CS110 – (Solution)

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CS110 Final Examination

This is a closed book, closed note, closed computer exam (although you are allowed to use your two double-sided cheat sheets). You have 180 minutes to complete all problems. You don’t need to #include any header files, and you needn’t guard against any errors unless specifically instructed to do so. Understand that the majority of points are awarded for concepts taught in CS110. If you’re taking the exam remotely, call me at 415-2052242 should you have any questions.

Good luck!

SUNet ID (username): __________________@stanford.edu

Last Name: __________________________________

First Name: __________________________________

[signed] __________________________________________________________

Score Grader
1. farm, Take II [12] ______ ______
2. Multiprocessing Redux [10] ______ ______
3. cv::wait_until [6] ______ ______
4. Timer and One-Shot Functions [30] ______ ______
5. Networking Redux
[12] ______ ______
Total [70] ______ ______

Relevant Prototypes
// filesystem access
int open(const char *path, int oflag, …); // returns descriptor ssize_t read(int fd, char buffer[], size_t len); // returns num read, 0 at eof ssize_t write(int fd, char buffer[], size_t len); // returns num written int close(int fd); // ignore retval
int pipe(int fds[]); // argument should be array of length 2, ignore retval int dup2(int old, int new); // ignore retval
int dprintf(int fd, const char *control, …); // ignore retval
#define STDIN_FILENO 0

// exceptional control flow and multiprocessing pid_t fork();
pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int flags); typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int sig);templa
sighandler_t signal(int signum, sighandler_t handler); // ignore retval int execvp(const char *path, char *argv[]); // ignore retval int kill(pid_t pid, int signal); // ignore retval
#define WIFEXITED(status) // macro
#define WIFSTOPPED(status) // macro

class ThreadPool { public:
ThreadPool(size_t numWorkers); void schedule(const func& t); void wait();
}; class thread { public: thread(); thread(Routine routine, …); void join();
class mutex { public: mutex(); void lock(); void unlock();
}; class semaphore { public: semaphore(int count = 0); void wait(); void signal();
}; class condition_variable_any { public:
void wait(mutex& m); template <typename Pred> void wait(mutex& m, Pred p); void notify_one(); void notify_all();
template <typename T> class vector { public: vector(); template <typename InputIter> vector(InputIter begin, InputIter end); size_t size() const; void push_back(const T& elem); T& operator[](size_t i); const T& operator[](size_t i) const; iterator erase(iterator iter); iterator begin(); iterator end(); const_iterator cbegin(); const_iterator cend();
}; template <typename U, typename T> struct pair<U, T> { U first; V second; };
template <typename Key, typename Value> class map { public: map(); size_t size() const; iterator find(const Key& key); const_interator find(const Key& key) const; Value& operator[](const Key& key); size_t erase(const Key& key); void erase(iterator it); iterator begin(); iterator end(); const_iterator cbegin(); const_iterator cend();
} // iterators behave as pair<Key, Value> *’s

Problem 1: farm, Take II [12 points]
One of the short answer questions on your midterm asked why farm could have been easily implemented without SIGCHLD handlers, whereas stsh really needed them. To drive that point home, you’re going to implement a simplified version of farm all over again, but without any signal handlers.

Recall farm’s architecture relied on the existence of a Python program called factor.py, which looked like this:

self_halting = len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == ‘–self-halting’ pid = os.getpid() while True:
if self_halting: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGSTOP) try: num = int(raw_input()) except EOFError: break; start = time.time()
response = factorization(num) # omitted for brevity stop = time.time()
print ‘%s [pid: %d, time: %g seconds]’ % (response, pid, stop – start)
When invoked from the command line without the –self-halting flag, it reads all lines from standard input and publishes the factorizations of each number. Need a reminder? Here you go:
poohbear@myth14$ printf “12345678 1357999 7483921 ” | python ./factor.py
12345678 = 2 * 3 * 3 * 47 * 14593 [pid: 25309, time: 0.899008 seconds]
1357999 = 389 * 3491 [pid: 25309, time: 0.098738 seconds] 7483921 = 89 * 84089 [pid: 25309, time: 0.548174 seconds] poohbear@myth14$

