CS232 – Learn more

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CS232 : Digital Logic Design and
Computer Architecture
Lab 1 (10 points)
Setup Instructions:
1. Download roll_number.zip from drive and unzip it, enter the Digital folder
2. Execute bash Digital.sh to start the application
3. Please go through the tutorial triggered to learn how to build a circuit
Tip: For each component, hover over the pins to know the usage
Tip2: For a component, right clicking allows you to change its parameters Q1 (2 points):
1. Create a combinatorial circuit to map the output of the 2-bit counter to the control pins of the 7-edge display
a. replace the 2bitdisplay_component with your combinatorial circuit
b. construct the other components i.e, input, clock, counter and display as shown in the image
2. The final file (q1.dig) must contain the full circuit
3. You are allowed to use the counter, splitter and 7edge display components available in the tool
4. Use only the NOT gate and 2-input AND,OR,NAND,NOR,XOR gates

Grading Policy:
● 2 points for a complete working solution
● 0 points for the rest Q2 (3 points):
1. Create a 2-bit up down counter using D-Flip flops. A 2-bit up-down counter’s output varies as given: 0->1->2->3->2->1->0 and repeat.
2. You are allowed to use at most 3 D-Flip flops and
NOT gate along with any 2-input logic gates
3. Connect this counter with the display made for the previous problem
4. Save the final file as q2.dig
Grading Policy:
● 3 points for a complete working solution
● 0 points for the rest Q3 (5 points):
1. Implement a traffic light system which pauses for 2 seconds on red light, 1 second on yellow light and 2 seconds on green light.
2. You are again allowed to use at most 3 D-Flip flops, and NOT gate along with 2-input logic gates and LED components (under IO section).
3. Save the final file as q3.dig

Grading Policy:
● Full 5 point for < 5 gates used
● 3 points for any working solution
● 0 for any other case
roll_number ├── q1.dig
├── q2.dig
└── q3.dig
Compress this directory using zip -r roll_number.zip roll_number and submit roll_number.zip on moodle.
Incorrect submission formats will result in no marks.
Note: Replace roll_number used throughout with your roll number.
Late submission policies:
1. –10% for each day of late submission


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