Week 05 Lab Exercise
Graph ADT Re-implementation
to implement a Graph ADT using adjacency lists to get some more experience with manipulating ADTs to carry out your own testing
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The Problem
In the Week 04 online sessions, we looked at a simple interactive system for manipulating graphs. This program (glab) loaded up a graph either with random edges, or from a set of edges given in a le. It then provided commands to perform operations like insert a new edge, remove an edge, nd a path from vertex A to vertex B, etc. We have supplied you with a working version of glab. “Ok, problem solved”, you say, “What’s left for me to do?”.
The boss of the company who built glab has noticed a problem: it does not scale well to graphs with a large number of vertices and relatively few edges (sparse graphs). Because it uses an adjacency matrix representation, if you have a graph with 1000 vertices, the matrix will have 106 cells, most of which contain 0 in a sparse graph. The boss wants you to change the graph ADT so that it stores graphs using an adjacency list representation instead of an adjacency matrix.
The diagram below shows the two di erent representations for a small graph:
The lecture slides have more information about how graphs are represented, if you need it.
Getting Started
Set up a directory for this lab, change into that directory, and run the following command:
$ unzip /web/cs2521/20T2/labs/week05/
If you’re working at home, download, unzip it, and then work on your local machine.
If you’ve done the above correctly, you should now nd the following les in the directory:
Makefile a set of dependencies used to control compilation glab.c a command-line interface to the Graph ADT
Graph.c an implementation of a Graph ADT
Graph.h the interface for the Graph ADT
List.c an implementation of a linked-list ADT
List.h the interface for the linked-list ADT
Stack.c an implementation of a stack ADT
Stack.h the interface for the stack ADT
Queue.c an implementation of a queue ADT
Queue.h the interface for the queue ADT
PQueue.c an implementation of a priority queue ADT
PQueue.h the interface for the priority queue ADT Item.h type of items stored in above ADTs graphs some example graphs
Once you’ve got these les, the rst thing to do is to run the command
$ make
This will compile the initial version of the les, and produce the glab executable.
The glab program reads commands from the terminal, and carries them out. After each command, it displays the new version of the graph.
Here’s a sample session with glab that shows the kinds of things you can do:
$ ./glab 3
// create a random graph with 3 vertices
// it just happens to have no edges created
Graph has V=3 and E=0
V Connected to
— ————
> i 0 1
// add the edge (0,1)
Graph has V=3 and E=1
V Connected to
— ————
0 1
1 0
> i 1 2
// add the edge (1,2)
Graph has V=3 and E=2
V Connected to
— ————
0 1
1 0 2
2 1
> i 2 0
// add the edge (0,2)
Graph has V=3 and E=3
V Connected to
— ————
0 1 2
1 0 2
2 0 1
> ?
(i)insert edge … i v w
(r)emove edge … r v w (d)epth first … d v
(b)readth first … d v
(p)ath check (bfs) … p v
(P)ath check (dfs) … p v
(f)ind short path … f v w
(c)ycle check
(C)onnected components
Graph has V=3 and E=3
V Connected to
— ————
0 1 2
1 0 2
2 0 1
> f 0 2
// find a path from 0 to 2
// note: the path is displaysed in reverse order x=0, q=1
Path: 2<-0
Graph has V=3 and E=3
V Connected to
— ————
0 1 2
1 0 2
2 0 1
> q
$ ./glab graphs/complete
// create a new graph …
// using the edge info in graphs/complete
Graph has V=6 and E=15
V Connected to
— ————
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 0 2 3 4 5
2 0 1 3 4 5
3 0 1 2 4 5
4 0 1 2 3 5
5 0 1 2 3 4
> f 0 5
// find a path from 0 to 5
x=0, q=1>2>3>4
Path: 5<-0
Graph has V=6 and E=15
V Connected to
— ————
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 0 2 3 4 5
2 0 1 3 4 5
3 0 1 2 4 5
4 0 1 2 3 5
5 0 1 2 3 4
> r 0 5
// remove the edge (0,5)
Usage: p v1 v2
Graph has V=6 and E=14
V Connected to
— ————
0 1 2 3 4
1 0 2 3 4 5
2 0 1 3 4 5
3 0 1 2 4 5
4 0 1 2 3 5
5 1 2 3 4
> f 0 5
// find a path from 0 to 5 (without direct link) x=0, q=1>2>3>4 x=1, q=2>3>4>2>3>4
Path: 5<-1<-0
Graph has V=6 and E=14
V Connected to
— ————
0 1 2 3 4
1 0 2 3 4 5
2 0 1 3 4 5
3 0 1 2 4 5
4 0 1 2 3 5
5 1 2 3 4
> q
A very common error that I make using glab, is to try to use the d command to remove an edge. If you do, you’ll get an assert() error. To remove an edge, use the r command.
Your Task
How should you test your work? Compile glab, and then run some sessions with graphs of di erent sizes and di erent structures. We are not supplying a testing framework in this lab because we want you to think about what tests are required. It is clearly useful to look at inserting valid edges, but you should also look at what happens when you insert an edge that already exists or try to remove an edge that is not in the graph. You can try using invalid vertex numbers, but these will typically be detected by an assert() before they reach your code. It is also useful to check that algorithms like nding-a-path still work.
The critical point is to be able to create new graphs, insert edges, and remove edges. Checking creation means starting glab and seeing whether it produces a valid graph; to ensure that this is working, it is best to load graphs from les where you know what edges should be in the graph. You can check insertion and removal by running i and r commands and making sure that the updated graph is consistent with what you just did. If you keep a copy of the supplied glab, you can use that as a reference for what is supposed to happen.
Have fun, jas
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