The option is present so that one or more processes running factor.py can be monitored and orchestrated by a program like farm. Both the Assignment 3 farm and this one work like this:

poohbear@myth14$ printf “12345678 1357999 7483921 ” | ./farm
1357999 = 389 * 3491 [pid: 25324, time: 0.161889 seconds]
7483921 = 89 * 84089 [pid: 25322, time: 0.586688 seconds]
12345678 = 2 * 3 * 3 * 47 * 14593 [pid: 25321, time: 0.90889 seconds] poohbear@myth14$

The farm you’re to implement here has a slightly different decomposition, but it’s otherwise operationally the same as the version you coded for Assignment 3. I’ll provide that decomposition, identify simplifications, and then let you loose to code.

Assume a working subprocess struct (with constructor) has been provided and the following main function has been given to you:

struct subprocess {
subprocess(char *argv[], bool supply, bool ingest); pid_t pid;
int supplyfd; // -1 if constructor’s supply value was false int ingestfd; // -1 if constructor’s ingest value was false
static const size_t kNumWorkers = 8; // always 8, regardless of CPU count static const char *kWorkerArguments[] = {“./factor.py”, “–self-halting”, NULL}; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { map<pid_t, int> workers; launchWorkers(workers); broadcastNumbers(workers); instructAllWorkersToExit(workers); waitForAllWorkersToExit(workers); return 0;

You’re to implement each of the four helper function according to specification. Details will be provided for each part, but some initial simplifications are stated up front.

• The number of workers is hard-coded to be kNumWorkers = 8, regardless of CPU count.
• Your solution won’t rely on signal handlers at all. As you’ll see shortly, it’s not technically necessary.
• You’ll rely on the C++ map to associate pids of processes running factor.py to the supply descriptors that farm can write to to feed that process’s standard input.

Implement the new farm solution over the course of the next several pages.

a. [3 points] Implement the launchWorkers function, which spawns the proper number of subprocesses running self-halting farms and populates the initially empty map with pid/descriptor pairs. Your implementation should be very short.

static void launchWorkers(map<pid_t, int>& workers) {

static void broadcastNumbers(map<pid_t, int>& workers) {

c. [3 points] Present your implementation for instructAllWorkersToExit, which waits for all workers to self-halt one last time, and then instructs each of them to exit (but doesn’t wait for them to actually exit).

static void instructAllWorkersToExit(map<pid_t, int>& workers) {

d. [3 points] Finally, present your implementation of waitForAllWorkersToExit, which does precisely that: it only returns once it’s confirmed that all workers have exited.

static void waitForAllWorkersToExit(map<pid_t, int>& workers) {

Problem 2: Multiprocessing Redux [10 points]
Unless otherwise noted, your answers to the following questions should be 75 words or fewer. Responses longer than the permitted length will receive 0 points. You needn’t write in complete sentences provided it’s clear what you’re saying. Full credit will only be given to the best of responses. Just because everything you write is true doesn’t mean you get all the points.

b. [2 points] Assume that the following function has been installed to handle all SIGCHLD signals for the lifetime of a program.

static void reapChildren(int unused) {
while (true) { int status;
pid_t pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG);
if (pid <= 0) break;
assert(WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)); printf(“%d has exited. “, pid);

Note, however, that waitpid isn’t outfitted to identify stopped and restarted processes. Does reapChildren get invoked as child processes are stopped and continued? Explain your answer.

c. [2 points] Recall that Assignment 1 and several discussion section exercises relied on memory mapping (via mmap) to share data across process boundaries. One example, drawn from a discussion section handout, is presented below:
static int *createSharedArray(size_t length) { int *numbers =
static_cast<int *>(mmap(NULL, length * sizeof(int),
MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0)); RandomGenerator rgen;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
numbers[i] = rgen.getNextInt(kMinValue, kMaxValue); return numbers;

Suppose you want to share a C++ container across process boundaries so that parent and child can agree on a single structure to store all shared data.

vector<int> *createSharedVector() { vector<int> *numbers =
static_cast<vector<int> *>(mmap(NULL, sizeof(vector<int>),
MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0)); return number;

Concurrency issues aside, why is it difficult to share the location of a data structure like a vector<int> across process boundaries and expect it to work?

d. [2 points] execvp relies on mmap to map the process’s text segment to the assembly code instructions packed within the executable. The implementation of execvp is then free to either load all assembly code instructions into main memory, or to lazily load them on an asneeded basis. Briefly describe an advantage to each approach.

e. [2 points] The process scheduler relies on runnable and blocked queues to categorize processes. How exactly does this categorization lead to better CPU utilization?

