CS 3MI3: Fundamentals of Programming Languages Solved

$ 20.99


Dr. Jacques Carette
The goals of this assignment are:
1. Do a typechecker implementation where you have to take care of doing unification yourself.
2. In other words, implement Algorithm W for the Hindley-Milner type system.
Your laguage will be the lambda calculus (i.e. variables, abstraction aka lambda and application) with let-in, pairs, unit, booleans and natural numbers.
Specifically, the syntactic forms, values, evaluation rules and typing rules from Types and Programming Languages:
• Figures 3-1, 3-2
• Figures 8-1, 8-2
• Figure 9-1 without typing annotation on lambda
• Figure 11-2, 11-4, 11-5, with the modified polymorphic let from section 22.7 of the textbook.
For extra certainty, a Skel.hs file is provided with datatype definitions (that you must use as is) and stubs for the functions you need to implement.
The Tasks
1 Typing [60 points]
Take the language as specified above and implement (in Haskell) all the functions whose body is currently undefined.
Note that the textbook implements a more complex algorithm.
2 Testing [40 points]
As with previous assignments, you should provide a properly documented test suite for your code.
Submission Requirements
• Must be handed in as a .zip, .gz, or .7z file. Other archive formats will not be accepted, resulting in a score of 0. The archive should be called A5 macemailid.zip (with your email address, I am
“carette”, substituted in).
• The name of the file does matter.
• Code or tests which produces errors is worth 0 marks for the code (including testing) portion of the assignment. Let us know which platform you used (as a comment or in a README).
• Marks will be deducted if you have junk in your archive (such as object files, .DS Store files, pointless subdirectories, etc.). Stack project files and cabal files are exempt from this.
• If you looked things up online (or in a book) to help, document it in your code. If you have asked a friend for help, document that too. “Looked things up online” includes all AI tools and the courses’ own slides, tutorials, etc. Put this in a README file (as plain text, Markdown, or HTML). (For this assignment, this is manditory, as it is built-in that you will have to look things up.)


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