COMP3230 – Mini-Lab 0: Warm up! Welcome to Linux! Solved

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Total 0 point
At the end of this lab, you will be able to:
• Set up working environments on workbench2.
• Feel comfortable with Linux commands.
The first mini-lab is designed to guide you to set up working environments on our grading server (workbench2) and familiarize you with Linux commands. We will have three Tasks to warm you up in the following OS learning.
1. Task 1 (Setup): Establish a remote connection to workbench2 server and download tutorial and lab materials using Git.
2. Task 2 (Know some Commands): Practice several basic Linux commands and get yourself comfortable with the environment.
3. Task 3 (Practice as a Linux Admin!): Role-play a Linux Server Administrator. Your mission is to detect potential threats by identifying the suspicious IPs from log file.
Task 1: Setting Up Remote Connection
Unlike Windows and macOS, Linux usually comes with no GUI (Graphic User Interface) but it doesn’t mean they are outdated. In fact, on most high-performance servers, Linux is the most used OS for many reasons, including high scalability and stability. If you don’t have a computer on hand with Linux installed, no worries, this lab will guide you on how to connect and use a Linux system remotely, i.e., via security shell (SSH).
Login Linux server remotely
In COMP3230, we will use workbench2 for grading, and it is a Ubuntu system, one distribution of Linux. To access that server, we have to setup remote SSH connection. There are two recommended approaches: Termius and VS Code.
Termius: Termius is a cross-platform SSH client and provides SCP (copy bulk files to remote) with GUI.
First, we should connect to HKUVPN following the instructions provided by HKU ITS. Now that you can start an SSH session to by adding a Host in Termius. See Fig. 1 for guidance.

Figure 1: (R)Step 1. Connect to HKUVPN. (L)Step 2. Create a Host. Label: “workbench2”. Address: “”. Username: <your-cs-account-name>. Password: <cs-account-password>.
Termius allows you to access remote servers from any device, including your phone! It offers both terminal access and a drag-and-drop feature for uploading or downloading files via SFTP. See Figure 2 for reference.

