CS 6500: Network Security Term Project Requirements Solved

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The objective of the term project is read and implement any one security protocol / mechanism. This can be done individually or a team of up to 2 members. The total number of hours devoted to the term project by EACH student is approximately 30 hours. The workload and expected outcome of a 2-member team project will be roughly twice that of an individual project 60 hours. Hence, the project outcome is expected to be commensurate with this amount of time.
1 Project Proposal
The project proposal, written in your own words, should present: (a) the protocol/mechanism/approach to be implemented in sufficient detail; (b) the programming language and the development environment; (c) the expected learning from the project; (d) testing and performance study plan (high-level).
2 Final Project Code and Report
The final project report will be detailed technical report containing
• Abstract: One paragraph
• Introduction and Motivation
• Relevant Background Material
• Detailed Problem Definition
• Details of Implementation
• Details of Testing and Performance Study, as appropriate
• Conclusions
• If one of the team members drops out of the course or the project in the middle of the semester, theother team member is expected to take the project to completion individually. New members will not be permitted to added in such cases.
• Teams should not discuss with each other about their selected projects. It is expected that each individualand team will have a different project to work upon.
• Suggestions for project ideas: Please start brainstorming and ask questions in class!
3 Suggestions
These are only starting points. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list.
The objective of the term project assignment is to encourge you to think creatively beyond what is in the textbook, conceptualize new ideas, concretize them into complete mechanisms and implement the same. It is alright to carve out a larger scheme in the early stages and narrow down the scope given the time limitations.
• Implement modifications of existing protocols (such as KerberosV5 modified using public-key cryptogra-phy, IPSec, ISAKMP, IKE, WiFi WPA2/WPA3, etc.) with all basic functionalities.
• Concepts not covered in class can also be considered: e.g. Group Key Establishment, Group Key inMulticast Nodes, Group Authentication, Blockchain systems such as Ethereum (not just applications), etc. These must use the security mechanisms (and extensions) discussed in class.
• Implement a major portion of key mechanisms/protocols in published research papers such as in top-tierconferences such as ACM CCS, USENIX NSDI, IEEE CNS, Securecomm, etc. and related journals in the field, e.g. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security and IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
– DroneKey: A Drone-Aided Group-Key Generation Scheme for Large-Scale IoT Networks, Han et al., https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3460120.3484789
– Efficient Online-friendly Two-Party ECDSA Signature, Xue et al., https://dl.acm.org/doi/
See: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=8858
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=10206 for sample journal papers.


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