CS202 – (Solution)

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Major Exam 1

Time: 120 minutes, Total Pages: 9

Name:______________________________ ID:__________________ Section: _______

• Do not open the exam book until instructed
• Answer all questions
• All steps must be shown
• Any assumptions made must be clearly stated

Question Max Points Score
Q1 35
Q2 25
Total 60

Dr. Aiman El-Maleh
Dr. Mayez Al-Muhammad

[35 Points]
(Q1) Fill in the blank in each of the following questions:

(1) Assuming 12-bit unsigned representation, the binary number 1111 0000 1111 is equal to the decimal number _______________.

(2) Assuming 12-bit signed 2`s complement representation, the hexadecimal number FC0 is equal to the decimal number _______________.

(2) Accessibility to hardware resources is an advantage of programming in ___________________ language.

(3) Code portability is an advantage of programming in ___________________ language.

(4) With a 36-bit address bus and 64-bit data bus, the maximum memory size (assuming byte addressable memory) that can be accessed by a processor is ___________ and the maximum number of bytes that can be read or written in a single cycle is ____________.

(5) The bandwidth mismatch between the speed of processor and the speed of mainmemory is alleviated by using __________________________________.

(6) The advantage of dynamic RAM over static RAM is that it is __________ and __________ but the disadvantage is

(7) The instruction set architecture of a processor consists of __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________.

(8) Assuming that the CPU has just read a 32-bit MIPS instruction from the address 0x00400008. Then, the address of the next instruction that this CPU is going to read is ___________________.

(9) Given a magnetic disk with the following properties:

• Time of one rotation is 8 ms
• Average seek = 8 ms, Sector = 512 bytes, Track = 200 sectors

The average time to access a block of 20 consecutive sectors is _______________________________________________ ms.

(10) The pseudo instruction neg $s2, $s1 ($s2 is computed as the negative value of $s1) is implemented by the following minimum MIPS instructions:

(11) The pseudo instruction ble $s2, $s1, Next is implemented by the following minimum MIPS instructions:

(12) The pseudo instruction rol $s0, $s0, 8 ($s0 is rotated to the left by 8 bits and stored in $s0) is implemented by the following minimum MIPS instructions:

(13) Assuming that $a0 contains an Alphabetic character, the instruction ____________________ will guarantee that the character in $a0 is an upper case character. Note that the ASCII code of character ‘A’ is 0x41 while that of character ‘a’ is 0x61.

(14) Assume that the instruction bne $t0, $t1, NEXT is at address 0x00400020 in the text segment, and the label NEXT is at address 0x00400010. Then, the address stored in the assembled instruction for the label NEXT is __________________.

(15) Assuming that variable Array is defined as shown below:

Array: .byte 1, 2, -3, 4

After executing the following sequence of instructions, the content of the three registers is $t1=_______________, $t2=_______________, and $t3=_______________.
la $t0, Array lb $t1, 2($t0) lh $t2, 2($t0) lw $t3, 0($t0)

(16) Assuming the following data segment, and assuming that the first variable X is given the address 0x10010000, then the addresses for variables Y and Z will be _____________ and _____________.

X: .byte 1
Y: .half 2, 3
Z: .word 4

(17) To multiply the signed content of register $t0 by 127.75 without using multiplications and division instructions, we use the following MIPS instructions:
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

(18) The condition for which the data stored in $t0 must satisfy in order for the following MIPS fragment to branch to L1 is:

ori $t1, $0, 0x111 and $t0, $t0, $t1 beq $t0, $t1, L1

(19) The content of register $t0 after executing the following code is __________:

li $s1, 0x4321 xor $t0, $t0, $t0 Next:
andi $t1, $s1, 0xf add $t0, $t0, $t1 srl $s1, $s1, 4 bne $s1, $0, Next

[25 Points]
(Q2) Write separate MIPS assembly code fragments with minimum instructions to implement each of the given requirements.

(i) [6 points] Given two arrays of words A and B with their base addresses stored in registers $s0 and $s1, array size N is stored in $s2, and index i is stored $s3, write the smallest MIPS assembly fragment for the following computation:
for (i=0; i<n; i++) if ( (A[i]-B[i])*5 >=0 ) then A[i]= (A[i]-B[i])*5;

(ii) [6 points] Given the following MIPS assembly fragment:
bne $s1, $s2, exit bge $s2, $s3, exit addi $s4, $s4, 5 Exit:

Assume that variables a, b, c, and d are stored in registers $s1, $s2, $s3, and $s4, respectively.

Fill in the Boolean expression in the following IF statement:

If ( ____________________________) then d=d +5;

Repeat the above question for the following MIPS assembly fragment:
beq $s1, $s2, process bgt $s2, $s3, exit ble $s3, $s4, exit process: add $s4, $s4, $s1 Exit:

Fill in the Boolean expression in the following IF statement:

If (_______________________________) then d=d +a;

(iii) [3 points] Write a MIPS assembly fragment for the following IF statement:

if ( [(a == b) || ( c== d) ] && (a < c) ) then b = d ;

Assume that variables a, b, c, and d are stored into registers $s0, $s1, $s2, and $s3, respectively.

(iv) [5 points] Write a MIPS assembly fragment to count the number of occurrence of alphabetic characters (can be lowercase or uppercase) in a null terminated string, where the base address of the string is in register $s0 and the count is to be in $s1.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
2 space ! ” # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , – . /
3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ] ^ _
6 ` a b c d e f G h i j k l m n o
7 p q r s t u v W x y z { | } ~ DEL

(v) [5 points] Write the most optimized MIPS assembly fragment for the following WHILE statement:
i = 0;
WHILE ( (A[i] >= B[i]*2) && (i<N) ) { A[i] = A[i]- B[i]; i = i+1; }

Where A and B are arrays of Bytes. The base addresses of arrays A and B are stored into registers $s0 and $s1, respectively. The index i and count N are stored into registers $s2 and $s3.

MIPS Instructions:


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