COMP472 – (Solution)

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Late Submission 30% per day
Teams You can do the mini-project in teams of at most 3.
Teams must submit only 1 copy of the project via the team leader’s account.
Purpose In this project, you will implement the 2-player game of a Line ’em Up.

1 Game of Line ’em Up
The game of Line ’em Up is a generic version of tic-tac-toe: it is an adversarial 2 player game played on a n×n board where each position has one of 4 values:
• a white piece (◦) – for the player who plays the white pieces
• a black piece (•) – for the player who plays the black pieces
• a bloc () – where no player can place their pieces (in tic-tac-toe, there are no blocs)
• an empty position () – where players can place their pieces
Game set up: Initially, b blocs () are placed at specific positions, and the rest of the positions are left empty. Each player chooses the color they will play (◦ or •). The player who plays ◦ always plays first. Figure 1 shows an initial game board with n=5 and b=6 blocs are positioned at [(0,D), (1,B), (2,A), (2,D), (3,B), (4,C)].

Figure 1: Example of an initial board with n=5 and b=6 blocs at positions [(0,D), (1,B), (2,A), (2,D), (3,B), (4,C)].
Moves: Players play in alternating turns. At each turn, the active player chooses one empty position where they place their own color (◦ or •). Then the next player makes their move.
End game: The game ends as soon as one player has lined up s consecutive pieces of their own color in a row, in a column or diagonally; in that case, that player wins the game. If there are no more empty positions on the board, then the game ends in a draw. For example, with the game board of Figure 1, possible wins are shown in

Figures 2 and 3 if s=4, and a possible draw is shown in Figure 4.

◦ ◦ 0
4 ◦ ◦ • •
• • • • ◦
• • ◦
◦ • ◦ • • ◦
◦ • • ◦ ◦ ◦
Figure 2: Example of a win for • with n=5, Figure 3: Example of a win for ◦ with n=5,
b=6 and s=4. b=6 and s=4.

0 ◦ ◦ ◦ •
1 • • • •
2 ◦ ◦ ◦
3 ◦ ◦ ◦ •
4 • ◦ • •
Figure 4: Example of a draw with n=5, b=6 and s=4.

