CptS440-540 – (Solution)

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CptS 440/540 Artificial Intelligence
Homework 2

For this homework you will implement a reflex agent with state to play the Wumpus World game. Specifically,
1. Download the latest version (3.2) of the Wumpus World simulator from GitHub at https://github.com/holderlb/wumpus-world-simulator.
2. Read the README for instructions on how to use the simulator.
3. Implement an agent that executes the following reflex rules (and only these rules).
a. If the agent perceives a Glitter, then execute the GRAB action.
b. If the agent is in the (1,1) location and has the gold, then CLIMB.
c. If the agent perceives a Stench and has an arrow, then SHOOT.
d. If none of the above conditions are met, then the agent should randomly choose one of the actions: GOFORWARD, TURNLEFT, TURNRIGHT.
7. For CptS 540 Students Only: Nothing extra.



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