COMP2521 20T2

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Week 2 Lab Exercise
Debugging with GDB
to practice debugging with GDB
Online resources
Setting Up
Set up a directory for this lab under your cs2521/labs directory, change into that directory, and run the following command:
$ unzip /web/cs2521/20T2/labs/week02/
If you’re working at home, download from here.
You should now have the following les in your directory:
Queue.h Queue.c testQ.c sorter.c unsort.c
a set of dependencies used to control compilation interface de nition for a FIFO Queue ADT buggy implementation for the Queue ADT main program for testing the Queue ADT buggy program with a simple sorting function skeleton program for the Extra Challenge part
If you run the make command, it will build two executables: testQ and sorter. Both of these programs are buggy.
Before you x the bugs in the programs, make copies of sorter.c and Queue.c as follows:
$ cp sorter.c sorter.c.bad
$ cp Queue.c Queue.c.bad
Debugging the Sorter
The aim of the sorter program is to generate a small array containing random numbers, print it, sort the array using bubble sort, and then print the sorted array. It repeats this process ve times, generating di erent random array contents each time.
If the sorter were correct, you would observe something like the following:
$ ./sorter
Test #1
Sorting: 83 86 77 15 93 35 86 92 49 21
Sorted : 15 21 35 49 77 83 86 86 92 93 Test #2
Sorting: 62 27 90 59 63 26 40 26 72 36
Sorted : 26 26 27 36 40 59 62 63 72 90 Test #3
Sorting: 11 68 67 29 82 30 62 23 67 35
Sorted : 11 23 29 30 35 62 67 67 68 82 Test #4
Sorting: 29 02 22 58 69 67 93 56 11 42
Sorted : 02 11 22 29 42 56 58 67 69 93 Test #5
Sorting: 29 73 21 19 84 37 98 24 15 70
Sorted : 15 19 21 24 29 37 70 73 84 98
Unfortunately, what you actually observe is:
$ ./sorter
Test #1
Sorting: 83 86 77 15 93 35 86 92 49 21
Segmentation fault
$ gdb ./sorter
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type “show copying” and “show warranty” for details.
This GDB was configured as “x86_64-linux-gnu”. Type “show configuration” for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type “help”.
Type “apropos word” to search for commands related to “word”… Reading symbols from ./sorter…done.
(gdb) run
Starting program: some-long-path-name-ending-in/sorter

Test #1
Sorting: 83 86 77 15 93 35 86 92 49 21

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xXXX…XXX in sort (a=0xXXX…XXX, n=10) at sorter.c:39
39 if (a[j] < a[j-1]) {
BFD: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/f2/5dfd7b95be4ba386fd71080accae8c0732b711.debug: unable to initialize decompress st
The gdb command can be quite verbose, and part of the skill of using it is working what to ignore. I’ve highlighted the critical output in red above. If the long header annoys you, simply use the -q option:
$ gdb -q ./sorter
Reading symbols from ./sorter…done.
In the sample output above, you can see the line where the error has occured. Sometimes it’s useful to get more context than just a single line. You can do this from within gdb using the list command, e.g.
(gdb) list
34 {
35 int i, j, nswaps;
36 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
37 nswaps = 0;
38 for (j = n-1; j > i; j++) {
39 if (a[j] < a[j-1]) {
40 int tmp;
41 tmp = a[j];
42 a[j] = a[j-1];
43 a[j-1] = tmp;
Use gdb to nd out more information about the state of the program at the point where it crashed. You can nd out about the current state of your program in gdb using commands like where and print:
(gdb) where // verify where the program was executing when it crashed
… // gdb gave you a line number above; this will tell you which function (gdb) print n // show the value of the parameter ‘n’ …
(gdb) print a // show the value of the parameter ‘a’
… // this is the address of the start of the array (gdb) print *a // show the first element in the array …
(gdb) print a[0] // show the first element in the array …
(gdb) print a[2] // show the third element in the array …
(gdb) print *a@5 // show the first 5 elements in the array …
(gdb) print a[j] // show the j’th element of the array …
Keep examining variables until you nd something that looks anomalous. You will then need to nd out how it got that way. You could look at the code again and you might spot the error. If not, continue …
One useful way to nd out how your program reached its current erroneous state, is to set a breakpoint on the sort function and observe the behaviour as that function executes.
(gdb) break sort

(gdb) run
… // stops at breakpoint … start of sort function (gdb) next
… // execute next statement, then check variable values (gdb) next …
If examining the variables at each step doesn’t help you to nd the problem quickly, then try adding a breakpoint on line 39 (where the error occurs), and re-running the program. After it stops each time, check the value of variables. After each stop/check, you can continue the program with the cont command.
Once you’ve found the problem, change the code to try to x it, recompile, and see whether the program now exhibits the expected behaviour.
Debugging the Queue
If you simply compile the testQ prograM without change, it will behave as follows:
$ ./testQ
Test 1: Create queues Passed
Test 2: Add to queues testQ: testQ.c:31: main: Assertion `queueLength (q2) == i’ failed.
Once the queue ADT had been implemented correctly, then the testQ program should produce something like the following:
$ ./testQ
Test 1: Create queues Passed
Test 2: Add to queues
Final q1: H 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 T
Final q2: H 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 T
Test 3: Remove from queues
Test 4: Destroy queues
Test 5: Remove from emoty queue This test should fail an assertion testQ: Queue.c:77: leaveQueue: Assertion `q->size > 0′ failed.
Note that it fails the nal test. This test aims to check removing an item from an empty queue, which, of course, should fail. There are ways of catching such an error without simply aborting. (If you wish, you could try to implement a better testQ which actually says “Test Passed” if the queue ADT recognises the error of trying to remove from an empty queue and continues on. (But only do this after you’ve completed this exercise.)
Now run the program under gdb’s control, observe the values of variables when it crashes, and use this information to determine cause of the problem.
Note that this program has multiple bugs, so after you xed one, another will probably manifest itself when you recompile and test. Repeat the above until testQ exhibits the expected behaviour.
Save copies of your xed versions of sorter.c and Queue.c and replace them with the bad versions that you saved earlier (did you?). Then rebuild your executables as follows:
$ mv sorter.c sorter.c.good
$ mv sorter.c.bad sorter.c
$ mv Queue.c Queue.c.good
$ mv Queue.c.bad Queue.c
$ make clean
$ make
Extra Challenge – Unsorting
The Linux sort command has various manifestations, some of which provide a -R option to shu e the elements of the array (Randomise the order). If we were working on a system with a sort command that did not have the ability to take in a sorted sequence and randomly re-order it, we could write a program to do this. There is a skeleton for just such a program in the le unsort.c. This program either reads its input from a named le, or takes it from standard input. It should interpret its input as a sequence of numbers and write a randomly reordered sequence of these numbers, one per line, to its standard output.
For this task, complete the unsort program. It should work even for inputs with very large numbers of values. See if you can make it faster than the Linux sort -R command, even for sequences of more than 100000 numbers.
As an example of how the program works, consider that we have a le called nums containing the numbers from 1 to 5 in ascending order. The following shows possible usage of this program:
$ ./unsort nums
$ seq 1 9 | ./unsort
The precise order of numbers in the output does not matter, and does not have to match the output above. It simply has to look “random enough”. (How could you determine whether it is “random enough”?)
There are no marks for doing this … just the satisfaction of writing something that’s better than a Linux command, at least for this one task.
Have fun, jas

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