Problem 3: cv.wait_until [6 points]
The condition_variable_any class includes two overloaded wait_until methods, which operate much like the two wait methods do, except that each returns after a certain amount of time, even if the conditional variable hasn’t been signaled.

The first version has this interface (slightly altered so it’s more easily explained):

bool condition_variable_any::wait_until(mutex& m, uint64_t timeout);

lock_guard<mutex> lg(m);
bool notified = cv.wait_until(m, steady_clock::now() + 5000);

The wait_until call is operationally identical to cv.wait(m), except that it returns after 5000 milliseconds if it otherwise wasn’t explicitly notified. The return value is true if an only if wait_until returned because it was notified, and it returns false if the five seconds has elapsed.

A second version of wait_until is more like the version of wait we’ve relied on for most of our work this quarter, and it has the following prototype:
template <typename Pred>
bool condition_variable_any::wait_until(mutex& m, uint64_t timeout, Pred pred);

So, code willing to wait at most five seconds for some private data member named count to become positive might use a condition variable this way:
lock_guard<mutex> lg(m);
bool satisfied = cv.wait_until(m, steady_clock::now() + 5000, [this] { return count > 0; });

As it turns out, the second version of wait_until can be implemented in terms of the first one. Using the next page (which is way more space than you need), present your implementation of the second wait_until assuming the first one works as described. Your implementation should be no more than 5 or so lines of code, but it’s important you have a sense as to how this works, because you’ll be using one or both of these wait_until methods for Problem 4.

Problem 3: cv.wait_until [continued]
Place your implementation in the space below.

template <typename Pred>
bool condition_variable_any::wait_until(mutex& m, uint64_t timeout, Pred pred) {

Problem 4: Timer Functions [30 points]
Some languages—most notably, JavaScript—allow functions to be scheduled for execution at a later time. Such functions, called timer functions, can be scheduled as one-shot functions (which means they only execute once) or as interval functions, which are repeatedly scheduled for execution with a fixed time delay in between each call. C++ doesn’t provide native support timer functions, but those armed with the skill set acquired from ten weeks of CS110 are in a position to add it.

For this problem, you’re to implement the majority of a timer class, which can be used to schedule one-shot and interval functions. To illustrate, consider the following test harness
(where oslock and osunlock manipulators have been removed for code clarity):

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
timer t; uint64_t ids[] = {
t.setTimeout([]() { cout << “One-shot functions 1 invoked!” << endl; }, 1000), // invoked once, one second from now t.setTimeout([]() { cout << “One-shot functions 2 invoked!” << endl; }, 3000), // invoked once, three seconds from now t.setInterval([]() { cout << “Timer function 1 invoked.” << endl; }, 0, 500), // fires every 0.5 seconds, starting now t.setInterval([]() { cout << “Timer function 2 invoked.” << endl;
}, 50, 333), // fires every third of a second, starting 50ms from now t.setInterval([]() { cout << “Timer function 3 invoked.” << endl;
}, 3900, 10), // fires every 10 ms, starting 3.9 seconds from now

sleep_for(2000); // let everything fly for two seconds
cout << “Killing off timer function 2 (with id ” << ids[3] << “).” << endl;
t.clear(ids[3]); // kill of the last of the three timer functions cout << “Timer function 2 should be dead.” << endl; sleep_for(2000); return 0; }

Note that five timer functions are scheduled using setTimeout (for the one-shot functions) and setInterval (for the interval functions). Each call to setTimeout and setInterval returns an identifier that can be passed to clear like to deactivate that timer function from ever running again.

