CS330 – Assignment 2 Solved

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CS330: Operating Systems
1 Introduction
As part of this assignment, you will be implementing system calls in a teaching OS (gemOS), some of which you became familiar during Assignment-1. We will be using a minimal OS called gemOS to implement these system calls and provide system call APIs to the user space. The gemOS source can be found in the src directory. This source provides the OS source code and the user space process (i.e., init process) code (in src/user directory).
gemOS is a teaching operating system. Typically OS boots on a hardware (bare metal or virtual). We will be using gem5 (http://gem5.org/Main Page), an open source architectural simulator to boot gemOS. An architectural simulator simulates the hardware in software. In other words, all the hardware functionalities are implemented in software using some programming language. For example, Gem5 simulator implements architectural elements for different architectures like ARM, X86, MIPS etc. Advantages of using software simulators for OS development are,
• Internal hardware state and operations at different components (e.g., decoder, cache etc.) can be profiled to better understand the hardware-software interfacing.
• Hardware can be modified for several purposes—make it simpler, understand implications of hardware changes on software design etc.
• Bugs during OS development can be better understood by debugging both hardware code and the OS code.
The getting started guide helps you to setup Gem5 and execute gemOS on it. You can refer to this online tutorial to know more about gem5.
You need to setup gem5 by following the instructions (Step-0) mentioned in Section 2. We suggest to complete Step-0 immediately to have a working gem5 simulator to start with the assignment. Step-0 also helps you to understand how to boot gemOS binary in gem5. You can build the gemOS source provided in the src directory to test the working.
The assignment is divided into five tasks. The implementation of system calls for each task should be POSIX compliant. Which means, you need to read the man pages of each of corresponding system calls to know about their exact behavior. Testing procedure and submission guidelines are mentioned at the end of the document.
2 Step-0: Getting Ready
This section explains the setup procedure of gem5. Further, it explains the process to build and execute gemOS on gem5 platform and access the terminal to see the messages printed by the gemOS.
2.1 Preparing Gem5 simulator
System pre-requisites
• Git
• gcc 4.8+
• python 2.7+
• SCons
• protobuf 2.1+
On Ubuntu install the packages by executing the following command.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git m4 scons zlib1g zlib1g-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev python-dev python automake
Gem5 installation
Clone the gem5 repository from https://gem5.googlesource.com/public/gem5.
$ git clone https://gem5.googlesource.com/public/gem5 Change the current directory to gem5 and build it with scons:
$ cd gem5
$ scons build/X86/gem5.opt -j9
In place of 9 in [-j9], you can use a number equal to available cores in your system plus one. For example, if your system have 4 cores, then substitute -j9 with -j5. For first time it will take around 10 to 30 minutes depending on your system configuration. After a successful Gem5 build, test it using the following command,
$ build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/se.py –cmd=tests/test-progs/hello/bin/x86/linux/hello
The output should be as follows,
/home/user/workspace/gem5/configs/common/CacheConfig.py:50: SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level def config_cache(options, system):
0: system.remote_gdb: listening for remote gdb on port 7000
**** REAL SIMULATION **** info: Entering event queue @ 0. Starting simulation…..
Hello world!
Exiting @ tick 5941500 because exiting with last active thread context
2.2 Booting gemOS using Gem5
Gem5 execute in two modes—system call emulation (SE) mode and full system (FS) simulation mode. The example shown in the previous section, was a SE mode simulation of Gem5 to execute an application. As we want to execute an OS, Gem5 should be executed in FS mode. There are some initial setup to do before we can execute gemOS using Gem5 FS mode. To run OS in full-system mode, where we are required to simulate the hardware in detail, we need to provide the following files,
• gemOS.kernel: OS binary built from the gemOS source.
• gemOS.img: root disk image
• swap.img: swap disk image
Gem5 is required to be properly configured to execute the gemOS kernel. The configuration requires changing some existing configuration files (in gem5 directory) as follows,
• Edit the configs/common/FSConfig.py file to modify the makeX86System function where the value of disk2.childImage is modified to (disk(’swap.img’)).
• Edit the configs/common/Benchmarks.py file to update it as follows,
elif buildEnv[’TARGET_ISA’] == ’x86’:
return env.get(’LINUX_IMAGE’, disk(’gemOS.img’))
Create a directory named gemos in gem5 directory and populate it as follows,
/home/user/gem5$ mkdir gemos
/home/user/gem5$ cd gemos
/home/user/gem5/gemos$ mkdir disks; mkdir binaries
/home/user/gem5/gemos$ dd if=/dev/zero of=disks/gemOS.img bs=1M count=128
/home/user/gem5/gemos$ dd if=/dev/zero of=disks/swap.img bs=1M count=32
For the time being, you can use gemOS.kernel provided with the assignment (can be found in src directory). Copy the gemOS.kernel to gemos/binaries directory.
