COMP9021 – QUIZ 3 Solved

$ 24.99


$ python3
Enter an integer between 1 and 4 and a positive integer: 1 0
Ok, you want to first look this way: ⇧
In base 3, the second input reads as: 0 So that’s how you want to go: ⇧
Let’s go then!

$ python3
Enter an integer between 1 and 4 and a positive integer: 2 1
Ok, you want to first look this way: ⇨
In base 3, the second input reads as: 1
So that’s how you want to go: ⬀
I don’t want to have the sun in my eyes, but by all means have a go at it!
$ python3
Enter an integer between 1 and 4 and a positive integer: 1 80
Ok, you want to first look this way: ⇧
In base 3, the second input reads as: 2222 So that’s how you want to go: ⬀⬀⬀⬀
Let’s go then!

$ python3
Enter an integer between 1 and 4 and a positive integer: 1 40
Ok, you want to first look this way: ⇧
In base 3, the second input reads as: 1111 So that’s how you want to go: ⬁⬁⬁⬁
Let’s go then!

1 123456789

In base 3, the second input reads as: 22121022020212200 So that’s how you want to go: ⬀⬀⬁⬀⬁⇧⬀⬀⇧⬀⇧⬀⬁⬀⬀⇧⇧
Let’s go then!

$ python3
Enter an integer between 1 and 4 and a positive integer: 1 1097393690
Ok, you want to first look this way: ⇧
In base 3, the second input reads as: 2211110221101010202 So that’s how you want to go: ⬀⬀⬁⬁⬁⬁⇧⬀⬀⬁⬁⇧⬁⇧⬁⇧⬀⇧⬀
Let’s go then!

⬁ ⬁

⬁ ⬁ ⬁ ⬁

QUIZ 3 3
3 240756

In base 3, the second input reads as: 110020020220 So that’s how you want to go: ⬂⬂⇩⇩⬃⇩⇩⬃⇩⬃⬃⇩
Let’s go then!

$ python3
Enter an integer between 1 and 4 and a positive integer: 3 2943856728
Ok, you want to first look this way: ⇩
In base 3, the second input reads as: 21121011101102020200 So that’s how you want to go: ⬃⬂⬂⬃⬂⇩⬂⬂⬂⇩⬂⬂⇩⬃⇩⬃⇩⬃⇩⇩
Let’s go then!

3 7970352

In base 3, the second input reads as: 112222221021020 So that’s how you want to go: ⬂⬂⬃⬃⬃⬃⬃⬃⬂⇩⬃⬂⇩⬃⇩
Let’s go then!

$ python3
Enter an integer between 1 and 4 and a positive integer: 2 9848289250
Ok, you want to first look this way: ⇨
In base 3, the second input reads as: 221102100021221002201
So that’s how you want to go: ⬂⬂⬀⬀⇨⬂⬀⇨⇨⇨⬂⬀⬂⬂⬀⇨⇨⬂⬂⇨⬀
I don’t want to have the sun in my eyes, but by all means have a go at it!
$ python3
Enter an integer between 1 and 4 and a positive integer: 2 6083235
Ok, you want to first look this way: ⇨
In base 3, the second input reads as: 102110001122000
So that’s how you want to go: ⬀⇨⬂⬀⬀⇨⇨⇨⬀⬀⬂⬂⇨⇨⇨
I don’t want to have the sun in my eyes, but by all means have a go at it!
$ python3
Enter an integer between 1 and 4 and a positive integer: 4 6578987643
Ok, you want to first look this way: ⇦
In base 3, the second input reads as: 121222111112012102000
So that’s how you want to go: ⬃⬁⬃⬁⬁⬁⬃⬃⬃⬃⬃⬁⇦⬃⬁⬃⇦⬁⇦⇦⇦
I don’t want to have the sun in my eyes, but by all means have a go at it!

QUIZ 3 5
$ python3
Enter an integer between 1 and 4 and a positive integer: 4 2349986589476
Ok, you want to first look this way: ⇦
In base 3, the second input reads as: 22022122201121100201112222
So that’s how you want to go: ⬁⬁⇦⬁⬁⬃⬁⬁⬁⇦⬃⬃⬁⬃⬃⇦⇦⬁⇦⬃⬃⬃⬁⬁⬁⬁
I don’t want to have the sun in my eyes, but by all means have a go at it!


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