Figure 2: Step 1. Clip SFTP on the side bar. Step 2. Select Host to connect. Step 3. Drag-and-drop files to download or updoad.
VS Code: Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a powerful and open-source text editor, and it’s an excellent choice to connect VS Code to the remote server and edit your code on it. Here is how you set it up:
1. Install and open VS Code on your local machine
2. Install the Remote – SSH extension from VS Code marketplace on the left.
3. Press F1 or Ctrl + Shift + P to toggle Command Palette and go to Remote – SSH:
Connect Current Window to Host… > Configure SSH Hosts > ∼/.ssh/config
(where you store your SSH configuration).
4. Add the following configuration to your SSH config file, replace <your-cs-account> with your own account.
Host workbench2
User <your-cs-account>
Port 22
5. Save and close the file.
6. Press F1 or Ctrl + Shift + P to toggle Command Palette and go to Remote –
SSH: Connect Current Window to Host…
7. From the dropdown list, choose workbench2 and hit Enter.
8. Type your CS account password into the pop-up input box and hit Enter.
9. Now you are logged in.
Now you are ready to edit files, run scripts, and use the terminal (Press F1 then type toggle terminal) directly from your VS Code environment! More usages of VS Code can be found on its website .
(Optional) Download Materials for mini-Labs and tutorials
With a connection to workbench2, use git command to download the material from remote git repository for labs (both subclasses) and tutorials (subclass A). For both subclasses, we share the same lab materials but a difference in tutorials. For students in subclass B, feel free to read in each folder if you would like to use these tutorial materials.
Clone the Repository: Use git clone command in your terminal to download the code repository from GitHub:
git clone
Navigate to the Downloaded Repository: Now, change your current directory to HKU-COMP3230A-Tutorialabs using cd command in the terminal.
cd HKU-COMP3230A-Tutorialabs
For more information on basic git commands, you can follow the online tutorial .
Task 2: Linux Commands
In this section, you will experiment with some common Linux commands: cd Change Directory Command cd navigates to the specified working directory.
cd [directory_path]
cd ~ # Navigate to home directory. Usually /home/<username>/ cd .. # Navigate up one directory level (parent directory)
touch Create File touch creates an empty file.
touch [file_name]
touch newfile.txt # Create newfile.txt
mkdir Make Directory mkdir creates a new directory.
mkdir [directory_name] mkdir -p dir1/dir2 # Create nested directories
ls List ls lists directory contents.
ls [options] ls -t # Sort by time ls -al # Detailed list
grep Search The grep command is used for pattern searching in files.
grep [pattern] [file]
grep -i “pattern” [file] # Case-insensitive search grep -o “pattern” [file] # Show only the matching part
grep -E “([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}” [file] # Match IP addresses
| Pipe | passes output to another command.
ls | grep “.txt”
> Redirect Output > redirects standard output to a file.
ls > output.txt
» Append Output » appends standard output to a file.
ls >> output.txt
wc Word Count wc counts lines, words, and characters.
wc [file]
wc -l [file] # Count lines
cat Concatenate cat displays file contents.
cat [file]
cat [file1] [file2] > [file3] # Concatenate and redirect
ps Process Status ps displays active processes.
ps [options]
ps aux # Display processes with extended user information
Notes: Practicing these commands will help you become more comfortable operating in a Linux environment, allowing for more effective and efficient navigation and operation. There is a brief tutorial for these commands. If you would like to know more, you can use man <command> to open up system manual book for a given command. Also, you can find an online version online .
Task 3: Practice: Role play
is to sift through these logs to identify any suspicious failed SSH attempts that might indicate potential security breaches or attackers trying to gain unauthorized access.
Find out who is attacking us!
As an administrator, you should find out who is attempting attacks against our server. Usually, an attacker will try to guess the username & password via SSH connections. Fortunately, this behavior will be logged to /var/log/auth.log on Ubuntu. Unzip the log file using tar xvf auth.log.tar.gz and analyze it in the command line. Here are some hints for you:
1. The commands cat, head, and tail are useful when working with text files. Specifically, head and tail display the initial and final lines of a file, respectively. To specify the
number of lines to display, employ the -n option.
Previewing Large Files: When dealing with extensive files comprising thousands of lines, it’s impractical to view the entire content directly in the command line. Typically, we employ head to glimpse the initial lines or tail to inspect the most recent entries.
2. Upon previewing the contents of auth.log, we notice a variety of authentication activities. Crucially, failed attempts are flagged with the “Failed” keyword, which is subsequently followed by the IP address of the origin. Consequently, our analysis strategy hinges on filtering lines containing the “Failed” keyword and then extracting the associated IP address. To achieve this, we can chain multiple commands using pipes, allowing the output of one command to serve as the input for the next.
Match IP address: You can use regular expression to match IP address like using
grep -oE <regular_expression>. See grep example above.
3. Finally, for the purpose of future reference and potentially blacklisting malicious IPs, we aim to store the output in a file suspicious_ips.txt. The symbols > (for creating or overwriting a file) and » (for appending to a file) are instrumental in directing the output to a desired file.
4. Write your own command in a shell file named lab0_<your_student_id>.sh and run it using bash lab0_<your_student_id>.sh . Just like running Linux commands directly in the command line. The shell file will be executed in the same logic.
Block Threatening IPs
After identifying the suspicious IPs, it’s time to enact protective measures. One standard cybersecurity measure is to block these potentially harmful IPs if they have multiple failures consecutively. Note that blocking an IP should always be performed carefully and responsibly. Here, it’s just a conceptual practice for this lab.
(Optional, 0 pt) Submit your script file as lab0_<your_student_id>.sh. It’s not required but submission is welcomed if you would like some feedback.
// A preview of few lines in auth.log
Jan 3 21:25:22 sshd[3578590]: PAM service(sshd) ignoring max retries; 6 >
Jan 3 21:25:23 sshd[3578675]: Invalid user test2 from port
Jan 3 21:25:23 sshd[3578675]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown
Jan 3 21:25:23 sshd[3578675]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
Jan 3 21:25:25 sshd[3578675]: Failed password for invalid user test2 from port 37198 ssh2
Jan 3 21:25:25 sshd[3578675]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown
Jan 3 21:25:27 sshd[3578675]: Failed password for invalid user test2 from port 37198 ssh2
Jan 3 21:25:28 sshd[3578675]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown
Jan 3 21:25:31 sshd[3578675]: Failed password for invalid user test2 from port 37198 ssh2


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