COMP3270 – Objective of this assignment: (Solution)

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• To explore the impact of the function calls overhead

What you need to do:
1. Implement the greedy recursive algorithm to solve the activity-selection problem
2. Implement the greedy iterative algorithm to solve the activity-selection problem
3. Repeatedly execute both algorithms on the same problem and measure the running time of each algorithm
4. Plot results, compare, analyze and conclude.



1) Implement RecursiveActivitySelector(k,n), the greedy recursive algorithm to solve the activity-selection problem. 2) Implement GreedyActivitySelector(n), the greedy iterative algorithm to solve the activity-selection problem.
3) Implement the following program to collect data to plot and analyze. (submit this program with your assignment)

Initialize Array_s[n] // start times Initialize Array f[n] // finish times
for i = 1 to NumberPoints
TimeRecursive = 0 TimeIterative = 0 for j = 1 to NumberRuns
Initialize set A //Use an array to represent a set A[i] = 0 if 𝑎𝑖 ∉𝐴
RecursiveActivitySelector(0, i-1)
Collect running time for recursive and add it to TimeRecursive GreedyActivitySelector(i-1)
Collect running time for iterative and add it to TimeIterative
Collect M[i] = TimeRecursive/TimeIterative
Dump M[i] in a file

InitializeArrays(n) // Create about n/2 mutually compatible activities s[0] = 0 f[0] = 0
for i = 1 to n-1
if (i is even) s[i] = f[i-2]
f[i] = s[i] + 2
else s[i] = f[i-1] – 1 // s[1] will be negative, but that is fine.
f[i] = f[i-1]+1

Data collection and analysis
1) (25 points) Plot M[i] versus i Insert here the plot …

Compare the two algorithms, discuss and analyze based on the plot of M[i] versus i. …..

• Write a report that will contain, explain, and discuss the plot. The report should not exceed one page.
• In addition, your report must contain the following information: o whether the program works or not (this must be just ONE sentence) o the directions to compile and execute your program
• Good writing is expected.
• Recall that answers must be well written, documented, justified, and presented to get full credit.

What you need to turn in:
• Electronic copy of your source program (standalone/separately attached to this assignment)
• Electronic copy of the report (including your answers) (standalone). Submit the file as a Microsoft Word or PDF file.

• Program is worth 30% if it works and provides data to analyze
• Quality of the report is worth 70% distributed as follows: good plot (25%), explanations of plot (10%), discussion and
conclusion (35%).


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