2 Your Task
Implement an adversarial search for the game of Line ’em up for values of n, s and b given as input.
2.1 Skeleton Code
To get you started, a skeleton code which implements a standard tic-tac-toe game (i.e. with n=3, b=0 and s=3) is available on Moodle. This skeleton includes:
1. an already coded mini-max function, 2. an already coded alpha-beta function, and
3. a basic interface.
The code evaluates the states at the leaves of the game-tree, hence it is not really usable for values of n>3 in a reasonable time. You must expand this code to:
1. account for the specificity of the game Line ’em Up described in Section 1,
2. develop 2 heuristics e1 and e2 – see Section 2.3,
3. accept as input a number of parameters – see Section 2.4, and
4. output a variety of information – see Section 4.1.
2.2 Programming Environment
To program the project, you must use Python 3.7. Using the PyPy runtime instead of the regular CPython will make your code run significantly faster, but be careful as Pypy is not compatible with all Python modules. You must also use GitHub to develop your project so we can monitor the contribution of each team member (make sure your project is private while developing).
2.3 The Heuristics
Develop 2 different heuristics (e1 and e2) for this game. I recommend to have e1 be a very simple but fast heuristic, and have e2 be more sophisticated and complex to compute. This way, you can better appreciate the trade-off between the execution time and the quality of the estimate in order to win the game given reasonable time constraints.
2.4 The Input
It is not necessary to have a fancy user-interface. A simple command-line interface with a text-based I/O is sufficient. As long as your program supports the following input:
1. Game Parameters: Your program must accept the following game parameters .
(a) the size of the board – n – an integer in [3..10]
(b) the number of blocs – b – an integer in [0..2n]
(c) the positions of the blocs – b board coordinates
(d) the winning line-up size – s – an integer in [3..n]
(e) the maximum depth of the adversarial search for player 1 and for player 2 – 2 integers d1 and d2
(f) the maximum allowed time (in seconds) for your program to return a move – t
(g) a Boolean to force the use of either minimax (FALSE) or alphabeta (TRUE) – a
(h) the play modes
Your program should be able to make either player be a human or the AI. This means that you should be able to run your program in all 4 combinations of players: H-H, H-AI, AI-H and AI-AI.
2. Coordinates of Moves: If at least one player is a human, then their moves will be specified by first indicating the column (numbered [A..J]), then the row (numbered [0..(n-1)]), for example B 3. Note that if a human player enters an illegal move (e.g. W 3 or the coordinates of a position that is not empty), then they will only be warned and be given a chance to enter another move with no penalty . However, if your program generates an illegal move, then it will automatically lose the game.
2.5 The Output
Your program should generate 2 types of output files: game traces and a scoreboard with statistics of multiple games. Sample output files are available on Moodle. Download them now, so you can better follow the description below.
2.5.1 Game Trace Files
Game traces are meant to show the evolution of a single game where both players are controlled by an AI. The name of these output files should follow the format: gameTrace-<n><b><s><t>.txt (for example gameTrace-5642.txt). Each trace file should contain:
1. The parameters of the game: the values of n, b, s, t
2. The position of the blocs
3. The parameters of each player: the values human or AI, and in the case of an AI, the corresponding values of the depth of the search (d1 or d2), the corresponding values of the alphabeta vs minimax of the search (a1 or a2, or both) and which heuristic was used (e1 or e2).
4. A display of the initial configuration of the board.
5. Then, for each move, display:
(a) the move taken (eg. B 4) (b) the new configuration of the board (c) the following statistics:
i. The evaluation time of the heuristic (in seconds)
ii. The number of states evaluated by the heuristic function
Your code must count and return the number of states that your heuristic function evaluated to select its current move.
iii. The number of states evaluated at each depth (consider the root to be at depth 0)
The number of states evaluated at each depth. Here you display, how many nodes were evaluated at depth 1, at depth 2, …
iv. The average depth (AD) of the heuristic evaluation in the tree
v. The average recursion depth (ARD) at the current state see the example below for an explanation.
The following example illustrates these statistics. Assume that your search has run the heuristic function on the nodes in bold of the game tree below. The depth of these nodes are indicated as a superscript next to the node name. The statistics to display are then:
i. the total time your heuristic took to run on all 9 nodes
[D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N] ii. 9
iii. [depth1=2, depth2=3, depth3=4] iv. (3+3+2+3+3+2+2+1+1) = 2.22
v. the ARD at node A is calculated recursively, this way:
6. Then, at the end of the game, display:
(a) the winner
(b) for each heuristic, the following statistics:
i. The average evaluation time of the heuristic for each state evaluated (in seconds)
ii. The number of states evaluated by the heuristic function during the entire game
iii. The average of the per-move average depth of the heuristic evaluation in the tree – i.e. the average of statistic 4(c)iii above for all moves
iv. The total number of states evaluated at each depth during the entire game
