CS111 – Instructions (Solution)

$ 24.99


For each of the following 4 problems provide:
1. inputs
2. outputs
3. error conditions
4. an algorithm using pseudocode
5. the minimum and the maximum number of operations
6. a set of test cases
1. Multiplication
Compute and display the result of how much a certain number of pounds of apple costs.
2. Gas
Compute and display the price a person will pay for gas at the gas station. If the person pays with a credit card, there is an extra charge of 10% of the total price.
• Every student pays a campus fee of $6.87
• Each one credit costs $20
• State employee pays campus fee + 10% of total number of credits cost
• A student paying in installments pays an additional 3% of total amount owed
4. Zoo census
There are a number of zoos in the United States. Each of these zoos is a home to giraffes, lions and snakes. Determine and display the total number of each (giraffes, lions, and snakes) in the zoos in the United States. Assume positive values.
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