Focus: Sorting
In this assignment, you will build a class that can be used to sort a list of patient using different algorithms, and you will also compare the time efficiency of these algorithms.
Download the attached files to help you work on this assignment:
Q1. [10 marks] Create a class called Sorter that has two static methods: public static void bubbleSort(ArrayList<Patient> list)
public static void bubbleSort(ArrayList<Patient> list, Comparator<Patient> comparator)
Write code for both methods so that they can sort an list of items of the type Patient using bubble sort. The first one should use the Comparable interface and the second uses the Comparator interface.
Test your code using the attached file You should get an output similar to the one given below for either method.
Sample run (the asterisk indicates a patient with an emergency)
Q2. [10 marks] Add the following two methods to your Sorter class. The first method uses the selection sort algorithm and the second uses insertion sort. Both methods should use the
Comparable interface.
public static void selectionSort(ArrayList<Patient> list) public static void insertionSort(ArrayList<Patient> list)
Test your code again using You should have the same output as in Q1 above.
Q3. [10 marks] Write a program that obtains the execution time of the three sort algorithms used in the above Sorter class (i.e., bubble sort, selection sort, and insertion sort). Your program should print out the time required to sort array lists of N patients, where N ranges from 5,000 to 50,000 with an increment of 5,000 (see sample run below). Every time increment N, your program should recreate unsorted array lists of N random patients and then sort them. A random patient should have a random id between 0 and N and random emergency case (true or false for emergencyCase). Don’t worry much about creating a random name for each patient. Instead, use the name “anonymous” (or any other name of your choice) for all patients.
In order to properly compare the performance of the three sorting algorithms in Sorter, you need to have them work on three identical array lists. Start by creating an array list with random patients, then clone twice. Finally, sort each array list (original and clones) with a different algorithm and print the sorting time. Repeat this process for different values of N.
When you submit your code, you need submit two screen shots of the output of two runs of your code (similar to the ones given below).
• To create three identical lists, you can use the clone method.
• To better organize your code, create a helper method called randomPatient that returns a new instance of Patient with random attribute values.
• To measure the execution time of a task, you can use the following template
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); perform the task;
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); print (endTime – startTime);
• Use printf method to format your output to match the sample runs below.
Sample run 1 Sample run 2
• 85 % for proper code structure and logic
• 15 % for correct syntax and formatting
For this assignment, you need to do the following:
1- Create a Java project of which name consists of your student number followed by the assignment number, e.g., “1234567_A9”.
2- Create one class for each question and write your answer inside that class. Your classes should have the same name as the question number (e.g., Q1)
3- After solving all questions, open Windows Explorer (or any other file explorer).
4- Navigate to your Java project folder (can be found inside your Eclipse workspace folder).
5- Locate the “src” folder for this project (the folder that includes the source code for all questions).
6- Zip the “src” folder and rename the zipped file to match your project name (e.g.,
7- Submit the zipped file to Canvas.
Note that you can resubmit an assignment, but the new submission overwrites the old submission and receives a new timestamp.
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