CS251 – 1.

$ 29.99


Generate 10 distributions of size 100 each for each of the following distributions using R: n = rnorm(100,0.5,0.15) u = runif(100,0.0,1.0)

Store them as files.

2. (30 marks)

Use the above generated files to draw a histogram using gnuplot as shown in the
first figure in gnuplot-exercise.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window. Remember that to do this, you need to divide the data into 4 blocks as shown in the figure. If data is beyond the range, snap it to the nearest end.

The errorbars should be clearly shown.

Clearly mark the axes, title, etc.

3. (30 marks)

Divide the 10 sets of 2 distributions into 5 sets each. For each such set (or group), draw the histogram in gnuplot as shown in the second figure in gnuplot-exercise.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window.

The three clusters correspond to
Cluster A: [0.0, 0.34]
Cluster B: (0.34 – 0.66)
Cluster C: [0.66 – 1.0]

The errorbars should be clearly shown.

Clearly mark the axes, title, etc.

4. (20 marks)

Draw a schematic diagram of Turing machine in either xfig/ipe/inkscape. If you think of using some other tool, please get it approved first.


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