DAY CLASS Dr. S. Smith
NAME: [Enter your name here —SS]
Mingzhe Wang
Student ID: [Enter your student number here —SS]
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• Restart your computer, 1-2 hours before the exam. A restart can be very helpful for several computer hiccups.
• Commit and push your tex file, compiled pdf file, and code files frequently.
2. It is your responsibility to ensure that the answer sheet is properly completed. Your examination result depends upon proper attention to the instructions.
3. All physical external resources are permitted, including textbooks, calculators, computers, compilers, and the internet.
4. The work has to be completed individually. Discussion with others is strictly prohibited.
5. Read each question carefully.
6. Try to allocate your time sensibly and divide it appropriately between the questions.
7. The set N is assumed to include 0.
Question 1 [6 marks] Parnas advocates faking a rational design process as depicted in the figure below. The faked documentation follows these steps: Requirements (SRS) → Design (MG and MIS) → Application Implementation (code) → Verification and Validation (Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Review). How are the principles of a) abstraction and b) separation of concerns applied in a rational design process? In your answer you can refer to any aspects of the process, documentation, and/or Parnas’s principles.
[Fill in your answer below —SS]
a) Abstraction • The process of faking a rational design process is itself an abstraction. The abstraction, (information hiding), increases through application, S. Design Doc, Req. Doc. The Req. Doc is the most abstract document because it does not specify any implementation instruction, but only the requirement. The S. Design Doc (MIS, MG) is the second most abstract stage. Because in the level, some more instructions like the concept and the sytax and semantics are provided to programmer. The application is the the least abstract one, because it need to contain all code for the program to work.
• The MG also illustrates Abstraction. In an MG, there are some typical information hiding such as Hardware Hiding, Software Hiding, and Behave hiding. And also we hide secrets in our modules. All of these show the concept of abstraction, which is achieved by information hiding. • MIS is also an abstraction case. In a MIS, we do not need to show the specific implementation of the module, instead we only provide sytax, semantics, and other specification to the programmer. The process and this document is actually an abstraction because it omits unnecessary implementation details.
b) Separation of Concerns • MG illustrates Separation of Concerns, by writing MG, we decompose the whole system to different module, which provides service and secret.
• The test process also illustrates Separation of Concerns, because instead of doing integration testing first, we use unit tests to verify the reliability of each method in a module. By doing this, we can find the flaw in a specific area.
• Abstraction is a special case of separation of concerns. Many different models of the same entity can be produced by abstraction
Consider the specification for two modules: SeqServices and SetOfInt.
Sequence Services Library
Exported Constants
Exported Types
Exported Access Programs
Routine name In Out Exceptions
max val seq of Z N ValueError
count Z, seq of Z N ValueError
spices seq of Z seq of string ValueError
new max val seq of Z, Z → B N ValueError
State Variables
State Invariant
• All access programs will have inputs provided that match the types given in the specification.
Access Routine Semantics max val(s)
• output: out := |m| : N such that (m ∈ s) ∧ ∀(x : Z|x ∈ s : |m| ≥ |x|)
• exception: (|s| = 0 ⇒ ValueError)
• output: out := +(x : Z|x ∈ s ∧ x = t : 1)
• exception: (|s| = 0 ⇒ ValueError)
• output: out := hx : Z|x ∈ s : (x ≤ 0 ⇒ “nutmeg”|True ⇒ “ginger”)i
• exception: (|s| = 0 ⇒ ValueError) new max val(s, f)
• output: out := max val(hx : Z|x ∈ s ∧ f(x) : xi)
• exception: (|s| = 0 ⇒ ValueError)
Set of Integers Abstract Data Type
Template Module
Exported Types SetOfInt = ?
Exported Constants
Exported Access Programs
Routine name In Out Exceptions
new SetOfInt seq of Z SetOfInt
is member Z B
to seq seq of Z
union SetOfInt SetOfInt
diff SetOfInt SetOfInt
equals SetOfInt B
State Variables s: set of Z
State Invariant
Assumptions • The SetOfInt constructor is called for each object instance before any other access routine is called for that object. The constructor can only be called once. All access programs will have inputs provided that match the types given in the specification.
Access Routine Semantics
new SetOfInt(xs):
• transition: s := ∪(x : Z|x ∈ xs : {x})
• output: out := self
• exception: none is member(x):
• output: x ∈ s
• exception: none to seq():
• output: out := set to seq(s)
• exception: none
• output: SetOfInt(set to seq(s)|| seq())
# in case it is clearer, an alternate version of output is: SetOfInt(set to seq(s ∪ {x : Z|x ∈ seq() : x}))
• exception: none
• output: SetOfInt(set to seq(s ∩ complement( seq())))
• exception: none
• output: |s|
• exception: none empty():
• output: s = ∅
• exception: none
• output: ∀(x : Z|x ∈ Z : x ∈ seq() ↔ x ∈ s) # this means: seq() = s
• exception: none
Local Functions
set to seq : set of Z → seq of Z
set to seq(s) ≡ hx : Z|x ∈ s : xi # Return a seq of all of the elems in the set s, order does not matter
complement : seq of Z → set of Z complement(A) ≡ {x : Z|x 6∈ A : x}
Question 2 [15 marks]
Any exceptions in the specification have names identical to the expected Python exceptions; your code should use exactly the exception names as given in the spec.
You do not need to worry about doxygen comments. However, you should include regular comments in the code where it would benefit from an explanation.
You do not need to worry about PEP8. Adherence to PEP8 will not be part of the grading.
