CS3339 – LAB 3 (Solution)

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Password Cracking
In this lab we will be cracking passwords. You will be given a list of password hashes and you must determine the corresponding plain text password for each hash. All of the hashes in this lab were hashed using SHA256.

You must write your own password cracker to use.
It can be done in whatever language you feel comfortable with ( I suggest Python)

Types of passwords to look for
● English words (with both lowercase and uppercase letters)
○ Eggplant, waterfall, kAngaRoO
○ computerScreen, FootballHead, bluecactus
● Common passwords
● Random strings (up to 6 characters)
● Long english words (11 – 26 characters)
● English words with trailing numbers and symbols ( up to 4)
○ nerd123!
● English words with letters replaced
○ 1337 h@ck0r

● Your password cracking program source code
● A README for compiling/running your program
● A file named passwords.txt which should contain all of the passwords that you have found and their corresponding hashes in the following format. If a password it not found, just include the hash followed by a blank.

<hash>:<password> <hash>:

● All deliverables should be uploaded to canvas

Grade: 50 points for the program, 50 points for passwords (1 point per password)


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