Note that the first one-shot function should execute at t = 1 second and the second one-shot function should execute at t = 3 seconds. The first interval function is invoked immediately, and repeatedly executes every 0.5 seconds until the four-second lifetime of the test program ends. The second interval function is delayed for 50 ms, but one it starts, is executes every third of a second until it’s deactivated at t = 2 seconds. And that third interval function doesn’t start until the program has just 100 milliseconds left, but one it starts, it sneaks in 10 executions before the program ends.

When the above test program is executed, we get the following output:

Timer function 1 invoked.
Timer function 2 invoked.
Timer function 2 invoked.
Timer function 1 invoked.
Timer function 2 invoked.
One-shot functions 1 invoked!
Timer function 1 invoked.
Timer function 2 invoked.
Timer function 2 invoked.
Timer function 1 invoked.
Timer function 2 invoked.
Killing off timer function 2 (with id 3).
Timer function 2 should be dead.
Timer function 1 invoked.
Timer function 1 invoked.
One-shot functions 2 invoked!
Timer function 1 invoked.
Timer function 1 invoked.
Timer function 3 invoked.
Timer function 3 invoked.
Timer function 3 invoked.
Timer function 3 invoked.
Timer function 3 invoked.
Timer function 3 invoked.
Timer function 3 invoked.
Timer function 3 invoked.
Timer function 3 invoked.
Timer function 3 invoked.

Over the course of the next few pages, you’re going to implement the timer class. By doing so, you’ll be able to show off your ability to manage exposed threads, ThreadPools, thunks, mutexes and condition variables. To simplify the problem and to be clear what we’re testing, we’ll provide the entire class declaration (i.e. what would be presented in the timer.h file) and then lead you through a series of problems to flesh out the .cc.

Here is the reduced timer.h file, where all private data structures and members have been decided for you:

class timer { public:
timer(); ~timer();

uint64_t setInterval(const std::function<void(void)>& thunk, uint64_t when, uint64_t period);
uint64_t setTimeout(const std::function<void(void)>& thunk, uint64_t when); void clear(uint64_t id);
struct event { uint64_t id; uint64_t when; uint64_t period; std::function<void(void)> thunk;
std::map<uint64_t, event> active;
std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<event *>> queue;

std::atomic<uint64_t> next; std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable_any cv;
bool working; // normally true, set to false during teardown
std::thread dispatcher;
ThreadPool pool;

void dispatch();

Here’s how each of the private data members contribute to the overall implementation:

• The event record bundles information about an active timer function: its unique id, the time when it should be executed, the period dictating how often it’s executed (this stores a 0 if the timer function is one-shot), and a thunk itself.
• The active map stores all of the active timer functions, where the keys are event ids and the values are the full copies of the events with those ids.
• The queue map is effectively a priority queue. The keys are future times when one or more events should be invoked, and the values are the sequence of events that should be invoked when that time arrives. And rather than store independent copies of the events again, we store pointers to the relevant events formally owned by the active map. When queue has one or more key/value pairs, queue.begin() returns an iterator to the collection of events with the smallest when times, because maps are backed by binary search trees.
• next is an atomic, just like the atomic we used in the ice-cream-parlor simulation, that provides thread-safe postfix ++ (which is the only atomic operation you need)
• m and cv are the only two exposed concurrency directives you can use to make the timer class thread-safe and to foster communication between the OS and the various timer methods you’ll implement.
• dispatcher is a thread that operates much like the ThreadPool dispatcher does. It exists to loop for the lifetime of the timer, potentially blocking with each iteration until there’s information suggesting that one or more timer functions should be executed.
• pool is an ThreadPool of size 8 where all thunks are scheduled to execute when their time comes.
• dispatch is the thread routine installed into the dispatcher thread.

