1. Submit a single zipped file to Canvas. The zipped file MUST include the following grading items.
• Source folder src, containing the source code *.java files [60 points]
(a) Create a package to organize the source files; use all lowercase letters for the package name; you will lose 2 points if this is not done properly.
(b) MUST include all team members’ names using the @author tag in the comment block on top of EVERY Java class, or you will lose 2 points.
• Testbed main() in the following classes implementing the test cases in the test design document above.
(b) Member class [10 points]
• Javadoc folder in which you must include all the files generated by the Javadoc. [5 points]
Project Description
A fitness chain has gyms at 5 different locations in the central New Jersey area:
Bridgewater, 08807, Somerset County
Edison, 08837, Middlesex County
Franklin, 08873, Somerset County
Piscataway, 08854, Middlesex County
Somerville, 08876, Somerset County
Your team will develop a simple software to help the fitness chain manages the gym memberships and fitness class schedules. The initial phase is to provide a console-based interactive user interface to process the operations in command lines and display the results. A command line begins with the operation the user needed to perform followed by the data tokens to complete the operation. An operation will be represented with a single character or two-character uppercase letters. The operation code and the data tokens will be delimited by spaces in a command line. The operation code is case-sensitive, which means operation codes with lowercase letters should be rejected by the software.
The initial requirement for the software is to provide the following functionalities:
(2) Remove member information from the member database; for simplicity, members who want to cancel the membership will be removed from the database.
Pilates Jennifer 9:30
Spinning Denise 14:00
Cardio Kim 14:00
To provide the above functionalities, the operation codes at the beginning of the command lines are listed below.
• R command, to cancel the membership and remove the specified member from the database, for example,
The above command line removes the member from the database. Your software must reject if the user is removing a non-existing member.
• P command, to display the list of members in the database without sorting (current order in the array.)
• PC command, to display the list of members in the database ordered by the county names and then the zip codes; that is, if the locations are in the same county, ordered by the zip codes.
• PN command, display the list of members in the database ordered by the members’ last names and then first names; that is, if two members have the same last name, ordered by the first name.
• PD command, display the list of members in the database ordered by the expiration dates. If two expiration dates are the same, their order doesn’t matter.
• C command, for members check-in, for example, the command line to check in Pilates.
o there is a time conflict with other fitness classes o the member has already checked in
• D command, to drop the fitness classes after the member checked in to a class, for example,
• Q command, to stop the program execution and display “Gym Manager terminated.”, so the user know that your software has stopped running.
Project Requirement
1. You MUST follow the Coding Standard and Ground Rules posted on Canvas under Week #1 in the “Modules”. You will lose points if you are not following the rules.
3. There are test cases in the file Project1_testCases.txt for you to test your project. The associated output is listed at the end of this document for your reference. The graders will be using the sample test cases to test your project. Your project should be able to take the test cases from the console in the same order without getting any exceptions and without terminating abnormally, including the empty lines. You will lose 2 points for each incorrect output or each exception causing the project to terminate abnormally. You should create an instance of the Scanner class to read from standard input.
4. Each Java class must go in a separate file. -2 points if you put more than one Java class into a file.
5. Your program MUST handle bad commands; -2 points for each bad command not handled, with a maximum of losing 6 points.
6. You are not allowed to use any Java library classes, EXCEPT the Scanner, StringTokenizer, Calendar and DecimalForamt class. You will lose 5 points for each additional Java library class imported, with a maximum of losing 10 points.
7. You are not allowed to use the Java library class ArrayList anywhere in the project, or use any classes in the Java Collections, or you will get 0 points for this project.
8. When you import Java library classes, be specific and DO NOT import unnecessary classes or import the whole package. For example, import java.util.*;, this will import all classes in the java.util package. You will lose 2 points for using the asterisk “*” to include all the Java classes in the java.util package, or other java packages, with a maximum of losing 4 points.
9. You MUST include the Java classes below. -5 points for each class missing or NOT used. You CAN add necessary constructors, private methods (helper methods), and other public methods to each class. You should define necessary constant identifiers and do not use MAGIC NUMBERs. A good approach is to use an enum class or a public class to define all the constant names and their associated values.
