CS110 – Lab Handout 4: assign3 Redux and Threads Solved

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Students are encouraged to share their ideas in the #lab4 Slack channel. SCPD students are welcome to reach out to me or Hemanth directly if they have questions that can’t be properly addressed without being physically present for a discussion section. The lab checkoff sheet for all students—both on-campus and off—can be found right here.
Before starting, go ahead and clone the lab4 folder, which contains a working solution to Problem 2. My expectation is that you spend the majority of your time on Problem 1, which is a collection of nontrivial short answer questions that verify your understanding of Assignment 3, but Problem 2 is there for you to play with at the end of section or on your own time.
poohbear@myth15:~$ hg clone /usr/class/cs110/repos/lab4/shared lab4 poohbear@myth15:~$ cd lab4 poohbear@myth15:~$ make
Problem 1: Short Answer Questions
Here are a collection of short answer questions drilling your understanding of subprocess, trace, and farm. It’s not uncommon for students to get working solutions to assignments and still not be entirely clear why they work. These questions are here to force you to think big picture and understand the systems concepts I feel are important.
● Your Assignment 3 implementation of subprocess required two pipes—one to foster a parent-to-child communication channel, and a second to foster a child-to-parent communication channel. Clearly explain why a single pipe shouldn’t be used to support both communication channels.
● You’ve seen dprintf in lecture and in the assign3 handout, and it presumably contributed to most if not everyone’s farm implementation. Explain why there’s a dprintf function, but there’s no analogous dscanf function. Hint: Think about why dprintf(fd, “%s %d “, str, i) would be easy to manage whereas dscanf(fd, “%s %d “, str, &i) wouldn’t be. Read the first few lines of the man pages for the traditional fprintf and fscanf functions to understand how they operate.
● Consider the implementation of spawnAllWorkers below. Even though it rarely causes problems, the line in bold italics technically contains a race condition. Briefly describe the race condition, and explain how to fix it.
static const size_t kNumCPUs = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);