v. The average of the per-move average recursion depth – i.e. the average of statistic 4(c)v above for all moves
vi. The total number of moves in the game
2.5.2 Scoreboard File
You will run a series of 2×r games (for example 2×10), in AI vs AI mode, where each player uses a different heuristic (eg. player 1 uses e1 and player 2 uses e2), and each player plays as ◦r times, and plays as •r times. You will store in an output file called scoreboard.txt, the following information:
1. The parameters of the game (the values of n, b, l, t)
2. The parameters of each player: their max search depth (d1 and d2)), their alphabeta or minimax (a1 and a1) and their heuristic
3. The number of games played (the value of 2×r)
4. The number and percentage of wins for heuristic e1 and for heuristic e2
5. All the information displayed at the end of a game (see Section 2.5.1), but averaged over 2×s games
For each series of games, append the statistics of the series at the end of the scoreboard.txt file.
2.6 Experiments and Analysis
Once your code is running, generate a sample for one game trace for the following configurations:
1. gameTrace-4435.txt (i.e: n=4, b=4, s=3, t=5) with d1=6, d2=6, a1=FALSE, a2=FALSE with the blocs at [(0,0),(0,4),(4,0),(4,4)]
2. gameTrace-4431.txt: with d1=6, d2=6, a1=TRUE, a2=TRUE with the blocs at [(0,0),(0,4),(4,0),(4,4)]
3. gameTrace-5441.txt: with d1=2, d2=6, a1=TRUE, a2=TRUE with blocs at random positions
4. gameTrace-5445.txt: with d1=6, d2=6, a1=TRUE, a2=TRUE with blocs at random positions
5. gameTrace-8551.txt: with d1=2, d2=6, a1=TRUE, a2=TRUE with blocs at random positions
6. gameTrace-8555.txt: with d1=2, d2=6, a1=TRUE, a2=TRUE with blocs at random positions
7. gameTrace-8651.txt: with d1=6, d2=6, a1=TRUE, a2=TRUE with blocs at random positions
8. gameTrace-8655.txt: with d1=6, d2=6, a1=TRUE, a2=TRUE with blocs at random positions
and a scoreboard.txt for a series of 10 games using the same configurations as above (i.e. 10 games with
configuration (1) + 10 games with configuration (2) …).
Analyse your scoreboard to compare and contrast the effect of the depth, alpha-beta and the two heuristic(s). Prepare a few slides explaining your heuristics and presenting and analysing the above data. You will present these slides at the demo (see Section 4.2).
3 Tournament (Just for fun)
Just for the fun of it, we will organize an AI versus AI tournament. This tournament will not count for points, we are just doing this for fun (and for the thrill of having your team publicly acknowledged on the Moodle page as the winner of the tournament!). For the tournament, we strongly encourage you to use PyPy . More details on the tournament will be posted on Moodle.
4 Submission
The submission of the mini-project will consist of 3 deliverables:
1. The code & output files
2. The demo (8 min presentation & Q/A)
4.1 The Code & Output files
Submit all files necessary to run your code in addition to a which will contain specific and complete instructions on how to run your experiments. If the instructions in your readme file do not work, are incomplete or a file is missing, you will not be given the benefit of the doubt. Generate the 8 game traces and the scoreboard output files specified in Section 2.6.
4.2 The Demos
You will have to demo your mini-project for ≈ 12 minutes. Regardless of the demo time, you will demo the program that was uploaded as the official submission. The schedule of the demos will be posted on Moodle. The demos will consist of 2 parts: a presentation ≈ 8 minutes and a Q/A part (≈ 4 minutes). Note that the demos will be done via Zoom and will be recorded.
4.2.1 The Presentation
Prepare an 8-minute presentation to analyse the results of your analysis (see Section 2.6. In particular, discuss the effect of the depth, the use of alpha-beta and the two heuristic(s) functions. Back-up your claims with actual data from your experiments. Prepare a few slides explaining your heuristics and presenting and analysing the above data. You will present these slides at the demo (see Section 4.2). The intended audience of your presentation is your TAs. Hence there is no need to explain the theory. Your presentation should focus on your work and analysis.
4.2.2 Q/A
5 Evaluation Scheme
Individual grades will count for 15% and will be based on:
1. a peer-evaluation done after the submission.
2. the contribution of each student as indicated on GitHub.
3. the Q/A of each student during the demo (correct and clear answers to questions, knowledge of the program, …).
The team grade will count for 85% and will be based on:
Code functionality, design, programming style, … 45
Heuristics – e1 and e2 quality, originality, … 5 Output files format, content, correctness 10
Demo presentation depth of the analysis, clarity and conciseness, presentation, time- 15 management, …
Output files at demo time format, content, correctness 10

Total 85
5.1 Submission Schedule
Submit the output files generated at demo time during your demo Assignment 20 (yes! 20)
5.2 Submission Checklist
In your GitHub project, include a file that contains:
1. on its first line: the URL of your GitHub repository,
2. specific and complete instructions on how to run your program.
Code & Output files
Create one zip file containing your code, the output files and the file.
Name your zip file: 472 Assignment1 ID1 ID2 where ID1 is the ID of the team leader.
Have the team leader upload the zip file at: as Assignment2.
Create a zip file called: 472 Demo1 ID1 ID2 ID3 where ID1 is the ID of the team leader.
Have the team leader upload the zip file at: as Assignment20.
Have fun!


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