CS251 – CS699 Lab 1 Exercises – Unix CLI Solved

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Things to try in the lab:
1. Use script command to save the work in a file named
<yourrollnumber>-lab1-inlab.script. Do a man script first before you do this to check how it works. You will eventually submit the script output, so you MUST do this task first. This command will start a session in which everything you type on the terminal will be recorded. It will return with a command prompt. Continue with the next instruction below. Note that the script command will only record what you do in that terminal window (or shell session) only. So, ensure that you do all your work in that window alone. Else you will lose your work.
Note: All the data required for the inlab assignment is given in Data.tar.gz
2. Go to your home directory using cd or cd ~/. Use mkdir command to make two directories lab1 and assignment1, lab1 should be in assignment1 and do this with one command.
3. Use cd command to navigate into the directories and use touch command to make 3 files in the lab1 directory named lab1_1.txt, lab1_2.doc, lab1_3.odt and in the assignment1 directory named assignment1_1.txt, assignment1_2.doc, assignment1_3.odt
4. Use the cat command to copy the content of the given file iit.txt file into all the files of assignment1 directory and lab1 directory.
5. In the lab1 directory, use ls command to display only the .txt files, then only the .doc file and then only the .odt files.
6. Use pwd command to print the full path of the lab1 directory. Understand the concept of full vs relative paths.
7. Make a file named commands.txt inside assignment1 directory using cat command and write “ls” command in it. Do NOT use any editor to do this. Make it executable for user and group only using chmod and then execute it.
8. Use cat command to create a file called names.txt in the assignment1 directory and copy the contents of the given file find.txt in to it.
9. use the head command to display the first 15 lines of the names.txt file
10. use the tail command to display the last 15 lines of names.txt file
11. use more and less command to display the contents of the names.txt file
12. copy the file names.txt into the lab1 directory using the cp command
13. make a new directory named moved_content inside assignment1 directory using mkdir command and use mv command to move names.txt file into it
14. Use grep command to search the word “the” in all the .txt files of the assignment1 directory, also use the grep command to search the word “the” in all the files in the assignment1 directory.
15. Move the given file named info.txt to the lab1 directory and then use the grep command to count the occurence of the number “5” in the file.
16. Display only the “the” word in all the files in assignment1 directory without displaying the entire line using grep command.
17. Display all the “the” without considering the case sensitivity in all the files in the assignment1 directory using grep command.
18. Display the file name of all the files that contains the word “the” in all the files in assignment1 directory using grep command.
19. Be in the home directory and use find command to find the file lab1_1.txt in the assignment1 directory
20. Make an empty file named empty.txt inside the lab1 directory using touch command, then return to home directory and use find command to search for a file having 0 bytes size
21. Use find command to display the files that were accessed 0.0002 days ago in the assignment1 directory
22. Display the space of the disks in GB using the df command
23. Create a sleep job for 5 minutes as a background job using sleep command and list the jobs running in the background using jobs command
24. Use fg command to bring the sleep job in the foreground and stop it using ^z. Display all the stopped jobs using the jobs command
25. Use bg command to run the sleep job in the background and display all the running jobs using the jobs command
26. Get the process ID of all the running processes on the machine using the ps command
27. Write a command to display all the running processes using ps command, pipeline it with grep command to search for “bash” processes. Understand the concept of pipes in Unix. You will use this later.
28. remove the file commands.txt from the assignment1 directory using rm -i.
29. use rm command to first empty the lab1 directory and then use rmdir command to remove the directory.
30. Use rm to delete assignment1 directory(non empty)
31. list the file operations using the ls -l command
32. Use uptime, w , finger, uname command to see the output that it displays.
33. Using whereis command, find out the source, binary, and manuals sections for grep, ls, man command.
34. Using which command, locate the full path of the executable associated with dpkg, ls, sudo command.
35. Use man command to see the detail of function ping, fgrep, rpm, tee command. Use tee command to append the text “I love my India” into the blank file test.txt
36. **skip*** Run rpm command to check whether MySQL has been installed in the system or not.
37. Get your ip address of your neighbor’s system and then test its network connectivity using ping command. Use ifconfig to determine the IP address of your system.
38. Using wget command down the pdf from http://linux-training.be/linuxfun.pdf
39. Given the large text file sample.txt in Data folder, using emacs editor perform the following tasks:-
a. Jump to the first line
b. Delete 5th character from line 60.
c. Add a new line after line 70 and input the text “line 60 was edited”
d. Find the entry of word “imperdiet”
e. Replace all the words “non” with “changed”
f. Save the file as tmp-1
40. Do all emacs exercises listed in slides 113/114 of the Unix CLI presentation. Become really familiar with Emacs since its much much more than a editor – its an environment where you can program, compile, check mail, browse the web and do anything you want to with a computer.
41. As you know Vi (or Vim) is another popular editor on Linux/Unix. Do all the exercises listed on slides 101/102 for Vi. Vi is the default editor present on every variant of Linux or Unix. So, its useful to be familiar with all the shortcuts in Vi/Vim.
1. Exit the script session you started in the very first instruction of the in lab portion. Do this using ^D. This will save the entire session into a file whose filename you specified as an argument to the script command in the first instruction. and exit the script session.
2. Compress the file using gzip. You will end up with the script file having the .gz extension.
3. Upload this on Moodle.
Take Home assignment (feel free to do as much as you can in the lab)
1. Unzip the file named Data.tar.gz from moodle, it contains the directory named students which contains as many files as there are students with the naming convention of the file as follows:-
Your task is to:-
b. store it in separate directory named iitb.
2. Make a directory named iit, make 3 files named iit1.txt, iit2.doc, iit3.odt and copy the contents of the given file info.txt into all the three files. Copy text from line number 2 to 6 from iit1.txt and paste it into a file named temp.txt in the iit directory
3. Use touch command to make a file called names.txt in the iit directory, and use cat command to copy the contents of the (given) file find.txt in to it. Then display the names in sorted order. Also display the contents of all the files in the iit directory with a single command.
4. Display the contents of the iit directory in ascending order of their names. Then display the same according to most recent modified first. Then display the same in ascending order of their size. Then do all of the above but in descending order.
5. Count the total number of lines in all the files in the iit directory.
1. For each of the 6 problems described above, your job is to create a sequence of unix cli commands that accomplish the task. Write down this sequence of commands in a file named <your roll number>-lab1-takehome-problem<problemnumber>.solution
2. Create a tar archive of all these *.solution files in <your roll number>-lab1-takehome-solutions.tar
3. Gzip the tar file.
4. Upload on Moodle.


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