We need to set the M5 PATH environment variable to the gemos directory path as follows,
/home/user/gem5$ export M5 PATH=/home/user/gem5/gemos Now, we are ready to boot GemOS.
gem5$ build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/fs.py
–kernel=/home/user/gem5/gemos/binaries/gemOS.kernel –mem-size=2048MB gem5 output will look as follows,
gem5 executing on kparun-BM1AF-BP1AF-BM6AF, pid 28942
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/fs.py –kernel=/home/kparun/gem5/gemos/binaries/gemOS.kernel –mem-size=2048MB
**** REAL SIMULATION **** info: Entering event queue @ 0. Starting simulation… warn: Don’t know what interrupt to clear for console.
Execute the following command in another terminal window to access the gemOS console
/home/user$ telnet localhost 3456
At this point, you should be able to see the gemOS shell.
2.3 How to build gemOS
To build gemOS.kernel, you need to run make inside src folder. After that you need to copy gemOS.kernel binary to gemos/binaries directory. This step is necessary every time you build the gemOS and want to test it. After copying gemOS.kernel, run
gem5$ build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/fs.py
–kernel=/home/user/gem5/gemos/binaries/gemOS.kernel –mem-size=2048MB Open a terminal window as before and access the console using the following command, /home/user$ telnet localhost 3456.
2.4 How to test your Implementation
In the GemOS# terminal (accessed using the telnet command as shown above), you can type init to execute the user space process i.e, init. The user space code is available in src/user/init.c. Three user space files are used to implement the user space logic. They are
init.c: Implements the first user space process which can invoke fork() to create more processes. Note that, there is no exec system call yet in the version provided to you. For changing the user space logic, you are required to modify only init.c.
lib.c: Implements system call wrappers and provide different user space libraries (e.g., printf). Note that you do not modify this file.
lib.c: Provides declarations of macros and functions. Note that you do not modify this file.
You need to write your test cases in init.c to validate your implementation. The sample test-cases (in src/user/test cases/testcase*.c) can be copied into init.c to make use of them. If your implementation is correct, the output of executing test cases should match the expected output provided in src/user/test cases/testcase*.output. The user and kernel code are compiled into a single binary file, i.e., gemOS.kernel when built using make from the src directory.
The real assignment
The process control block (PCB) is implemented using a structure named exec context defined in src/include/context.h. One of the important member of exec context for this assignment is an array of struct file (declared in include/file.h) named as files. This is the file descriptor table where the index of the array (in files) corresponds to the file descriptor. For example, files[0] represents the file descriptor 0 and points to the file object for the standard input (STDIN). You are required to manipulate the files structure and provide appropriate logic for the file object to implements the assignment. The template code provides detailed documentation for understanding the tasks further. Note that, there are several function pointers in struct file which can be implemented to provide file system functionalities as we discuss further.
3 Task-1: Basic file operations (20 Marks)
List of Syscalls to Implement
• int open(const char *pathname, int flags,int mode)
• int read(int fd, void *buf, int count)
• int write(int fd, const void *buf,int count)
3.1 open
To implement open system call, you are required to provide implementation for the template function do regular file open (in file.c) which takes the current context, filename, flags and mode as arguments. Open call can be used to open an existing file or create a new one by passing the O CREAT flag as per the POSIX semantics. For regular files, an underlying inode is provided through the FS APIs which you are required to invoke.
While creating a file, the first step is to get an inode from the underlying FS (File System) layer by invoking create inode (implemented in fs.c). The signature of create inode is as follows,
struct inode *create inode (char *filename, u64 mode)
where filename and mode should be same as it is passed to the do regular file open function. The mode can take O READ, O WRITE, O EXEC values which corresponds to Read, Writ and Execute permissions (passed by the user). Permission check is performed on read/write access based on mode value, i.e., write call on a file which is created with O READ mode should return an EACCES error.
Now let us look at the second scenario of opening an existing file. The first step here is look up the inode corresponding to the filename from the underlying FS layer by invoking lookup inode (in fs.c). The signature of lookup inode is struct inode* lookup inode(char *filename).
A valid inode is returned on success (NULL on error) and you need to ensure that the access flags mentioned in open are compatible with the mode in which file was created. After getting the inode from the FS layer, you need to find a free file descriptor, allocate a file object (using alloc file method in file.c) and fill-in the fields of corresponding struct file object which is pointed to by files (in context.h) field of current execution context. Here you need to look for a free position in files array starting from index 3. Index positions 0, 1, 2 corresponds to stdin, stdout, stderr. You need to implement do regular read, do regular write and std close functions and assign them to read, write and close function pointers of struct fileops by accessing fops field in the struct file. As last step of open call, you need to return the file descriptor which is returned back to the user and used for subsequent file operations.
The implementation of file objects and operations for STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR are already provided to help you with the understanding of the task.
3.2 read
where, buf and count are the user buffer and count, respectively, passed to do read regular from the read system call handler. The above function returns the number of bytes read from the underlying file. Read implementation for STDIN, do read kbd, is provided in file.c as an illustration.
