Submission Format
1. Implement Java code for the class Account. An Account has a double property balance, the balance of money in the Account. Create two constructors (default and initialization), accessor (get/set) methods, a printInfo method, a toString method, a method deposit that will increase the balance by a specified amount returning nothing, and a method withdraw that will decrease the balance by a user specified amount returning the amount withdrawn. Note: you will perform no error checking, so the account balance is allowed to become negative.
2. Consider the class Vacation. What are the properties and methods of a Vacation? Propose types and names for all the properties of the class Vacation. Include your answer to this problem within a comment (note, this is an essay question / answer, not complete Java code for you to construct). This problem and your answer is to be given after the class Account from Problem #1 in the same file ( ).
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