Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Assignment 0 – Java Programming
Grading guidelines:
2. Break-up of Credits will be as follows:
(a) Percentage of features implemented: 70%
(b) Aesthetics: 10%
(c) Whether reasonably able to answer questions: 20%
Total marks: 70
You have to implement the following functionalities:
1. Create and delete nodes of each type. [10 marks]
2. Search for nodes using the name or type or birthday. [10 marks]
3. Print all linked nodes to a given input node. [10 marks]
4. Create and post content by a user. [10 marks]
5. Search for content posted by any node. [10 marks]
6. Display all content posted by nodes linked to a given node. [10 marks]
7. A master text-based interface to print all nodes in the system and utilize all the above functionalities. [10 marks]
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