COS461 – # Assignment 2: TCP Congestion Control and Bufferbloat (Solution)

$ 29.99


This is not a group assignment. You are not allowed to copy or look at code from other students. However, you are welcome to discuss the assignments with other students without sharing code.

## Getting Started

On your host machine (not the VM), go to the course assignments directory:
$ cd COS461-Public/assignments
Pull the latest update from Github.

Reprovision your VM to install necessary packages for this assignment.

$ vagrant reload –provision

After shelling into your VM, uninstall existing versions of Jupyter and matplotlib.

$ sudo pip uninstall matplotlib
$ sudo pip uninstall jupyter

Re-install Jupyter and matplotlib with the –user flag.

$ pip install –user matplotlib
$ pip install –user jupyter

On the VM, run the command `sudo ~/.local/bin/jupyter-notebook &`. This will start a new Jupyter notebook server in the background. Even though it is running in the background, it will sometimes print informative messages to the
terminal. You can press Enter each time you get a message to get the shell prompt back. To shut down the notebook, run `fg` then press Control-C twice (once to get the confirmation message, another time to skip confirmation).

While the notebook is running, on your host machine, open up your browser and type `localhost:8888` in the address bar. This should open to the Jupyter notebook file selection window. Juypter notebook is actually running on port 8888 on your vagrant VM, but you can access it through your host machine browser because the port is being forwarded between the VM and the host machine.
In the file selection window, enter the `assignment2` directory and then open `Assignment2_Notebook.ipynb`. This will open a notebook with the instructions for the rest of the assignment. Work through this notebook from top to bottom
and complete the sections marked “TODO.”

**Remember to “Save and Checkpoint” (from the “File” menu) before you leave the
notebook or close your tab.**

## Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook (formerly called iPython Notebook) is a browser-based IDE with a cell-based editor.

Every cell in a notebook can contain either code or text (“Markdown”). Begin editing a cell by double-clicking it. You can execute the code in a cell (or typeset the text) by pressing `shift-enter` with the cell selected. Global variables and functions are retained across cells. Save your work with the “Save and Checkpoint” option in the “File” menu. If your code hangs, you can interrupt it with the “Interrupt” option in the “Kernel” menu. You can also clear all variables and reset the environment with the “Restart” option in the
“Kernel” menu.

The “Help” menu contains many additional resources about Jupyter notebooks
(including a user interface tour, useful keyboard shortcuts, and links to tutorials).

## Submission

Submit your completed `Assignment2_Notebook.ipynb` file on TigerFile here:

Remember to put your name and netid in the marked location at the top of the file.
#### Acknowledgement
This assignment is modeled after a [similar


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