CS370 – Programming Assignment 1 (Solution)

$ 20.99


INPUT: Disk file – line sequential (Record length of 60) – PR1F14.TXT

1-5 Catalog number AN
6-25 Item description AN
26-30 Unit Purchase Price N 2 dec pl
37-40 Quantity on hand – beginning of week N
41-44 Quantity on order N
45-48 Reorder Point N
49-52 Quantity received during week N
53-56 Quantity sold during week N
57-60 Quantity returned during week N


The report must contain the following information for each item of questionable value: catalog number, item description, purchase price, quantity in stock (on hand + returns+ received – sold), stock value (purchase price * quantity in stock), and the reason for the current status (no sales or too many returns).

DO NOT list catalog items that are selling well i.e. do not meet the previous criteria. The end of the report should specify the total value of only the questionable items.

OUTPUT: Follow Printer Spacing Chart


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