CS207 – (Solution)

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Lab sessions & Location:
Wang Wei, email: wangw6@sustech.edu.cn
Hua Zheng Chang, email: huazc@mail.sustech.edu.cn
Provide answers to the following questions:
1. Given the Boolean functions F1 and F2, show that
a. The Boolean function E = F1 + F2 contains the sum of the minterms of
F1 and F2
b. The Boolean function G = F1 ∙ F2 contains only the minterms that are common to F1 and F2 .
2. Convert each of the following to the other canonical form.
a. F(x, y, z) = ∑(1, 3, 7)
b. F(A, B, C, D) = ∏(1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 15)
3. Write the following Boolean expressions in:
a. (b’ + d)(a’+ b’+ c)(a + c) SOP form
b. ab + a’c’+ bc POS form
4. Determine whether the following Boolean equation is true or false. Show your process.
a. y’z’ + yz’ + x’z = x’z’
b. x’y’+ x’z’+ yz = x’y + x’z
5. Simplify the following Boolean functions and expressions, using four-variable maps:
a. F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15)
b. F (w, x, y, z) = ∑ (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)
c. A’BCD + ABC + CD + B’D
d. A’B’C’D’ + BC’D + A’C’D + A’BCD + ACD
6. Implement the following logical functions with two-level NOR gate circuits. Write down the simplification process, then draw the circuit diagram.
a. F(A, B, C, D) = AD + BC’D+ ABC + A’BC’D
b. F(A, B, C, D)= (A’+ C’+ D’)(A’+ C’)(C’+ D’)
7. Simplify the following Boolean function F, together with the don’t-care conditions d, and then express the simplified function in sum-of-minterms form:
a. F(x, y, z) = ∑(0, 1, 4, 5, 6) with d(x, y, z)= ∑(2, 3, 7)
b. F(A, B, C, D) = ∑(5, 6, 7, 12, 14) with d(x, y, z)= ∑(3, 9, 11)
8. Implement the following Boolean expression with exclusive-OR and AND gates, draw the circuit diagram: F = AB’CD’ + A’BCD’ + AB’C’D + A’BC’D

In this lab, you are required to use Vivado 2017.4 and Minisys Practice platform (xilinx FPGA chip artix 7 inside) to design a combinational logic circuit and test it.

Before working on the coursework itself, you should master the following material.
1.‘Ch2-Boolean Algrebra-ICs-SUSTC.ppt’ and ‘CH3-Minimisation-SUSTC’ in Sakai site.
2. ‘Digital design lab5’, ‘Digital design lab6’ and ‘Digital design lab7’ in Sakai site.
3. Verilog: http://www.verilog.com

There are 16 wards, which are numbered from 0 to F respectively, among which the #0 ward has the lowest priority, and the #F has the highest priority (Priority increases as the number increases). Each room has a call bell, it can be turn on and turn off. In the main control room there is a 7-seg tube which shows the ID of the room whose bell is on with the highest priority.
Write a circuit to realize this function and test.
The circuit should get the info of wards whose call bell is on and light One 7-seg tube to show the ID of room whose bell is on with the highest priority.
• Do the design.
• Create the constraint file.
• Do the synthetic and implementation, generate the bitstream file and program the device, then test on the Minisys develop board.
• While Testing the circuit, at least three test scenarios need to be considered:
i. Only one ward‘s call bell is turned on
ii. Two or more wards whose call bell is turned on
iii. There is no ward whose call bell is turned on //NOTICE: This test scenarios should be distinguished from #0 ward’s call bell is turned on.
Implement the circuit and test its function: F(a,b,c,d) = a^b^c^d
• Write its true-table and K-map, using K-map to simplified the circuit if possible.
• Using data flow to Realization of circuit design in SOP and POS style respectively
• Write testbench in Verilog and do the simulation to verify the function of design


The full marks for this exercise is 100 and they are distributed as follows:
Theory: 40%
Question 1 4
Question 2 4
Question 3 4
Question 4 4
Question 5 8
Question 6 8
Question 7 4
Question 8 4
Total 40 marks
Lab: 60%
Task 1: Design in Verilog 5 marks
Task 1: Constrains file 5 marks
Task 1: photos about test result on Minisys practice board and description on inputs and outputs. 3 test at least 5*3 marks
Task 2: truth-table and K-map of the circuit 5*2 marks
Task 2: Design in Verilog in data flow style with SOP and POS in one module 5*2
Task 2: Test bench in Verilog, simulation result and its description 5*2 marks
Problem and solution. if there is no problem, suggestions or solutions is asked. 5 marks
Total 60 marks


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