CS102A – Assignment

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There is a store that allows consumers to rent different types of vehicles. The consumer only provide the range of money he can spend and how many days he wants to rent, then the program can return the information of vehicles that match his requirements.

General describe your task
Your job is to design those different types of vehicles including OldVehicle,
NewReleasedVehicle and Motorbike, which are the subclasses of the Vehicle class.

A. Create classes: (15 points)
Create three subclasses of Vehicle including OldVehicle,
NewReleasedVehicle and Motorbike.

B. Adding attributes: (10 points)
โ€ข NewReleasedVehicle: adding a private data field named energy, and the type of which is an enum type (Energy).
โ€ข Motorbike: adding a private data field named deposit, which is an integer and it means the deposit of motorbike.

C. Constructor. (15 points)
โ€ข OldVehicle: Only one constructor with two parameters including name and basicPrice.
โ€ข NewReleasedVehicle: Only one constructor with four parameters including name, basicPrice, chargeable(boolean) and oiling(boolean).
In constructor, we need to give energy an initial value as follows

chargeable true false true
oiling true true false

โ€ข Motorbike: Only one constructor with three parameters including name, basicPrice and deposit.

D. Override abstract method. (30 points)
You need to implement the abstract method getRental() in those three subclasses. The algorithm for calculating the rental value is as follows.

Algorithm Example
OldVehicle If you rent vehicle lower than 3 days, the rental would be basicPrice, otherwise, the rental would be
basicPrice+(days-ยญโ€3)*basicPrice* 20% If you want to rent 5 days and the basic price is 400, the rental is 560
ehicle If you rent vehicle lower than 4 days, the rental would be basicPrice,
otherwise, the rental would be
basicPrice+(days-ยญโ€4)*basicPrice* 30% If you want to rent 5 days and the basic price is 400, the rental is 520
Motorbike If you rent motorbike between 5(k-ยญ1)+1 and 5k days, the rental would be
k*basicPrice+deposit. If you want to rent 8 days, and the basic price is 400, and the deposit is 100, the rental is 900.

E. Override toString() method. (20 points)

The toString() method in all subclasses must invoke the toString() method in its superclass.

โ€ข OldVehicle: The return value of toString() method consists of two parts.
1. A String โ€œOld โ€.
2. The return value of toString() method from its superclass.

โ€ข NewReleaseVehicle: The return value of toString() method consists of
three parts:
1. A String โ€œNew โ€.
2. The return value of toString() method from its superclass.
3. The value of desc, which is an attribute of Enum type energy.

โ€ข Motorbike: The return value of toString() method consists of two parts.
1. A String โ€œMotorbike โ€.
2. The return value of toString() method from its superclass.

F. Implement interface. (20 points)
Only OldVehicle and NewReleasedVehicle need to implement the interface
In override method InsuanceDescription,
For OldVehicle, it needs to print โ€œPurchased insuranceโ€
For NewReleasedVehicle, it needs to print โ€œPurchased high-ยญโ€value insuranceโ€

Here is a Sample Test public static void main(String [] args) {
ArrayList<Vehicle> list=new ArrayList<Vehicle>();
list.add(new OldVehicle(“FORD-ยญโ€maverick”,400));
list.add(new NewReleasedVehicle(“Tesla-ยญโ€Model2”,1500,true,false));
list.add(new Motorbike(“YAMAHA-ยญโ€ys150”,600,200));

for(Vehicle v:list) {
if(v instanceof Insurance) {
((Insurance) v).InsuanceDescription();


Sample Output:

What to submit
โ€ข Compress all following files into one folder, and then submit them into sakai.

โ€ข Do not do any modification of those files given to you. (Customer.java, Energy.java, Insurance.java, Vehicle.java, vehicle.txt)
โ€ข No package information included.


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