Gurpreet Singh (150259)
When we are multiplying two 2-digit numbers, we can reduce a few cases into a simple formula, rather than actually calculating the multiplication.
Case Analysis for 2-digit Multiplication
For 2-digit multiplication of two numbers, we have two cases for which our reduction method will work. [?]
Case 1.1: When first digits are same and second digits add up to 10
Case 1.2: When second digits are same and first digits add up to 10
Case 1.1
Claim: Let the numbers be a = x:y and b = x:z, then multiplication result (c) will be x*(x+1):y*z
a = x : y = 10x + y and b = x : z = 10x + z
c = a โ b
= (10x + y) โ (10x + z)
= 100×2 + 10x โ (y + z) + yz
= 100×2 + 10x โ 10 + yz ( โต y + z = 10)
= 100x โ (x + 1) + yz
= x โ (x + 1) : yz
Example 1.2.1: Let the two numbers be 66 and 64 (See Figure 1)
6 โ (6 + 1) = 42
6 โ 4 = 24
66 โ 64 = 42 : 24 = 4224
X 64
Figure 1: Long multiplication method for example 1
Algorithm 1 Vedic Multiplication: Case 1.1
1: procedure Multiply(a,b) . Where a – first number, b – second number
x = a/10 y = a%10 z = b%10 ฮฑ = x โ (x + 1) ฮฒ = yz return 100 โ ฮฑ + ฮฒ
2: end procedure . Where / is integer division
Case 1.2
Claim: Let the numbers be a = x:y and b = x:z, then multiplication result (c) will be x*y+z:z*z
a = x : z = 10x + z and b = y : z = 10y + z
c = a โ b
= (10x + z) โ (10y + z)
= 100xy + 10z โ (x + z) + z2
= 100xy + 10z โ 10 + z2 ( โต x + y = 10)
= 100(xy + z) + yz
= xy + z : z2
Example 1.2.1: Let the two numbers be 34 and 74 (See Figure 2)
3 โ 7 + 4 = 25
4 โ 4 = 16
34 โ 74 = 25 : 16 = 2516
X 74
Figure 2: Long multiplication method for example
Algorithm 2 Vedic Multiplication: Case 1.2
1: procedure Multiply(a,b) . Where a – first number, b – second number
x = a/10 y = b/10 z = a%10 ฮฑ = xy + z ฮฒ = z2 return 100 โ ฮฑ + ฮฒ
2: end procedure . Where / is integer division
Do It Mentally
1. Differentiate the case
2. Compute the two different subparts of the answer, i.e. ฮฑ, ฮฒ
3. Generate the answer by appending ฮฑ and ฮฒ (add 0 before ฮฒ if ฮฒ < 10)
For general case, assume the numbers are (x1x2…xn) and (y1y2…yn). We can divide this into a simpler case
(with n-1 digits) using the following two cases: [?]
Condition Case Answer
x1 = y1 Case ?? x1โ (x1 + 1) : (x2x3…xn) โ (y2y3…yn)
xn = yn Case ?? (x1x2…xnโ1) โ (y1y2…ynโ1) + xn : x2n
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