CS 4400: Introduction to Database Systems Solved

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Project Purpose
In this project you will analyze, specify, design, implement, document, and demonstrate an online system. You are required to use the classical methodology for relational database development. The system will be implemented using a relational DBMS that supports standard SQL queries. You will use your localhost MySQL Server (Version 5.1 or above) to implement your database and the application. You also cannot use any other software like Access or SQLite. Ask the professors or TAs if you have questions.
Project Phases
Inputs (we give you)
• Text description • Revised text description
• Advanced ERD
• Raw initial data • Database schema
• Initialized database
• Procedure shell
Phase I Phase II Phase III
• Entity Relationship Diagram
• Logical constraints • Relational schema
• Database schema
• Initialized database • Implemented procedures
Outputs (you turn in)

Version History
1 7/7/20 Initial Release

Directions for Phase III

We are providing you with the following:

Title Description When is it
Procedure Bank Provides descriptions, points values, and notes for each of the specified procedures. Now
Procedure Shell Stubs out all of the procedures and provides space for you to fill in your implementations. Now
Stored Procedure Guide Briefly reviews the various parts of stored procedures in a concise one-pager. Now
Project Description The same text description from Phase II for your reference. Now
initialization Provides the DDL to set up the database you will be working with as well as inserts the initial data from Phase II. Thu, Jul 9, 12:01 am
Basic autograder Provides a script to sanity check your procedure implementation. This can be used through the Gradescope Phase III assignment. Tues, Jul 14

The only thing you will turn in is the procedure shell (rename this to phase3.sql). The rest is for your use.

Full credit Points available
INSERT 13 15
UPDATE 10 12
SELECT 38 46

You’ll notice we have also provided an example procedure for each procedure type. These ones have their implementations filled in and are worth 0 points.

A few reminders:
• Don’t change the stored procedure names, any of the parameter names, the order of the parameters, nor the parameter types. These are essential to the interface of your application: if you change them, you would impact how users are able to access your application, and you could potentially impact other systems (e.g., our testing application) that are used to evaluate your submission.
• Some of the parameters for the stored procedures might be empty. In those cases, the input values might be an empty string (i.e., “”) or a null value, usually depending on the parameter type. Also, certain parameter values might be limited to specific string values as indicated in an enumeration type. Please refer to the Project Instructions and the stored procedure script that we’ve provided for more details.
• For deletions, do not try to circumvent referential ON DELETE triggers by manually deleting parent rows. This ON DELETE restrictions are deliberate.
• For selects, the “SELECT * FROM USER” is just a dummy query to get the file to run. You will need to replace that line with your solution.
• For selects, the stored procedure creates a table that has the same name as the stored procedure along with the string “_result” appended to the end. Your query return results must be stored into that table. o Do not change the names or parameters of the tables that are used to return the results of your queries.
o However, you are welcome to move around the “INSERT INTO ___result” command wherever you need it to be, as long as the results of your SELECT are loaded into that result table.

1. Delete (completely) any procedures you chose not to implement
2. Rename your procedure file to phase3.sql
3. Each member of the team needs to upload the team procedure file to Gradescope under the Phase III assignment. You are individually responsible for submitting the copy you choose to use. That is the copy we’ll use for your individual grade.
4. A preliminary autograder will run on your submission and output results for diagnostic and debugging purposes only. These results should not be assumed to reflect your actual grade but are a relatively strong “sanity-check” for your procedures and submission process. We will actually grade your submission on a more comprehensive autograder, so be sure to manually test your procedures as well.


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