CS351 – Solved

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1 Hadoop Assignment
• Python 2/3
• Unix command-line tools like cd, sort
• Basic knowledge of piping, ex: ls | grep name
• Working installation of Hadoop1

In this assignment we shall make use of the Hadoop streaming api to write our map reduce code. Hadoop Streaming uses Unix standard streams as the interface between Hadoop and your program, so you can use any language that can read standard input and write to standard output to write your MapReduce program. However, we shall use Python for this assignment. All we need to do is write a script for the mapper and reducer, and hadoop will take care of the rest.
First, we shall simulate the behaviour of a map reduce program using simple unix commands to understand how the mapper and reducer works in Section 2.1.
2.1 Map Reduce Simulation

For this simulation we shall do a simple word count. The problem statement is: Given a text file (https://norvig.com/big.txt), get the count of every word in it. Now, the first order of business is to write the mapper.
2.1.1 Word Count Mapper

The job of the mapper is simple, read lines from stdin and spit out the key value pairs to stdout . Write a python script for the same. An example of expected output from the input is given in Table 2.1.1. Make sure to include the python shebang in your scripts and chmod +x yourscript.py . Test your script by running catinputfile | ./mapper.py

hello world Input File testing testing

hello Mapper Output

world,1 testing,1

Table 1: Mapper Example
1Hadoop Installation Guide for Ubuntu 16.04: https://tinyurl.com/hhe9f4f

2.1.2 Word Count Reducer

The next task is to write the script for the reducer. The reducer job is to take the output of the mapper and spit out the final count of every word to stdout . We will simulate the sorting phase of the hadoop frame work with sort com- mand, so that all the same words are ordered together. Test your script by catinputfile | ./mapper.py | sort -t ‘,’-k1 | ./reducer.py

Mapper Output hello,1 Reducer Output sort
hello,1 hello,1 hello,2 world,1 testing,1 world,1 testing,1 testing,1 testing,2 testing,1 world,1
Table 2: Reducer Example


# input comes from STDIN (standard input)
# remove leading and trailing whitespace
line=line.strip() # split the line into words
words=line.split() # increase counters forwordinwords:
# write the results to STDOUT (standard output);
# what we output here will be the input for the #
Reduce step, i.e. the input for reducer.py
# comma delimited; the trivial word count is 1 print(f'{word},1′)

#!/usr/bin/env python

current_word=None current_count=0

#This loop will only work when the input #to the script is sorted forlineinsys.stdin:
#read line and split by comma
#recall, we used comma as delimiter in mapper

#get the key and val, in this case #word is the key and count is the val

ifcurrent_word==None: #initialie current_word=word current_count=count
elifcurrent_word==word: #increment the count
current_count+=count else:
#spit current word and
print(f'{current_word},{current_count}’) current_word=word current_count=count

#spit last word print(f'{current_word},{count}’)

2.1.3 Run it in Hadoop

Now that we have written our mapper and reducer, we are ready to execute our program in Hadoop.
hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-*.jar
-input path/to/inputfile
-output path/to/outputdir
-mapper path/to/mapper.py
-reducer reducer.py

2.2 Hadoop Assignment

Now that you have learnt how a basic map reduce program works, solve the following.

1. Implement a map reduce program to find all distinct words in the file. Per- form data cleaning in the mapper such that all punctuation are removed and all words are lowercased.
inputfile Map Reduce output
Hello World! Apache hadoop. apache spark. apache hadoop hello

spark world
Table 3: Distinct Words MR example
2. Extend the word count example to include a combiner. Simply use -combiner combiner.py option.

6.3,2.7,4.9,1.8,Iris-virginica Table 4: Candidate Points

Ready to use Dockerfile to create an image with Hadoop already set up. or you can use the steps to set up hadoop on your own machine. Save the following as in a file named Dockerfile, and run sudo docker build .

apt-get update apt-get install default-jdk wget -y aptget install python3 -y wget http://mirrors.estointernet.in/apache/hadoop/common/hadoop-2.10.0/hadoop-2.10.0.tar.gz
tar -xzvf hadoop-2.10.0.tar.gz
ENVJAVA_HOME $(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed “s:bin/java::”) RUNmv hadoop-2.10.0 /usr/local/hadoop ENVPATH /usr/local/hadoop/bin:$PATH rm -rf hadoop-2*



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