3.3 write
where, buf and count are the user buffer and count, respectively, passed to do write regular from the read system call handler. The above function returns the number of bytes written to the underlying file. Write implementation for stdout/stderr, do write console, is provided in file.c.
• You are required to modify only file.c.
• Sample test case and expected output for this task are in src/user/test cases/testcase1.c and src/user/test cases/testcase1.output, respectively.
• Refer to the section detailing the test procedure to know about the limits and assumptions related to this task.
4 Task-2: More file operations (15 Marks)
List of Syscalls to implement
• int dup(int oldfd)
• int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd)
• long lseek(int fd, long offset, int whence)
4.1 dup
You have to implement fd dup function (in file.c). It takes current execution context and oldfd as arguments. You need to return error codes (in entry.h) based on the error conditions as explained in the section detailing the error codes.
4.2 dup2
You have to implement fd dup2 function (in file.c). It takes current execution context, oldfd and newfd. Before making newfd as a copy of oldfd, you need to close newfd if it is open.
4.3 lseek
You need to implement do lseek regular (in file.c). It takes pointer to struct file, offset and whence as arguments. You need to implement the functionality for three whence options SEEK SET, SEEK CUR, SEEK END (in file.h). You need to return error codes (in entry.h) based on the error conditions. Note that, if lseek results in taking the file offset beyond the file end, you need to return error code −EINVAL.
• You are required to modify only file.c.
• Sample test case and expected output for this task are in src/user/test cases/testcase2.c and src/user/test cases/testcase2.output, respectively.
• Refer to the section detailing the test procedure to know about the limits and assumptions related to this task.
5 Task-3: Pipe it! (15 Marks)
List of Syscalls to implement
• int pipe(int fd[2])
5.1 pipe
• You are required to modify only pipe.c.
• Sample test case and expected output for this task are in src/user/test cases/testcase3.c and src/user/test cases/testcase3.output, respectively.
• Refer to the section detailing the test procedure to know about the limits and assumptions related to this task.
6 Task-4: Handling close(), fork() and exit()
(10 Marks)
List of functionalities to implement
• System call int close(fd)
• Handler for process exit void do file exit(struct exec context *ctx in file.c
• Handler for process creation through fork void do file fork(struct exec context *child in file.c
Details on Implementation
• You are required to modify only file.c.
• Sample test case and expected output for this task are in src/user/test cases/testcase4.c and src/user/test cases/testcase4.output, respectively.
• Refer to the section detailing the test procedure to know about the limits and assumptions related to this task.
7 Task-5: Putting it all together!(40 Marks)
As part of this task, your implementation will be tested for all syscall APIs that you have implemented in Task 1-4. You need to verify that your implementation works in a holistic manner.
If you have got everything correct, Bravo!
• Sample test case and expected output for this task are in src/user/test cases/testcase5.c and src/user/test cases/testcase5.output, respectively.
• Refer to the section detailing the test procedure to know about the limits and assumptions related to this task.
Error codes
You should only use following error codes to mention error conditions. All these error codes should be negated before returning (Example: EINVAL should be returned as -EINVAL).
• EINVAL(Invalid Argument) It should be used in-case of invalid argument such as filename does not exist, invalid file descriptor, accessing closed file or pipe.
• EACCES(Invalid Access) It should be used in-case of invalid access such as writing to read-only file or pipe etc
• ENOMEM(No Memory) It should be used if memory allocation function used to allocate file, pipe info fails.
• EOTHERS(Others) In case of any other errors which is not specified above use EOTHERS.
Test Procedure
We have provided you with five test cases(test cases folder) to test Tasks 1-5. Apart from Task-5, We will be testing each Task individually and won’t be mixing it up with other Tasks. We will be following below assumptions when we are testing your code. So lets go thorough all the assumptions
• There will be at-most four process that will be running at any point of time. No need to fork more than 4 process.
• There can be at-most 16 files of each 4KB size at any point of time.
• There can be at-most 16 file descriptor which can be created using dup or dup2 system calls.
• The max length of pipe buffer will be 4KB. We wont read or write more than 4KB into the pipe.
• We will be testing the error conditions using standard error codes which is specified above. Don’t forget to negate the error code before returning.
• Don’t try to create or allocate memory by yourself. Try to use the specified function.
In-case of any issues reach out to us.
• Don’t modify any other function or file. We will be evaluating the changes in the files (file.c and pipe.c)
• You need not worry about concurrency as all accesses are guaranteed to be performed from a single process.
Submission guidelines
The assignment is to be done individually. You have to submit only two files(file.c and pipe.c). Put these two files in a directory named as your roll number. Create a zip archive of the directory and upload in canvas. Don’t modify any other files. We will not consider any file other than file.c and pipe.c for evaluation. In-case any issues you should reach out to us at the earliest. All the best!


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