CS211 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab Solved

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Assignment 0
Your program should accept an input file as a command-line argument. A typical execution of your program will be ‘./a.out sample.graph’ (if your program is written in C). The input file name can be anything (don’t hard-code “sample.graph”).
The input file contains one integer per line.
Task and output
The output should be written to a file named ‘output.txt’ which should contain only 5 lines of data:
● The first line should contain the total numbers in given the file
● The second line should contain the minimum number present in the file
● The third line should contain the maximum number present in the file
● The fourth line should contain the sum of the numbers
● The fifth line should contain the average of numbers – up to two decimal points.
Submission and Evaluation
● The program you submit should output: “output.txt” when run.
● The main file of your program should be named as <roll no>.<extension>, where roll no. specifies your roll no. and the extension depends on the language you choose
(Usage of C is a mandatory for this assignment). Ex: 200010001.c
● Follow some coding style uniformly. Provide proper comments in your code.
● Submit only through moodle. Submit well in advance. Any hiccups in the moodle/internet at the last minute is never acceptable as an excuse for late submission. Submissions through email or any other means will be ignored.


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