Assignment 2 (Parsing)
1 Background
Assume you have a set of boxes.
Each box has its own attributes: length, width and height. A box could be placed inside another box as long as the inner one has decreasing length, width and height.
A box can contains as many as small boxes if the sum of length of these boxes is less than length of the outer box, if the maximum of width of these boxes is less than width of the outer box and if the maximum of height of these boxes is less than height of the outer box.
Let me describe these boxes in Haskell. Assume you have data structure:
data Box = Box Int Int Int [Box] deriving (Eq)
The first parameter represents the length of a box, the second parameter represents the width of a box, the third parameter represents the height of a box and the last parameter tells us if there are inner boxes.
Problem 1. (10 pts) Implement numBox :: Box -> Int, computing how many boxes you have. You can assume the input is always valid for this question.
Sample inputs and outputs:
ghci> a = Box 1 2 3 [] ghci> b = Box 1 2 3 [] ghci> c = Box 3 5 7 [a, b] ghci> numBox a
ghic> numBox c 3
Problem 2. (10 pts) The output of built-in show function doesn’t look pretty when you try to inspect the data structure of boxes. Re-implement show function, printing these boxes in a pretty format. More precisely, you should derive a Show instance like
instance Show Box where show _ = — your code here
Rules: If there is no box placed inside a box, your function should return (length:%d, width:%d, height:%d). Here, %d represents an integer. If there are other boxes placed inside a box, your function should return (length:%d, width:%d, height:%d, %s). Here, %s represents the formatted information of inner boxes. Two boxes placed next to each other are separated by a comma and a space.
You can assume the input is always valid for this question.
Sample inputs and outputs:
ghci> a
(length:1, width:2, height:3) ghic> c
(length:3, width:5, height:7 (length:1, width:2, height:3), ( length:1, width:2, height:3))
2 Parser
In this task, the information of boxes will be stored in a string written by a formatted XML-like language.
A legal example of XML-like language looks like:
<box length=3 width=5 height=7>
<box length=1 width=2 height=3 >
<box length=1 width=2 height=3>
Let us describe this XML-like language through Backus–Naur Form:
<whitespace> ::= ‘ ‘ | ‘ ‘ | ‘ ‘ | ‘ ‘
<opt-whitespace> ::= <whitespace> <opt-whitespace> | <whitespace>
<digit> ::= “0” | “1” | “2” | “3” | “4” | “5” | “6” | “7” | “8” | “9”
<digits> ::= <digit> | <digit> <digits>
<boxes> ::= “<box” <opt-whitespace>
“length” ‘=’ <digits> <opt-whitespace>
“width” ‘=’ <digits> <opt-whitespace>
“height” ‘=’ <digits> <opt-whitespace> ‘>’
<opt-whitespace> <box_list> <opt-whitespace> “</box>”
<box_list> := “” | <boxes> <opt-whitespace> <box_list>
• The order of attributes is important.
• Input with correct syntax doesn’t means it is realistic.
• Valid input implies syntax correct and realistic.
• Although leading zero is allowed in grammar, your function should ignore that when you store the number in an integer.
Problem 3. (60 pts) Implement function parse :: String -> Box, converting an input with XML-like language format to our pre-defined Haskell data structure. You can assume the input is always valid for this question.
Sample inputs and outputs:
ghci> test1 = “<box length=10 width=5 height=3></box>” ghci> parse test1
(length:10, width:5, height:3) ghci> test2 = “<box length=10 width=5 height=3> <box length=8 width=2 height=2> </box> </box>” ghci> parse test2
(length:10, width:5, height:3 (length:8, width:2, height:2)) ghci> test3 = unlines [“<box length=10 width=5 height=3>”,
“<box length=8 width=4 height=1></box>”, “<box length=1 width=4 height=1></box>”,”</box>”] ghci> parse test3
(length:10, width:5, height:3 (length:8, width:4, height:1
), (length:1, width:4, height:1))
Note: Haskell doesn’t support multi-line string constant, thus if needed you should explicitly write the line break ( or ) or use unlines function.
3 Validation
However, your algorithm might be fed an illegal input.
Problem 4. (20 pts) Implement function isValid :: String -> Bool, checking whether an input with XML-like language format is valid.
ghci> isValid test1 True
ghci> isValid test2 True
ghci> isValid test3 True
There are two sorts of invalid inputs:
1) The string violates the XML-like grammar specification.
Below shows some incorrect inputs:
• The type of size is not an integer.
• he order of attributes is wrong.
• Lack of attribute.
• Typo.
• Other grammar errors.
ghci> err1 = “<box length=3 width=bug height=50></box>” ghci> err2 = “<box width=3 length=2 height=50></box>” ghci> err3 = “<box length=3 width=1></box>” ghci> err4 = “<box length=3 width=4 heigh=50></box>” ghci> err5 = “<box length=3 width=2 height=50>” ghci> isValid err1 False ghci> isValid err2
False ghci> isValid err3 False ghci> isValid err4 False ghci> isValid err5 False
2) The string is syntactically correct but violates the placement rules.
Our placement rule says: A box can contains as many as small boxes if
• The sum of length of these boxes is less than length of the outer box
• The maximum of width of these boxes is less than width of the outer box
• The maximum of height of these boxes is less than height of the outer box
ghci> err6 = “<box length=3 width=4 height=5><box length=3 width=3 height=4></box></box>” ghci> err7 = “<box length=3 width=4 height=5><box length=2 width=4 height=4></box></box>”
ghci> err8 = “<box length=3 width=4 height=5><box length=2 width=4 height=4></box><box length=1 width=4 height=4></box></box>”
ghci> isValid err6 False ghci> isValid err7 False ghci> isValid err8
4 Policies
• You can ONLY use functions from these libraries:
– Prelude
– Data.Char
– Data.List
– Control.Monad
– Control.Applicative
• GHC extension is not allowed.
If you break the constraints, you won’t get any credits.
Your code will be graded automatically by a grading program.
Please make sure auto-grader can find your function and there is no grammar error in your code.
Please make sure no statement like module XXX where exists in your file, otherwise there will be 5 pts deduction.
If there is question you don’t implement, remove it from your code.
For question 1, there are 2 test cases. Each test case is worth 5 points.
For question 2, there are 2 test cases. Each test case is worth 5 points.
For question 3, there are 6 test cases. Each test case is worth 10 points.
For question 4, there are 8 test cases. These 8 test cases will be divided into 4 groups. In each groups, a test case has a valid input and the other test case has an invalid output. If you can pass two test cases in one group you will get 5 points.
The correctness of your implement of question 2 won’t affect the grading of your implement of question 3.
Time limit for each test case: 1 sec.
Only does your code have same output as standard output then your code is considered as passing the test case.
No partial points exists for each test case.
Code style and submission (5 pts.)
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