CS309 Assignment2 HTML.CSS.JS (Elective Assignments)
1. According to the picture below, design a similar web page about tutorial 4 that covers all features [40 points]
2. According to our new requirement, adding several logics, and different error messages should be given for each invalid input. [35 points]
Form example:
2.1 Hotel Name can only be English Letters
2.2 City and District:
City is a Single choice radio, and the value of which only can be GUANG ZHOU or SHEN ZHEN
District is Drop Down select, and the option of which should be changed with the value of City.
For example, if we select SHEN ZHEN , the value of district should be changed immediately to
2.3 Normalize the input of check in time, which means if the time lower than 10, please add “0” in front.
e.g. 04:05 15:02
2.5 Room Type:
Hotel type is Drop Down select, and the option of which are Standard Room, King Bed
Room, Family Room, Presidential Suite
2.6 Uniqueness of Each Row:
Different rows with the same Hotel Name, City, District and Room Type can not be appeared for many times.
Price should not be same if different rows have the same Hotel Name, City and District, but the Room Type is difference.
The following two pictures are a rough example of dialog. (Tips: You can use a button and toggle the display CSS attribute of the form, or use the Modal Dialog in Bootstrap framework.)
4. Remove the code in css file given to you in tutorial 4, and then using a better one instead. You need to make the page nicer. [15 points]
You can use another CSS, or rewrite the whole page completely using frameworks like Vue.js or ReactJS, etc.
How many points you can get in this part depends on the degree of modification and aesthetics of your code.
What to submit?
It is an elective assignment, and we have another one elective assignment in following weeks. We only mark the grade of these elective assignments for once time, and the final grade of elective assignment is the highest of those two
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