COMP90049 – Week 8 1. Consider the following multilayer perceptron. (Solution)

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The network should implement the XOR function. Perform one epoch of backpropagation as introduced in the lecture on multilayer perceptrons.
โ€ข The activation function f for a perceptron is the sigmoid function:
โ€ข The thresholds are not shown in the network. The threshold nodes are set to -1.
โ€ข Use the following initial parameter values:
๐œƒ#$($) =2 ๐œƒ#โ€™($) =โˆ’1 ๐œƒ#$(โ€™) =โˆ’2
๐œƒ$$($) =6 ๐œƒ$โ€™($) =8 ๐œƒ$$(โ€™) =6
๐œƒโ€™$($) =โˆ’6 ๐œƒโ€™โ€™($) =โˆ’8 ๐œƒโ€™$(โ€™) =โˆ’6
โ€ข The learning rate is set to ฮท = 0.7
i. Compute the activations of the hidden and output neurons.
ii. Compute the error of the network.
iii. Backpropagate the error to determine โˆ†ฮธij for all weights ฮธij and updates the weight
2. What is the difference between โ€œmodel biasโ€ and โ€œmodel varianceโ€?
i. Why is a high bias, low variance classifier undesirable? ii. Why is a low bias, high variance classifier (usually) undesirable?
3. Describe how validation set, and cross-validation can help reduce overfitting?


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