Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Assignment 2
Submission Through: Blackboard
Make sure you read and understand every part of this document
You are given two options about submitting your homework: (1) both code and report, and (2) only report. The second option is given to you in case you are not able to implement the programming part. These options will be graded differently:
Code and Report: The code part and the report will have 2:1 weight ratio in your submission (programming 2/3, report 1/3).
Only Report: The report part will be treated as 1/2 of the total grade. You must credit the code you used and must not submit a code part.
Part 1: Programming
There are hints for the programming part, especially about what features to use in your evaluation functions, in the project description website. Read those carefully, as they generally provide good ideas. We have also discussed example features during the class. The first things to try are the distance to ghosts, distance to food, distance to capsules, scared timer etc. More information is given below. Note that your evaluation function for question 1 is a good starting point for question 5. As noted in the website, do not waste too much time on both of these questions and only get back to them if you have time left.
Evaluation Functions
The evaluationFunction method of the ReflexAgent class already shows you how to get important information from the GameState class. As an addition, you can use the getCapsules method to get the locations of the remaining capsules as a list. These capsules let the pacman eat the ghosts for significant additional points!
You can call the asList method of the Food class to get the locations of the foods as a list. You can use the built-in len function to get the remaining number of foods or capsules. The scaredTimes gives you the remaining time for pacman to eat the ghosts. A 0 value means that the ghosts are not scared so watch out!
In the previous homework, HW1, you had the option to use the mazeDistance, which gives you the cost to go between 2 locations in the maze taking the walls into account, i.e., the true graph cost. This results in better cost estimates at the expense of more computation. This resulted in lower number of node expansions but potentially made the algorithms run slower than if you used the manhattanDistance. Feel free to use either, however, make sure that your code does not take too long!
Your pacman can get to a state of thrashing, which means that it either stops or keeps moving between two states, until a ghost comes nearby. In your ReflexAgent, you might think of penalizing the Stop action. This is not the best idea and there are other things you can do. If you happen to have this problem, try to tune your feature weights. Finally, it is okay if you do not have the best agent behavior as we are not sending a rover to Mars, yet.
Programming for Multiple Ghosts
Remember that in the class, we talked about the multiplayer case, where all the agents are trying to maximize their utility. Think of all the ghosts as trying to minimize your evaluation function, i.e., all the ghosts are MIN agents. This means that you need to call the min-value function for all of the ghosts. You can do it by passing an agent index to your value function. Note that pacman will always be agent 0. Look at the comments in the file to see which functions take an agent index (look for agentIndex) as a variable. You are free to define your own functions, either externally or within the classes, but make sure the entry points are in the existing class methods (e.g. the getAction methods).
Keeping Track of Depth
In this assignment, 1-level of depth is interpreted as including all the agents’ actions. In the 2-player version, this means 1-level of depth is completed after you check the actions of both the MAX agent and the MIN agent. If you have more than 1 ghost, the depth increases after you look at the actions of pacman and all the ghosts.
In the class, we have discussed why we are not able to search as deep as the end of the game. The assignment requires you to implement a depth limit. In a recursive algorithm, it might not be obvious how to implement this. There are multiple ways to do this. You can pass down a depth variable, along with your state to your functions.
Alpha-Beta Pruning
The α and the β values are not for the entire search tree but for a certain node. This means that you should not keep the same variables for the entire search.
Pacman Not Eating the Last Food
Part 2: Report
This part includes answering the following questions based on your program’s output on the given pacman tests. You are expected to answer the questions concisely. Five sentences is more than enough for most of them. Limit yourself to 200 words per question. It is okay if you over-generalize, as long as your direction is clear and correct. Note that some answers are already in the provided link to the Berkeley site. For some questions, you do not even need to write that much (Hint: Q2, Q3 and Q4).
Create a PDF file named report.pdf containing your answers for submission. Write your name and your ID on the report as well!
Written Q1:
What are the features you used in your evaluation function for your reflex agent? Why did you chose them? If you have too many, limit yourself to at most 5. Do you think using the reciprocals or negatives of some values is a good idea and why?
Written Q2:
Try the following lines of code:
python -p MinimaxAgent -l trickyClassic -a depth=2 -f python -p AlphaBetaAgent -l trickyClassic -a depth=2 -f
Run both them until 20 seconds (or less if pacman ends up dieing) and see how far the pacman has got.
You do not need to write additional time keeping code, a stopwatch should suffice.
In your tests, were you able to see any speed difference between the MinimaxAgent and AlphaBetaAgent, between pacman actions? If so, why and if not why not? Is there any situation you came across that highlights this?
Written Q3:
When you were running the tests in the previous question, did your pacman behave exactly in both cases? Why?
Written Q4:
Now try the same with the ExpectimaxAgent;
python -p ExpectimaxAgent -l trickyClassic -a depth=2 -f
Comment on how fast your code runs. Compare it with the MinimaxAgent and AlphaBetaAgent. Note that this comparison is trickier to do. If you are not able to conclusively see anything, write what you would have expected.
Written Q5:
We are sure that you were able to write a better evaluation function than the one we used for the programming questions 2-4. Did you change anything from your evaluation function for the ReflexAgent? If so, what were the changes? What, if anything, is different in this case? If you have written something entirely different, comment on your new evaluation function.
Written Q6:
For both the programming questions 1 and 5, you probably needed to tune your feature weights. If so, comment on how you selected your weights, what did you prioritize and why.
You are going to submit a compressed archive through the blackboard site. This archive should only contain report.pdf and Make sure you put your name and ID inside the report as well. Other files will be deleted and/or overwritten. Do not submit any code if you only want us to grade your report.
You are fine as long as the compressed archive has the required files within 4 folder levels.
Once you are sure about your assignment and the compressed file, submit it through Blackboard. Do not submit code that does not terminate or that blows up the memory.
Important: Download your submission to make sure it is not corrupted and it has your latest report/code. You are only going to be graded by your blackboard submission.
Best of luck and happy coding!
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