CS3210 – Assignment 1 Solved

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Parallel Implementation of Game of Invasions
Learning Outcomes
This assignment aims to provide an introduction to parallel programming with shared memory paradigms (pthreads and OpenMP). We hope it reinforces your understanding of the process of parallelizing a sequential algorithm and gives a fun and satisfying introduction to parallel programming.
1 Problem Scenario
In this assignment, you will parallelize a modified version of Conway’s Game of Life called Game of Invasions. The first section introduces the problem, the program specifications and the starter code. The second section addresses administrative issues for your submission.
Notagain is a flat two-dimensional world where life evolves from generation to generation according to a set of rules. Every so often, Notagain gets invaded by hostile aliens who then take up residence there (if their invasion succeeds), possibly with an uneasy truce or occasional fighting among the different factions. After a while, the surviving residents get invaded by other hostile aliens and the game of invasions continues.
1.1 Simulating the Game of Invasions
A simulation consists of zero or more generations (world states). A generation can be represented with an N x M rectangular grid where each grid cell in the world is either dead or contains exactly one lifeform. Each lifeform belongs to one of nine different factions (numbered 1–9), and every faction is hostile to every other faction. A friendly neighbor is one from the same faction. Likewise, a hostile neighbor is one from a different faction.
1.1.1 Rules
Table 1 shows the rules of the game. The rules are applied at generation G +1 for each cell considering the state of the cell and neighbours at generation G. At most one rule can be applied, as the rules are
Rule Description

Underpopulation If a live cell has fewer than 2 friendly neighbors (i.e. from the same faction) and no hostile neighbors, then it will die from underpopulation.
Overpopulation If a live cell has at least 4 friendly neighbors and no hostile neighbors, then it will die from overpopulation (too much friendship is also unhealthy).
Survival If a live cell has 2 or 3 friendly neighbors and no hostile neighbors, it will live on to the next generation.
Reproduction If a dead cell has exactly 3 neighbors of the same faction, it will become alive in the next generation. If multiple factions contend to reproduce in the same cell, the higher numbered faction wins.
Fighting If a live cell has at least 1 hostile neighbor, then it will die from fighting.
Table 1: Rules of Game of Invasions
mutually exclusive. If you use the sample implementation provided, you should not have issues related to the correctness of the game evolution.
1.1.2 Invasions
When determining generation G +1, a cell in generation G that is to be invaded in generation G +1 will interact as per normal with its neighbors and then the invader will land. In other words, an invader landing is the final thing that happens when determining a new world state.
1.1.3 Death Toll
• died because an invader landed on them — even those of the same faction
1.1.4 Examples
Rule Generation G Generation G +1
2 1
Over Population
1 1
1 1
Survival 1 1
1 1
1 1

1 1
Reproduction Tie-breaker

2 2 2
1 1 1
2 2 2
1 1 1
Survival + Reproduction
1 1
Table 2: Examples of Applying the Rules
The example in Table 4 shows a simulation of a 7×7 world for five new generations after the starting generation, with an invasion taking place as specified below. At generation 2, the invaders shown in Table 3 will land.