(a) Member class
@Override public String toString() { }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { }
@Override public int compareTo(Member member) { } …
• You CANNOT change or add instance variables for this class. -2 points for each violation.
• You CANNOT read from console or use System.out statements in this class. -2 points for each violation.
• toString() method returns a textual representation of a member in the following format.
• equals() method returns true if the two first names, last names and dates of birth are equal.
• compareTo() method is used when sorting by names. You MUST design the test cases to thoroughly test the compareTo() method. As a minimum, you must include the test cases in Project1_testCases.txt. You must write a testbed main and implement the test cases. You must follow the instructions in the “Test Design” section in the “Coding Standard and Ground Rules”. In the testbed main, you MUST write code to print out the test results on the console showing the test cases passed or failed. The testbed main for this class is worth 10 points. Please use “//” comments to identify the test case numbers in the testbed main. There is no restriction on the number of lines you can have in the testbed main().
• You CANNOT change the signatures of the toString(), equals() and compareTo() methods. You cannot remove the @Override tags. -2 points for each violation.
(b) MemberDatabase class
public class MemberDatabase { private Member [] mlist; private int size;
private int find(Member member) { } private void grow() { }
public boolean add(Member member) { } public boolean remove(Member member) { }
• This is an array-based linear data structure to hold the list of members. A new member is always added to the end of the array. An instance of this class is a growable container with an initial capacity of 4, and automatically grows (increases) the capacity by 4 whenever it is full. The container does not decrease in capacity.
• This class shall provide the methods for managing the list of members. You CANNOT change or add instance variables. -2 points for each violation.
• You must implement the methods listed above, and you CANNOT change the signatures of the methods. -2 points for each method not implemented, signature changed or not used.
• You CANNOT use System.out in this class, EXCEPT the four print() methods, -2 points for each violation.
• The find() method searches a member in the list and returns the index if it is found, it returns -1 if the member is not in the list. You must define a constant identifier “NOT_FOUND” for the value -1.
• The remove() method remove a member from the list. This method maintains the relative order of the members in the list after the remove, -3 points if this is not done correctly.
• You must use an in-place sorting algorithm to sort the list of members in the array. That is, no additional array can be declared for sorting, or you will lose 10 points. You must write code to implement the algorithm yourself. You CANNOT use Arrays.sort() or System.arraycopy() or any other Java library classes for sorting. You will lose 10 points if you do. The sorting algorithm you use can be “stable” or “not stable”.
• You can add constant names and additional methods if necessary. However, the methods you added must either take no parameter or has a single parameter, which takes only an instance of Member class, such as (Member member), or you will lose 2 points for each violation, see the add and remove methods as an example.
(c) GymManager class
• This class is the User Interface class to process the command lines entered o the IDE console and display the results on the console. An instance of this class can process a single command line, and a sequence of command lines in batch. If it cannot process the command lines in batch, you will lose 10 points. This is an interactive program such that, it displays the results on the console whenever one or more command lines are entered, after the user hits the enter key.
• When your project starts running, it shall display ” Gym Manager running…”. In this case, the user would know the software is ready to read the command lines. It should continuously process the command lines until the “Q” command is read. That is, the “Q” command is the only way to terminate the software normally. Before the software stops running, display ” Gym Manager terminated.”.
• You must define a public void run() method that includes a while loop to continuously read the command lines. You will lose 5 points if the run() method is missing. You MUST keep this method under 40 lines for readability, or you will lose 3 points. You should define necessary instance variables and private methods (helper methods) to handle different commands.
(d) RunProject1 class is a driver class to run your Project 1. The main method will call the run() method in the GymManager class.
public class RunProject1 {
public static void main(String[] args) { new GymManager().run();
• You must implement the constructors and methods listed above. You must implement the Comparable Interface and implement the compareTo() method, or lose 2 points for each violation. You will need this method to sort by the dates.
• You CANNOT change or add instance variables, and you CANNOT use System.out statements in this class, EXCEPT the testbed main(), -2 points for each violation.
public static final int QUADRENNIAL = 4; public static final int CENTENNIAL = 100; public static final int QUATERCENTENNIAL = 400;
To determine whether a year is a leap year, follow these steps:
Step 1. If the year is evenly divisible by 4, go to step 2. Otherwise, go to step 5.
