COSC121 – Assignment (20 marks) Solved

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Focus: Implementing Java Collections (LinkedLists)
In this assignment, you will convert the MyLinkedList class, which we created in class, to a doubly linked list. You need to do the following:
– Download the attached classes ( and and add them to your project in Eclipse. Fix the package statement in each class to refer to your current package.
– Rename MyLinkedList class to MyDoublyLinkedList (see โ€œUseful Eclipse Shortcutsโ€ below).
– At this point, Eclipse should show no syntax errors.
– Add or change the code in MyDoublyLinkedList so as to convert it to a doubly linked list. That is, you need to have and use two references for each node: next, pointing to the next node, and previous, pointing to the previous node. Comments are added to MyDoublyLinkedList beside the parts that need to be changed. Whenever you make a change, make sure that next and previous properly point to the correct nodes or to null.
– Some comments ask you to improve the performance of your code using previous. Here, you have to think about how the performance can be improved knowing that each node points to both the next and the previous nodes. For example, if you want to get a reference to the second-to-last node, you would only need to use tail.previous instead of having to traverse the list from head up to the node at size-2 in case of singly linked lists.
– To improve the readability and maintainability of your code, try to use helper methods whenever appropriate. A method that you have to create is getNodeAt(int index) which returns a reference to a node at a given index. Again, you have to try to improve the performance of this method given that you have both next and previous.
– Testing: Use the TestMyDoublyLinkedList class to test your code. You should have an output similar to the one in the next page.

Test Output:

See the comments in the given Java file for detailed breakdown of the mark.

For this assignment, you need to do the following:
1- Create a Java project of which name consists of your student number followed by the assignment number, e.g., โ€œ1234567_A8โ€.
2- Create one class for each question and write your answer inside that class. Your classes should have the same name as the question number (e.g., Q1)
3- After solving all questions, open Windows Explorer (or any other file explorer).
4- Navigate to your Java project folder (can be found inside your Eclipse workspace folder).
5- Locate the โ€œsrcโ€ folder for this project (the folder that includes the source code for all questions).
6- Zip the โ€œsrcโ€ folder and rename the zipped file to match your project name (e.g.,
7- Submit the zipped file to Canvas.
Note that you can resubmit an assignment, but the new submission overwrites the old submission and receives a new timestamp.


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