Remember, your code needs to implement the given specification so that the interface behaves as specified. This does NOT mean that the local functions need to all be implemented, or that the types used internally to the spec need to be implemented exactly as given. If you do implement any local functions, please make them private by preceding the name with double underscores.
Code for
## @file
# @author Mingzhe Wang
# @brief Library module that provides functions for working with sequences
# @details This library assumes that all functions will be provided with arguments of the expected types
def max_val(s):
if len(s) == 0: raise ValueError
mval = abs(s[0]) for x in s:
if abs(x) > mval:
mval = abs(x)
return mval
def count(t, s):
if len(s) == 0:
raise ValueError
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [1 for x in s if x == t], 0)
def spices(s):
if len(s) == 0:
raise ValueError
return [“nutmeg” if x <= 0 else “ginger” for x in s]
def new_max_val(s, f): if len(s) == 0:
raise ValueError return max_val([x for x in s if f(x)])
Code for
## @file
# @author Mingzhe Wang
def __init__(self, xs):
self.s = set(xs)
def is_member(self, x):
return x in self.s
def to_seq(self): return list(self.s)
def union(self, t): s = self.s.copy() for x in list(t.__gets()):
return SetOfInt(list(s))
def diff(self, t): return SetOfInt(list(self.s – t.__gets()))
def size(self): return len(self.s)
def empty(self): return len(self.s) == 0
def equals(self, t): return self.s == t.__gets()
def __gets(self): return self.s
Code for
## @file
# @author Spencer Smith
# @brief This file is intended to help test that your interface matches the specified interface
from SeqServicesLibrary import * from SetOfInt import *
# Exercising Sequence Services Library print() print(“SeqServicesLibrary, max_val expt:”, max_val([1, 2, -3])) print(“SeqServicesLibrary, count expt:”, count(1, [1, 1, 1, 1])) print(“SeqServicesLibrary, spices expt:”, spices([-5, 0, 23, -.01])) print(“SeqServicesLibrary, new_max_val expt:”, new_max_val([-5, 0, 23,
10], lambda x: x == 10))
# Exercising Set of Integers xs = [-9, 6, 23, 21, -5] ys = list(xs) ys.append(99)
S = SetOfInt(xs) print(“SetOfInt, is_member expt:”, S.is_member(21)) print(“SetOfInt, to_seq expt:”, S.to_seq())
S2 = SetOfInt(ys) S3 = S.union(S2)
print(“SetOfInt, union expt:”, S3.to_seq()) S4 = S2.diff(S)
print(“SetOfInt, diff expt:”, S4.to_seq()) print(“SetOfInt, size expt:”, S4.size()) print(“SetOfInt, size expt:”, S4.empty()) S5 = SetOfInt([-9, 6, 23, -5, 21]) print(“SetOfInt, equals expt:”, S.equals(S5)) print()
S1 = SetOfInt([1,9,3,200,81,21,99,12])
S2 = SetOfInt([3,1,9,10])
S3 = S1.diff(S2)
S5 = SetOfInt([21,81,200])
print(“SetOfInt, union expt:”, S3.to_seq())
print(“SetOfInt, size expt:”, S3.size()) print(“SetOfInt, size expt:”, S3.empty()) print(“SetOfInt, equals expt:”, S3.equals(S5)) print(type(S2))
Code for test
## @file
# @author Your Name
# @brief Tests implementation of SeqServicesLibrary and SetOfInt ADT
from SeqServicesLibrary import * from SetOfInt import * from pytest import *
## @brief Tests functions from class TestSeqServices:
# Sample test def test_sample_test1(self):
assert True
## @brief Tests functions from class TestSetOfInt:
# Sample test def test_sample_test2(self):
assert True
Question 3 [5 marks]
Critique the design of the interface for the SetOfInt module. Specifically, review the interface with respect to its consistency, essentiality, generality and minimality. Please be specific in your answer.
[Put your answer for each quality below. —SS]
• consistency: The design seems not consistent because of its name conventions. For example. the empty should be renamed to is_empty to be consistent with is_member. In addition, the to_seq should be renamed to get_seq because it is not a mutator.
• essentiality: The design is not essential because some services provided a method can be provided by the combination of other method’s services. For example, the service of empty can be gained by using size.
• generality: The design is also not general. Because we don’t know how the module will be used in the future. It is better for us to change the design of set to work for all types instead of just integers.
• minimality: The design is in general minimal because every methods only provides one service. The only behavior seems not too minimal is that the union and diff actually return a new SetOfInt object.
Question 4 [4 marks]
The module SetOfInt is for a set of integers. Please answer the following questions related to making that module generic.
a. How would you change the specification to make it generic? (Specifically what changes would you make to the given specification. You don’t need to redo the spec, just summarize what changes you would need to make.)
b. What changes would you need to make to the Python implementation to make it generic for type T? (Again, you can describe and characterize the changes; you don’t actually have to make them.)
c. What relational operator needs to be defined for type T to be a valid choice?
d. BONUS (1 mark) How would you specify (in the MIS) the relational operator constraint (from the previous question) on the generic type T?
[Put your answer below. —SS]
a. Change the header to Generic T Abstract Data Type. Change the Template Module name to Set(T).
Change the Exported Types name to Set(T) = ?.
Add Generic before Template Module.
Replace all the type name Z in the sytax and semantic field to T.
b. Nothing. The implementation in Python is already generic by dynamic typing. (duck typing)
c. The equal() relational operator should be defined.
d. (BONUS) Define an interface that specifies the equal() relational operator of Type T, that is Set(T with Equality(T)) in the header, where Equality(T) is the generic interface.
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