gcd.cpp g++ -c gcd_main.cpp g++ gcd.o gcd_main.o -o gcd
We can then use the make tool to generate a target. For example,
Given the above command, the make tool works as follows.

Notice that the above procedure will regenerate the minimum number of files when a source file is changed.

Now, suppose gcd_main.cpp is modified. Then we issue the command to generate the executable gcd again
$ make gcd g++ -c gcd_main.cpp g++ gcd.o gcd_main.o -o gcd

Finally make compares the last modification time of gcd with the last modification times of the files in its dependency list. It finds that gcd is older than gcd_main.o.
Therefore make issues the command g++ gcd.o gcd_main.o -o gcd to generate gcd.

Update required

2.2 Tricks with make
We can define variables in a Makefile. It allows the users to avoid re-typing a lot of filenames. For example, the
Makefile below defines two variables TARGET and OBJECTS.

Note that we use $(variable) to retrieve the value of a variable.
TARGET = gcd
OBJECTS = gcd.o gcd_main.o

The rule in the above Makefile is equivalent to the following:
gcd: gcd.o gcd_main.o g++ gcd.o gcd_main.o -o gcd

Three special variables are defined automatically by make.

Special variable Description
$@ The target
$^ The dependency list
$< The left most item in the dependency list

See below for an example. These two files are functionally equivalent.
gcd_main.o: gcd_main.cpp gcd.h g++ -c $<
gcd: gcd.o gcd_main.o
g++ $^ -o $@

gcd_main.o: gcd_main.cpp gcd.h g++ -c gcd_main.cpp
gcd: gcd.o gcd_main.o g++ gcd.o gcd_main.o -o gcd
Phony targets
We can also create phony target (fake target) that is not really used to generate the target. When we make these targets, the commands will be executed, and it serves as a short hand for those commands. For example, it is common to have targets like clean or tar, as follows.
# previous parts snipped clean:
rm -f gcd gcd.o gcd_main.o gcd.tgz

tar -czvf gcd.tgz *.cpp *.h

.PHONY: clean tar

make clean
When we make the target clean, assuming there is no file named clean in the current directory, the command rm -f gcd gcd.o gcd_main.o gcd.tgz will be executed. Essentially, it replaces the long command with the shorter one .

make tar
Similarly, when we execute the command , the command tar -czvf gcd.tgz *.cpp *.h will be executed. That tar command essentially forms a compressed collection of all .cpp and .h files into the file gcd.tgz.

Here is a complete example of Makefile
FLAGS = -pedantic-errors -std=c++11

gcd.o: gcd.cpp gcd.h g++ $(FLAGS) -c $<

gcd_main.o: gcd_main.cpp gcd.h g++ $(FLAGS) -c $<
gcd: gcd.o gcd_main.o g++ $(FLAGS) $^ -o $@
rm -f gcd gcd.o gcd_main.o gcd.tgz

tar -czvf gcd.tgz *.cpp *.h

.PHONY: clean tar
Sample run:
$ ls
Makefile gcd.cpp gcd.h gcd_main.cpp
$ make gcd
g++ -pedantic-errors -std=c++11 -c gcd.cpp g++ -pedantic-errors -std=c++11 -c gcd_main.cpp g++ -pedantic-errors -std=c++11 gcd.o gcd_main.o -o gcd
$ ls
Makefile gcd gcd.cpp gcd.h gcd.o gcd_main.cpp gcd_main.o
$ make tar
tar -czvf gcd.tgz *.cpp *.h gcd.cpp gcd_main.cpp gcd.h
$ ls
Makefile gcd gcd.cpp gcd.h gcd.o gcd.tgz gcd_main.cpp gcd_main.o
$ make clean
rm -f gcd gcd.o gcd_main.o gcd.tgz
$ ls
Makefile gcd.cpp gcd.h gcd_main.cpp

3. Further reading
Some short tutorials if you want to learn more about Makefile

• Introduction to Makefiles by Johannes Franken
• A simple Makefile tutorial
• Tutorial on writing Makefiles


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