CS 680 PSet 2: Transformations & Polygons (Solution)

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Question 1: (680: 15 pts)

// Algorithm to determine if a polygon is concave or convex
// Polygon vertices could be provided in CW or CCW order

Input: v[1], …, v[N] // N polygon vertices
Output: True or False // True if convex, False if concave

Vector e1, e2; float z;
int sign_of_sine_theta=0;

// compute cross-product between successive edges
// if sign of all the z values are all the same, then convex
// loop around polygon, taking cross product at each vertex

for (j=1; j<=N; ++j){ if(j==N)
if(j==1) i=N; else i=j-1;

e1= v[j]-v[i]; e2= v[k]-v[j]; z = (e1.x * e2.y) – (e2.x * e1.y); // z of cross-product

if(z < 0.0){ if(sign_of_sine_theta > 0) return False; // sines with different signs else
sign_of_sine_theta = -1;
else if (z > 0.0){ if(sign_of_sine_theta < 0) return False; // sines with different signs
sign_of_sine_theta = 1;
return True;

b) Extra credit (5 pts): Suppose the point in the interior of the polygon is not provided. Describe a strategy for finding such a point. Pseudocode not required.
c) Extra credit (10 pts): Look up the β€œshoelace formula” for the area of a polygon. Can you come up with an alternate algorithm based on this formula? Pseudocode needed here.

Question 2: (680: 20 pts)
(a) Write a 4 x 4 homogeneous transform matrix M that when applied to a point 𝑝 = (π‘₯, 𝑦, 𝑧, 1) yields 𝑝 = (π‘₯ , 𝑦 , 𝑧 , 1) where

π‘₯ 𝑧 + π‘Ž

𝑦 = 3𝑦 + 𝑏

𝑧 𝑧 + 𝑐

(b) What three or four basic computer graphics transforms occur when applying M to a 3D point? In other words, how can you decompose M into transforms such as scaling, rotation, translation? Give a homogeneous transform matrix for each, and show the order in which they are multiplied.

Question 3: (680: 10 pts)
Derive the shear matrix that would transform the block β€œh” character on the left to the italic β€œh” character on the right. Show your answer first with variables, then replace the variables with values for your final answer.

Question 4: (680: 20 pts)
Consider the following unit quaternions

π‘ž , 0, βˆ’

a) π‘ž represents a rotation of angle πœƒ about a unit vector 𝑒 . What is this angle and vector? (Note: there are several acceptable answers).
b) π‘ž represents a rotation of angle πœƒ about a unit vector 𝑒 . What is this angle and vector?
(Note: again, several acceptable answers).
c) Does rotation by π‘ž and π‘ž commute? Why?
d) Extra credit (5 pts): When do two rotations commute? When do they not? Prove these statements. (Hint: consider the equation for quaternion multiplication).

Question 5: (680: 15 pts)
Derive a 3D homogeneous transformation matrix to scale along the u-axis with origin C by Su. Your solution should not use trigonometric functions for Rin or Rout, instead use the orthonormal basis vectors as discussed in class.

. .

Question 6: (680: 20 pts)
Derive a homogeneous transformation matrix that can be used to reflect 3D points about a plane with equation ax + by + cz = d. Your solution should not include the explicit computation of any Euler rotation matrices Rx, Ry, and Rz.


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