static vector<worker> workers(kNumCPUs); static size_t numWorkersAvailable;
static const char *kWorkerArguments[] = {
“./factor.py”, “–self-halting”, NULL
static void spawnAllWorkers() {
cout << “There are this many CPUs: ” << kNumCPUs << “, numbered 0 through ”
<< kNumCPUs – 1 << “.” << endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) {
workers[i] = worker(const_cast<char **>(kWorkerArguments));
assignToCPU(workers[i].sp.pid , i); // implementation omitted, irrelevant
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
signal(SIGCHLD, markWorkersAsAvailable); // markWorkersAsAvailable is correct spawnAllWorkers();
// other functions, all correct
return 0;
}struct worker {
worker() {}
worker(char *argv[]) : sp(subprocess(argv, true, false)), available(false) {} subprocess_t sp;
bool available;
static const size_t kNumCPUs = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); static vector<worker> workers(kNumCPUs); static size_t numWorkersAvailable;
static const char *kWorkerArguments[] = { “./factor.py”, “–self-halting”, NULL
static void spawnAllWorkers() {
cout << “There are this many CPUs: ” << kNumCPUs << “, numbered 0 through ”
<< kNumCPUs – 1 << “.” << endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) {
workers[i] = worker(const_cast<char **>(kWorkerArguments));
assignToCPU(workers[i].sp.pid , i); // implementation omitted, irrelevant
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
signal(SIGCHLD, markWorkersAsAvailable); // markWorkersAsAvailable is correct
// other functions, all correct
return 0;
● While implementing the farm program for assign3, you were expected to implement a getAvailableWorker function to effectively block farm until at least one worker was available. My own solution relied on a helper function I called waitForAvailableWorker, which I present below. After analyzing my own solution, answer the following questions:
○ Assuming no signals are blocked at the time waitForAvailableWorker is called, clearly identify when SIGCHLD is blocked and when it is not.
○ Had I accidentally passed in &additions to the sigsuspend call instead of &existing, the farm could have deadlocked. Explain why.
○ Had I accidentally omitted the sigaddset call and not blocked SIGCHLD, farm could have deadlocked. Explain how.
○ In past quarters, I saw a bunch of students who lifted the block on SIGCHLD before the two lines in bold instead of after. As it turns out, executing numWorkersAvailable– after the block is lifted can cause problems, but executing workers[i].available = false actually can’t. Explain why the placement of the -is more sensitive to race conditions than the Boolean assignment is.
static size_t getAvailableWorker() {
sigset_t existing = waitForAvailableWorker();
size_t i;
for (i = 0; !workers[i].available; i++);
assert(i < workers.size());
workers[i].available = false;
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &existing, NULL); // restore original block set return i;
}static sigset_t waitForAvailableWorker() {
sigset_t existing, additions;
sigaddset(&additions, SIGCHLD);
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &additions, &existing);
while (numWorkersAvailable == 0) sigsuspend(&existing);
return existing;
static size_t getAvailableWorker() { sigset_t existing = waitForAvailableWorker();
size_t i;
for (i = 0; !workers[i].available; i++);
assert(i < workers.size());
workers[i].available = false;
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &existing, NULL); // restore original block set
return i;
● The first quarter I used this assignment, a student asked if one could just use the pause function instead, as the second version of waitForAvailableWorker does below. The zero-argument pause function doesn’t alter signal masks like sigsuspend does; it simply halts execution until the process receives any signal whatsoever and any installed signal handler has fully executed. This is conceptually simpler and more easily explained than the version that relies on sigsuspend, but it’s flawed in a way my solution in the preceding bullet is not. Describe the problem and why it’s there.
static sigset_t waitForAvailableWorker() {
sigset_t mask;
sigaddset(&mask, SIGCHLD);
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);
while (numWorkersAvailable == 0) {
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, NULL);
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);
● Your implementation of trace relied on ptrace’s ability to read system call arguments from registers via the PTRACE_PEEKDATA command. When a system call argument was a C string, you needed to rely on repeated calls to ptrace and the PTRACE_PEEKUSER option to pull in characters, eight bytes at a time, until a zero byte was included. At that point, the entire ”-terminated C string could be printed.
Was this more complicated than need be? If, after all, the argument register contains the base address of a ”-terminated character array, why can’t you just << the char* to cout and rely on cout to print the C string of interest? Problem 2: Multithreaded quicksort
quicksort is an efficient, divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm whose traditional implementation looks like this:
static void quicksort(vector<int>& numbers) {
quicksort(numbers, 0, numbers.size() – 1);
}static void quicksort(vector<int>& numbers, ssize_t start, ssize_t finish) {
if (start >= finish) return;
ssize_t mid = partition(numbers, start, finish);
quicksort(numbers, start, mid – 1); quicksort(numbers, mid + 1, finish); }
static void quicksort(vector<int>& numbers) { quicksort(numbers, 0, numbers.size() – 1);
The details of how partition works aren’t important. All you need to know is that a call to partition(numbers,start,finish) reorders the elements between numbers[start] and numbers[finish], inclusive, so that numbers residing within indices start through mid-1, inclusive, are less than or equal to the number at index mid, and that all numbers residing in indices mid+1 through stop, inclusive, are strictly greater than or equal to the number at index mid. As a result of this reorganization, we know that, once partition returns, the number residing at index mid actually belongs there in the final sort.
What’s super neat is that the two recursive calls to quicksort can execute in parallel, since the sequences they operate on don’t overlap. In fact, to make sure you get some practice with C++ threads right away, you’re going to cannibalize the above implementation so that each call to quicksort spawns off threads to recursively sort the front and back portions at the same time.
● Descend into your clone of the shared lab4 directory, and execute the sequential quicksort executable to confirm that it runs and passes with flying colors. Then examine the quicksort.cc file to confirm your understanding of quicksort. You can ignore the details of the partition routine and just trust that it works, but ensure you believe in the recursive substructure of the three-argument quicksort function.
● Now implement the aggressiveQuicksort function, which is more or less the same as the sequential quicksort, except that each of the two recursive calls run in independent, parallel threads. Create standalone threads without concern for any system thread count limits. Ensure that any call to aggressiveQuicksort returns only after its recursively guided threads finish. Test your implementation to verify it works as intended by typing
./quicksort –aggressive on the command line.
● Tinker with the value of kNumElements (initially set to the 128) to see how high you can make it before you exceed the number of threads allowed to coexist in a single process. You don’t need to surface an exact number, as a ballpark figure it just fine.
● Leveraging your aggressiveQuicksort implementation, implement the recursive conservativeQuicksort function so it’s just as parallel, but the second recursive call isn’t run within a new thread; instead, it’s run within the same thread of execution as the caller. Test your implementation to verify it works as intended by typing in ./ quicksort –conservative on the command line.
● Time each of the three versions by using the time utility as you probably did in Assignment 3 while testing farm. Are the running times of the parallel versions lower or higher than the sequential versions? Are the running times what you expect? Explain.


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