Step 2. If the year is evenly divisible by 100, go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 4.
Step 3. If the year is evenly divisible by 400, go to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 5.
Step 4. The year is a leap year.
Step 5. The year is not a leap year.
o You MUST design the test cases to thoroughly test the isValid() method. As a minimum, you must include the test cases for the dates in Project1_testCases.txt. You must write a testbed main and implement the test cases. You must follow the instructions in the “Test Design” section in the “Coding Standard and Ground Rules. In the testbed main, you MUST write code to print out the test results to the console showing the test cases are passed or failed. The testbed main for this class is worth 10 points. Please use “//” comments to identify the test case numbers in the testbed main. As an exception, there is no restriction on the number of lines you can have in the testbed main().
(f) The enum classes. You must define the following enum classes, or you will lose 5 points for each violation. public enum Time { } //define the time of a fitness class in hh:mm
public enum Location { } //define the 5 gym locations; refer to Lecture Note #2
(g) FitnessClass class
You must include this Java class, which define a fitness class the members can check in. You can define the instance variables and methods needed. You must use the enum class Time in this class or lose 2 points.
10. You are required to generate the Javadoc after you properly commented your code. Your Javadoc must include the documentations for the constructors, private methods, and public methods of all Java classes. Generate the Javadoc in a single folder “doc” and include it in the zip file to be submitted to Canvas. Please double check your Javadoc after you generated it and make sure the descriptions are NOT EMPTY. You will lose points if any description in the Javadoc is empty. You will lose 5 points for not including the Javadoc.
Sample Input
Download Project1_testCases.txt from Canvas. These are the test cases used to generate the expected output. The graders will be using the same sequence of command lines in this file to run and grade your project.
Expected Output
Gym Manager running…
a is an invalid command! p is an invalid command! pc is an invalid command! pn is an invalid command! pd is an invalid command! Member database is empty!
Member database is empty!
Member database is empty!
Member database is empty! AA is an invalid command! r is an invalid command! RR is an invalid command! s is an invalid command! c is an invalid command! d is an invalid command!
SS is an invalid command!
CC is an invalid command!
DD is an invalid command!
John Doe added.
DOB 12/20/2004: must be 18 or older to join!
John Doe added.
John Doe is already in the database. john doe is already in the database.
ABC: invalid location!
Jane Doe added.
Mary Lindsey added.
Duke Ellington added.
Roy Brooks added.
Roy Brooks added.
Kate Lindsey added.
Carl Brown added.
Paul Siegel added.
Bill Scanlan added.
-list of members-
-end of list-
-list of members sorted by county and zipcode-
-list of members sorted by last name, and first name-
Paul Siegel removed.
-list of members-
-end of list-
Paul Siegel is not in the database.
Paul Siegel added.
-Fitness classes-
Pilates – JENNIFER 9:30
Spinning – DENISE 14:00
Cardio – KIM 14:00
Mary Lindsey checked in Pilates.
Mary Lindsey has already checked in Pilates.
abc class does not exist.
Jane Doe checked in Pilates.
Mary Lindsey checked in Spinning.
Mary Lindsey has already checked in Spinning.
Cardio time conflict — Mary Lindsey has already checked in Spinning.
Duke Ellington checked in Cardio.
Duke Ellington has already checked in Cardio.
John Doe 1/20/2003 membership expired.
Bill Scanlan 11/20/2003 is not in the database.
Bill Scanlan checked in Cardio.
Spinning time conflict — Bill Scanlan has already checked in Cardio. Paul Siegel checked in Spinning.
-Fitness classes-
Pilates – JENNIFER 9:30
** participants **
Spinning – DENISE 14:00
** participants **
Cardio – KIM 14:00
** participants **
ABC class does not exist.
Mary Lindsey dropped Pilates.
Mary Lindsey is not a participant in Pilates. Paul Siegel dropped Spinning.
Paul Siegel is not a participant in Spinning.
Bill Scanlan is not a participant in Cardio.
Bill Scanlan dropped Cardio.
-Fitness classes-
Pilates – JENNIFER 9:30
** participants **
Spinning – DENISE 14:00
** participants **
Cardio – KIM 14:00
** participants **
q is an invalid command! Gym Manager terminated.
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