CS321 Solved

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Lab 1
Srinibas Swain (srinibas@iiitg.ac.in)
In this part of the Assignment, you will use the lexical analyser generator lex or its variant f lex.
Some useful references on Lex and Yacc:
• T. Niemann, Lex & Yacc Tutorial, http://epaperpress.com/lexandyacc/
• Doug Brown, John Levine, and Tony Mason, lex and yacc (2nd edn.), O’Reilly, 2012.
• the lex manpages.
We hope you enjoy the lab and, more generally, the unit!
1 Lex
An input file to lex is, by convention, given a name ending in .l. Such a file has three parts:
• definitions,
• rules,
• C code
These are separated by double-percent, %%. Comments begin with /* and end with */. Any comments are ignored when lex is run on the file. We will use f lex for constructing a lexical analyzer. flex is a fast lexical analyzer generator. flex takes user’s specifications and generates a combined NFA to recognize all user defined patterns, converts it to an equivalent DFA, minimizes the automaton as much as possible, and generates C code that will implement it.
1.1 Nuts and bolts of flex
flex is designed for use with C code and generates a scanner written in C. The scanner is specified using regular expressions for patterns and C code for the actions. The specification files are traditionally identified by their .l extension. You invoke flex on a .l file and it creates lex.yy.c, a source file containing a bunch of unrecognisable C code that implements a DFA encoding all your rules and including the code for the actions you specified. The file provides an extern function yylex() that will scan one token. You compile that C file normally, link with the lex library, and you have built a scanner! The scanner reads from stdin and writes to stdout by default. flex is open source and can be installed by
sudo apt-get install flex
To run the lexical analyzer, follow the following steps:
flex myFile.l creates lex.yy.c containing C code for scanner gcc -o myScan lex.yy.c -ll compiles scanner, links with lex library
./myScan executes scanner, will read from stdin
Linking with the lex library is important. It provides a simple main function that repeatedly calls the function yylex() until it reaches EOF.
1.1.1 Structure of a flex file
flex input files are structured as follows:
User subroutines
1.1.2 flex global variables
The token grabbing function yylex() takes no arguments and returns an integer. Here are some of the global variables used in flex:
• yytext is a nullterminated string containing the text of the lexeme which was last recognized as a token. This global variable is declared and managed in the lex.yy.c file. Do not modify its contents. The buffer is overwritten with each subsequent token.
• yyleng is an integer holding the length of the lexeme stored in yytext. This global variable is declared and managed in the lex.yy.c file.
• yylval is the global variable used to store attributes about the token, e.g. for an integer lexeme it might store the value, for a string literal, the pointer to its characters and so on.
• yylloc is the global variable that is used to store the location (line and column) of the token.
2 Example
This is the example we discussed in the class. The task is to identify the follwoing English verbs (tokens). is am are was were go.
/∗ very simple∗/
[ t ]+ /∗ ignore white space ∗/; is |am| are | was | were | go { printf(”%s : is a verb ” , yytext ); }
[a−zA−Z]+ { printf(”%s : is not a verb ” , yytext );}
.| n {ECHO; /∗ normal default anyway ∗/ }
{ yylex ();
3 Exercise
• Write a lexical analyzer that counts the different types of lines that contains code, that just contain comments, or are blank.
• Extend the above analyzer to count braces, keywords etc.


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