Table 3: Invasion at generation 2 in the Game of Invasions Example
0 1

Generation 2 Generation 3

1 3 3 3
1 1
3 3 2 2
3 3 2 2

1 3
1 3
2 2
3 3 2 2

Generation 4 Generation 5

Generation Generation
Table 4: Game of Invasions Example
1.2 Inputs and Outputs
Your program should accept three command-line arguments.
• The third command-line argument represents the number of threads used in your OpenMP/threads implementations. Varying this argument should allow running these implementations with different numbers of threads. In the provided sequential implementation, this command-line argument is ignored. The input file strictly follows the structure shown below:
• N_GENERATIONS: number of new generations to be simulated. This does not count generation 0: the starting world. If N_ITERATIONS = 10, then 10 new world states will be generated. 0≤N_GENERATIONS≤
• N_ROWS: number of rows in the 2D world. 1≤N_ROWS≤1,000,000
• M_COLS: number of columns in the 2D world. 1≤M_COLS≤1,000,000
• STARTING WORLD: the layout of generation 0 (must be N_ROWS×M_COLS). Columns are separated by spaces; rows are separated by newlines.
• N_INVASIONS: number of invasions in the simulation. 0≤N_INVASIONS≤1,000
• N_INVASIONS repetitions of the following (sorted in ascending order by INVASION_TIME):
– INVASION_TIMEi: the generation number that the ith invasion will land at. 1≤INVASION_TIMEi ≤ N_GENERATIONS, where each value INVASION_TIMEi is distinct
– INVASION_PLANi: basically a world layout (N_ROWS×M_COLS) with a 0 at each cell where nothing is landing and a value from 1 to 9 inclusive (corresponding to the faction of the lifeform) where something is landing
Your output file should strictly follow the structure shown below:
For clarity, your output should strictly follow these rules:
• There should be no whitespace characters (space, newline, tab, etc.) before or after this integer
• Output to the file specified by the second command-line parameter (not standard output)
Sample Program Execution $ ./goi small_input.in death_toll.out 1
Sample Input File
1 1 0 0 0 2 2
1 0 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 4
3 3 0 0 0 4 4
0 0 0 0 3 3 0
0 0 0 0 3 3 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 9 0 0 0 0 0
9 9 0 0 0 0 0
Explanation of the Input File
This means simulate 10 iterations of a 7×7 world with the starting state
1 1 0 0 0 2 2
1 0 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 4
3 3 0 0 0 4 4
There will be 2 invasions. The first invasion, landing at generation 3 is
0 0 0 0 3 3 0
0 0 0 0 3 3 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The second invasion, landing at generation 6 is
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 9 0 0 0 0 0
9 9 0 0 0 0 0
Sample Output File
1.3 Starter Code
We provide a sequential implementation of Game of Invasions in the starter code. It is a (hopefully) straightforward C implementation of the rules and requirements specified above. A few implementation details to note:
• Generations (world states) are laid out in contiguous memory
• Facilities for visualizing the world states are provided, and controlled via preprocessor flags in settings.h
The code structure is shown in Table 5.
1.3.1 GOI Visualizer
We provide a separate application, goi_visualizer to view your simulation. The visualizer is meant to be run on your local machine (because it has a graphical display). You can find the visualizer here. If updates and changes are needed, the visualizer will receive a new version number.
For those interested, goi_visualizer reads in lines of JSON where each line is a world state so you could make it display anything that follows the input format.
If you experience compatibility issues or have any feedback/suggestions, email Benedict (benedictkhoo.mw@u.nus.edu).
Files/Folders Description
main.c This is the entry point of the program. It handles command-line arguments, file opening/closing, input parsing and output writing.
goi.c goi.h These files constitute the main logic of the simulation, and where we expect most or all of your modifications to take place.
exporter.c exporter.h These files contain the library we wrote to export world states to a format that the GOI visualizer can understand (explained in the following section).
settings.h This file contains two preprocessor directives for your convenience. These are toggles for printing world states out and exporting world states for the GOI visualizer, and are there to facilitate debugging.
Makefile Allows you to compile the sequential code provided using make build.
check_zip.sh Script to check that your archive follows the required structure.
sb/ This folder contains code for a string builder library imported to implement the exporter module. You probably will not need to use this.
Do not modify the contents of this folder. The same rules apply as in exporter.c.
Table 5: Code Structure
1.4 Your Task
Your task is to implement parallel versions of Game of Invasions using pthreads and OpenMP in C/C++. You need not use the sequential implementation given, but you are recommended to. Your parallel implementations should be bug-free, have no memory leaks and should run faster than your OpenMP implementation running one thread (assuming no artificial slowdowns) on the lab machines (otherwise there is no point parallelizing it). Apart from these programs, you will need to conduct some performance measurements and write a report. You are allowed to modify the provided sequential implementation as long as the correctness of the output result is maintained.
Your parallel implementations should give the same result (output) as the provided sequentialimplementation, and execute faster on the lab machines.
1.5 Optimizing your Solution
You should demonstrate your parallel implementation scales with increasing input size (Notagain world size) and number of threads. To analyze the improvements in performance, you should measure the execution time for carefully chosen input sizes with an increasing number of threads.
Distinguish any alternative implementations you include in your submission clearly from the final parallel implementations to be graded.
2 Admin Issues
2.1 Running your Programs
Your code should successfully compile and run on the lab machines. Run your program(s) with varied input sizes (world size) and number of threads used. You should select sizes that have meaningful execution times when solved by the provided sequential implementation. You might investigate further how the number of cores impacts the execution time. Use different different lab machines or vary the number of cores used for execution.
For performance measurements, run your program at least 3 times and take the shortest execution time. You should use the machines in the lab for your measurements:
• soctf-pdc-001 – soctf-pdc-008: (Xeon Silver 4114)
• soctf-pdc-009 – soctf-pdc-016: (Intel Core i7-7700K)
• soctf-pdc-018 – soctf-pdc-019: (Dual-socket Xeon Silver 4114)
• soctf-pdc-020 – soctf-pdc-021: (Intel Core i7-9700)
To view the usage of the lab machines, you can use this Telegram bot: @cs3210_machine_bot. Simply type /start to get a real time status update for all machines.
When computing the speedup of your parallel implementations, compute it against your OpenMP implementation running with one thread.
Avoid using the lab machines for your development. Use the lab machines only for your performance measurements once your code is working correctly.
2.2 Bonus
• up to 2 bonus marks for speedup contest: for achieving the best speedup among all OpenMP submissions. We will assign in total 8 bonus marks to the class, two marks for obtaining the best speedup on each type of lab machine (listed above). If an implementation tops on multiple machines only two bonus marks will be allocated to the student(s), and we will consider the next best speedup. Partial marks can be obtained for the second and third best on each machine.
• up to 1 bonus mark for your performance analysis approach: for using a clear, simple, yet comprehensive approach in your performance analysis. You need to analyze the execution time for carefully chosen input sizes with an increasing number of threads and hardware capabilities. Furthermore, you might have a comparison among different methods of parallelization used for this problem. Feel free to further investigate the impact on performance of different scheduling policies in OpenMP, and work distribution (chunk size). Extracting and presenting interesting insights from your measurements can be awarded bonus marks.
2.3 FAQ
If there are any questions regarding the assignment, please post on the LumiNUS forum or email Benedict (benedictkhoo.mw@u.nus.edu) or Brian (e0310531@u.nus.edu).
• 3 marks – pthreads implementation (goi_threads.c)
• 3 marks – OpenMP implementation (goi_omp.c) and a Makefile that compiles all your implementations when calling make build
• 1 marks – the test cases that can be used to reproduce the results from your report
• 5 marks – a report that includes a performance comparison between the sequential and parallel implementations.
Your OpenMP/threads implementations should:
• Give the same result (output) as the provided sequential implementation
• Have no memory leaks
• Run faster than your OpenMP implementation running one thread on the lab machines. Specifically, to obtain full marks for the performance part of the implementations, both your implementations should achieve a speedup of at least 2x when running with at least 8 threads (on a machine with at least 8 cores), for a world size of 50×60 and 1,000,000 steps. (example input sample6.in, but another test case will be used for grading).
Your report should include:
• A brief description of your program’s design and implementation assumptions, if any.
• A brief explanation of the parallel strategy you used in your OpenMP implementation, e.g. synchronisation, work distribution, etc. If you used multiple methods to parallelize, briefly explain the reasons for choosing a specific method.
• Any special consideration or implementation detail that you consider non-trivial.
• Details on how to reproduce your results, e.g. inputs, execution time measurement, etc.
• Execution time and speedup measurements of your OpenMP implementation running one thread vs your parallel implementations. Vary input size and the number of threads, etc. State your assumptions and mention the lab machine (hostnames) that you have used in your experiments.
• In your report, present and explain your insights for at least the following things: graphs showing the execution time (y-axis) variation with input size, number of threads (x-axis) (fixed input size). You can vary the number of threads from 1 to 64. Feel free to add any other graphs or insights that you find. Tips:

• There could be many variables that contribute to performance, and studying every combination could be highly impractical and time-consuming. A report that investigates two or three variables sensibly, with explanations as to why these variables might affect performance (and are worth investigating) is better than a report that blindly tries every combination of variables. You will be graded more on the quality of your investigations, not so much on the quantity of things tried or even whether your hypothesis turned out to be correct.
There is no minimum or maximum page length for the report. Be comprehensive, yet concise.

1. Your C/C++ code for goi_threads.c and goi_omp.c and any source or header files needed to build them. Include your improved sequential implementation, if any (goi_seq.c).
2. Makefile with a recipe named build that builds all your implementations exactly as you intend them to be graded for correctness/performance. Also remember to remove unnecessary print/export statements if you think they will affect correctness/performance. The executable names produced should be goi_threads and goi_omp. Be sure to include everything in your submission needed such that when make build is run on the lab machines, both goi_threads and goi_omp are built without issue.
3. Report in PDF format (A0123456Z_A0173456T_report.pdf or A0123456Z_report.pdf).
4. A folder, named testcases, containing any additional test cases (input and output) that you might have used.
5. An optional folder, named scripts, containing any additional scripts you used to measure the execution time and extract data for your report.
Once you have the zip file, you will be able to check it by doing:
$ chmod +x ./check_zip.sh
$ ./check_zip.sh A0123456Z_A0173456T.zip (replace with your zip file name) During execution, the script prints if the checks have been successfully conducted, and which checks failed. Successfully passing the checks ensures that we can grade your assignment. You will receive 0.5% simply for having a valid submission file!


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