Over the course of the next several pages, you’re to implement all of the timer’s public methods, save for the setTimeout method, which I’ll implement for you. Even though the exam has you implement all of these public entries in a prescribed order, you need to ensure that all of them communicate as needed and that all threads make efficient use of the CPU without any busy waiting. That’ll require you to flip back and forth between some of the parts to make sure those communication channels are in place and there’s zero opportunity for busy waiting, race conditions, or deadlock.

a. [4 points] Implement the timer constructor, which sets the id counter to 0, marks the timer class as actively working, sets the thread pool size to be 8, and installs dispatch as the thread routine inside the dispatcher thread. When the constructor returns, both maps should be empty, and the dispatch method should have started executing. (You’ll implement dispatch in a few pages.)


b. [8 points] Next, implement the setInterval method, which accepts the provided thunk, creates a new event on that thunk’s behalf, updates both active and queue accordingly, and returns the id given to the timer function.

• Your implementation must be thread-safe and not cause concurrency issues in the other methods.
• Assume that steady_clock::now() returns the current time, in milliseconds, since the 1/1/70 epoch, as a unint64_t.
• Note that the when time passed to setInterval is really a time-from-now value (e.g. 500 ms), whereas the when time stored in the relevant event (and as a key in the queue map) is a time-from-the-epoch value (e.g. steady_clock::now() + 500ms).
• If the period value is 0, that’s permitted, and it means that the interval function is really just a one-shot timer function. In fact, the implementation of setTimeout(thunk,
500) is really just a wrapper around a call to setInterval(thunk, 500, 0).

uint64_t timer::setInterval(const function<void(void)>& thunk, uint64_t when, uint64_t period) {

c. [6 points] Now implement the thread-safe clear method, which updates the active and queue maps to exclude all traces of the relevant timer function. If the relevant timer function is executing at the time clear is called, then let it execute without waiting for it to finish, but make sure it doesn’t execute again. And if the supplied id isn’t present, then return without doing anything.

void timer::clear(uint64_t id) {

d. [8 points] Implement the granddaddy of all timer methods: the thread-safe private dispatch method, which was installed as dispatcher’s thread routine at construction time. dispatch repeatedly loops, conditionally blocking with each iteration until there’s good reason to proceed. If when it wakes up it notices the current time is greater than the when times of one or more events, it executes all those events by scheduling their thunks in the thread pool. Events for one-shot functions are then removed from active and queue, and events in place for interval functions are updated with new when times, and queue is updated to reflect the new trigger times. (Note: this method will make use of the wait_until methods introduced in Problem 3).

void timer::dispatch() {

e. [4 points] And finally, implement the timer destructor, which informs dispatcher that the surrounding object is being torn down and no other timer functions should be executed (although currently executing ones are permitted to finish). The destructor then waits for dispatcher to exit and the thread pool to drain before exiting.

timer::~timer() {

Problem 5: Networking Redux [12 points]
Unless otherwise noted, your answers to the following questions should be 75 words or fewer. Responses longer than the permitted length will receive 0 points. You needn’t write in complete sentences provided it’s clear what you’re saying. Full credit will only be given to the best of responses. Just because everything you write is true doesn’t mean you get all the points.

a. [2 points] Briefly but clearly describe how your proxy could be updated to block requests from a known malicious client?

b. [2 points] When the number of mappers exceeds the number of nodes, some nodes are required to run two or more mappers. How is the map-reduce server capable of managing one dedicated conversation with each worker, even when those workers are running on the same node?

c. [2 points] Your Assignment 8 map-reduce implementation relies on multiprocessing and multithreading to manage at most 32 remote workers. Had the specification required you to manage tens of thousands of workers (on a mythical myth cluster with millions of machines), the architecture imposed by the Assignment 8 spec would have failed. Without relying on non-blocking I/O techniques, how could you have augmented the architecture of mapreduce to control tens of thousands of workers.

d. [2 points] Your map-reduce server relies on a ThreadPool of size 32 to manage conversations with up to 32 different workers at the same time. Describe the deadlock potential that could have resulted had the ThreadPool size been anything smaller than the number of workers. Hint: Think about the case where the last input file is in flight and everything else has been successfully processed.

e. [2 points] Explain why your Assignment 7 proxy is a form of virtualization.

f. [2 points] Explain why non-blocking I/O and event-driven programming using the epoll functions allows a server to more efficiently handle a larger number of client connections than a server relying solely on multithreading.


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